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Name: Dahlia

Age: 16


Favorites Books: The Jungle Book, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Gone with the Wind, and Ariel by Sylvia Plath.

Movie: My Fair Lady & Les Miserables

TV Show: Malcom In The Middle

Hobbies: Acting, laughing, drinking tea, smelling roses, making pomander balls, studying French.

Favorite character in LotR: Eowyn and Gandalf.

All time best LotR/Actor fic you've ever read: Maya by V

Can you remember the VERY FIRST fan fic you ever read? A Harry Potter/Hagrid fic I stumbled onto by accident.

What's the first fic you ever wrote? That's classified information.

FanFiction.Net penname: Don't have one.

If I were a LotR creature I would a.... Unicorn.

Isabel and Diz's Highly Significant New Author's Survey

When you die and go to heaven, if there is a heaven, what do you want to hear God say to you when you get there?

"Bhudda's on his lunch break."

What's your favorite insult of all time? Calling someone a member of the Polish mafia.

What is the personal motto by which you live your life? "If you're still wearing your underwear, it's okay."

What's your favorite Ben & Jerry flavor? Chunky Monkey

What's your favorite invented porn magazine? In and Out -- Gay Hardcore Porn

What will you name your first child/living-organism-that-you-can-freely-name-above-the-age-of-eighteen? Beterli

What is the most hilarious curse word/phrase invented by humans? Fuckin' a!

What will your stripper name be? Desere Fringe

What's the funniest band name you can come up with? Shastafarians

Office Depot or Office Max? - Honestly, they both suck. I like Paper Zone.

Is OJ innocent or guilty, and does it even matter? Of course it fucking matters! He's guilty as the day is long, and I resent that bitch jury for letting a criminal back on the streets to make more Leslie Neilson movies!

The answer is 42, what's the question? How old am I really?

Stories by Dahlia

How to Fuck a Mermaid
Undressing Rooms
Red Handed