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- Radu rises up from his sun bath.
- Anna discovers a car turned over on the road.
- The doctor promises his help to Michelle.
- Ash is pleased to see his master..I guess.
- My first taste of Bloodstorm (off of the Talisman video).
- Serena talks Ash into conspiring against his master.
- "What are you still doing in my movies?".
- Michelle to the rescue.
- You gotta love this one.
- Yes..I guess she is diabolical..or something.
- The swords rightful owner?.
- Ash and Serena make sure their plan comes to pass.


Radu - "I will amuse myself with your protege." (~49KB)

Radu - "And you should fear me too.........because I'm a monster" (~95KB)

Serena - "I am diabolical..aren't I..master?" (~65KB)

Ash - "The vampire slayer is..mine." (~71KB)


You need the RealAudio Player in order to listen to the music.

Music of the teaser on the Talisman home video.

Music during the closing credits.

Theme song for Full Moon's videozones.

Most of the music in these movies was created by Richard Kosinski.

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