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Who we are
Previous events
Northwood Mass Blockade (10/01/01)
Action material
Black Hawk Down premiere
Watford army presentation
Northwood Small Blockade (28/03/02)
Festival of alternatives
Army 2002
RAF concert
British warriors denounce war!
Northwood Mass Blockade 2 (jan 2003)
Upcoming events
Court cases
Legal briefing (PDF)


Nonviolent resistance to militarism

Obstruction for peace
Nonviolent direct action @ Northwood military joint forces headquarters
On december 10 2001 (Human rights day)

War represents a massive violation of human rights. Take action in opposition to militarism and violence.

We are organising a mass non violent anti-militarist direct action at Northwood military joint forces headquarters, London, UK on international human rights day, december 10, 2001

The event will be organised on a "afinity group" basis. We will provide legal support at the event, as well as a preparation and training meeting on december 1, 2001

If you want to come, please take a look at the guidelines beforehand, and if possible come to the preparation and training meeting.

Meet 7.30 AM Outside Northwood tube station.

Come and blockade Northwood military joint forces headquarters

If you can't join us, please consider organising an action at your local operational military base. Alternatively, send us a donation. Make 10 December a day against militarism!