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Visit my Camp Photo Gallery.

Yes, they are pixelly, i realize this. if anyone has any ideas on what type of file to make my pictures so they don't go pixelly or fuzzy, please, enlighten me, it would be much appreciated.

This picture was from my "confirmation party." yay god. i just like the picture. from left to right: lisa looking stoned, me sitting on everyone, sarah looking scared and nicole with her feet.

I like this picture a lot, except for Brian cause i can never get good pictures of him for some reason. go figure. well, from left to right: nicole, sarah, me, and the infamous brian.

I think this is my mom's favorite picture of me. she says i look "happy." ummm, okay, that's because i was happy. it's from my birthday party thingy when we went to see the anime festival. i'm such a loser, lol ^^;. from left to right: my sister sarah, brian, me, nicole, and sarah.

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