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- the subspecies creature awakening for the first time on screen.
- King Vladislav's 15 seconds of fame.
- the three girls meet at the train station.
- Stefan takes the time to introduce himself.
- Radu watches from afar.
- and has fun with Stefan.
- Lillian is the first to turn.
- quickly followed by Mara.
- leaving Michelle lost and alone.


Radu - "I'm your first born..the Bloodstone is my birth right" (~71KB)

Lillian - "We studied medieval history together in school..we're smarter then we look" (~52KB)

Radu - "That's what you get for pretending you are human" (~57KB)

Karl - "..and this..for chopping off his head" (~36KB)

Michelle - "I don't want to be like him Stefan..make me like you" (~62KB)


You need the RealAudio Player in order to listen to the music.

Music during the closing credits.

Theme song for Full Moon's videozones.

Most of the music in these movies was created by Richard Kosinski.


You need the RealAudio Player in order watch these movies.

Trailer 28.8 56k

Another (older) trailer 28.8 56k

Or you can go here to download a great quality version (of which I made these real video versions of).

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Background © Albino Frog Software, Inc. {IMG - 11MB Free Web Hosting at XOOM!}