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Red Handed, by Dahlia

Fan Fiction Main
Short Stories
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Elijah had made banana bread and told Daniel not to touch it.

The smell was overwhelming and Dan stared longingly at the plump, golden-yellow loaf, practically smiling over the top of the glass pan.

Elijah had been in a baking frenzy; they were expecting company and he wanted to prepare a feast. After Daniel had indifferently noted that banana bread was the ideal Gay Pride sweet, Elijah had snatched his hand around the bouquet of brown-spotted fruit and unearthed a tattered copy of The Joy of Cooking.

It wasn't until he left to buy more eggs, that Dan really noticed how much he wanted a piece.

He took out a knife and expertly sliced away a corner. So there was a hole. Oh well. He touched the soft flesh and yelped -- Stupid! Of course it won't be room temperature, it's been in an oven set at 350 degrees for the past hour! He sucks his burned finger and glares at the piece with amounting hunger. He tears off a bit and pops it into his mouth -- tongue, burning, fire, water, needed.


"AHA!" Elijah has returned without Dan's knowledge. He snakes his fingers around Dan's wrist and glares, his eyes sparkling maniacally. "I knew I couldn't trust you."

"h'oo ho'h!"

"What? Your mouth's full."


Elijah grins and tears off some of Dan's confiscated gold. He tests it on his tongue and gulps it quickly. "I imagine it was."