Author's Note: Ni Hao? (How are you?) I suck at giving previews. But I hope you'll like it anyways. so please review and tell me what you think! Bye. ::Waves goodbye with a smile:: -Ren (no, I’m a girl ren's just short for Renee) *heh* Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball... ^ - ~ but I own Dara, Kaiya, Yuiji and err... any non-DargonBall characters! =D

Forbidden Love Chapter one: Prologue / Returning home


"Frieza's dead!" A young Saiyajin shouted excitedly as he ran down the street and headed towards the city.

It was early in the morning and people were slowly getting up. Vegetasai had been in war with Frieza for about five years now and it had finally ended.

The Cold Empire was finally destroyed.

Kaiya stepped out of her little house and stood on the streets waiting. Males and Females Saiyajins was slowly coming back from the war and was flooding into the town. Many of which, lived in the city not too far away from her house. She was about eight months pregnant, and her stomach was round. A little boy about the age of four was clinging onto his mother's dress as they watched the people pass by.

"Do you think he'll come?" The little boy asked his mother.

Kaiya patted her son's head and said, "He'll come..."

As they watched the crowd of Saiyajins, they had seen familiar faces, which would flash them a smile as they walked by. After a while, less and less people was going threw they city, and then none. He have not yet arrived and once again they was left with only a small bit of hope.

"Maybe tomorrow..." Kaiya said as she turned around and headed towards their house with her son.


"Radditz...! Kaiya...!" A familiar voice yelled out as the little boy spun around and ran towards his father. Kaiya let go of the doorknob and slowly turned around. It has been eight months since she had seen her lover. Yes, lover. Kaiya stood there and smiled at him, and he bent down and hugged his son.

Bonding had been banded from Vegetasai, just because of the war. It would have been easy way to destroy, both Vegetasai and their people. Bonding was a two-way thing, and it connected your soul, body and mind into one. Killing a Saiyajin would leave a great deal of physical pain and emotional pain to the other mate, and King Vegeta needed as much help as he could get. He wasn't going to let his kingdom fall over a weak act.

"Radditz! Have you been a good boy and helped your mother?" Bardock asked as he held onto his son and walked towards Kaiya. Radditz nodded his head as he jumped off his father's arm so he could embrace Kaiya.

"Kaiya... don't cry... I said I would be back... and I kept my promise..." Bardock whispered as he held her close. Kaiya couldn't help but cry from relief. She had been watching the crowd of Saiyajin's for the past week and was slowly losing hope. Just to see him standing in front of her was to much as she couldn’t help by cry. 'He kept his promise... I was so worried...' Kaiya thought.

Bardock then raised her chin and gave her a passionate kiss. Radditz entered the house in disgust, trying to get away from his passionate parents. "Eww... Grown ups are so nasty!" Radditz thought as he went up towards his room.

Bardock broke the kiss and asked, "Why are you crying..."

"Since we didn't bond... there was no way... I could tell if you were still alive or not... and day in and day out... I couldn’t help but... but... wonder..." Kaiya said as she sniffed back her tears.

"But now I'm here... and the first thing I want to do is to bond with you..." said Bardock.


18 Years Later...

"Kakarott's returning home!" A girl with short brown hair yelled as she ran down the street. She was mid-height, with shoulder length brown hair, and light brown eyes.

"Dara." Kaiya greeted with a small nod with her head.

"Hello Kaiya! Kakarott's finally returning home today!" Dara shouted in excitement.

"You’re like this every year, Dara, ever since Kakarott left for school." Kaiya stated as she watched the girl crouch down.

"Oh, but this year is different! He'll be coming home for good!" Dara replied as she started to pick at the grass on the floor. Kaiya shook her head left and right as she watched the girl wait for her son.

Dara's school was near they city and she didn't have to dorm. But Kakarott's school was hundreds of miles away and it was easier if he dormed there instead. A few miles away, a small ship landed with a few boys inside. Kakarott, Tori, and Yuiji got off the ship and watched it take off once again. They waved at the driver as he shot into the air.

"School is FINALLY over!" Yuiji said as she tossed his bag behind his shoulders. "Kakarott, better prepare! Dara's waiting for you I bet!!" He teased as he nudged him in the ribs.

"Yui, stop that!" Tori said in an angry tone. "You know how Dara gets all upset if you tease Kakarott like that!" Tori continued to speak. "She's not here now is she?" Yuiji stated as their verbal battle started to heat up.

"You guys! Stop it!" Kakarott shouted as they yelled in his ears. He happened to be walking in the middle as the two had started to ague. "I don't know why I hang out with you losers..." Kakarott said under his breath. They walked the rest of the way home talking about what they’re going to do next.

"I'm going to find myself a woman and start a family!" Yuiji said as he gave his friends a giant grin. "So soon?" Kakarott asked. "Yea, what about you guys? Don't you want to start a family?" Tori nodded his head and they both looked at Kakarott.

"I think I might do a few missions, so I can travel around and see new places..." Kakarott said as Tori cut him off, "And then blow it up into millions of pieces!" Yuiji and Tori started to laugh as their homes became visible.

"Maybe you can pick up a few chicks while you’re there too!" Tori commented. "You know the laws about aliens, and mating with them" Yuiji stated to his friend.

"Oh yea, I forgot, 'it's illegal to mate with an alien because king Vegeta wants only full blooded Saiyajins' That law is so stupid!" Kakarott just laughed as something caught their eyes. They could see a girl, well young woman since she was 17, jumping up and down waving her hands at the young men.

"Yeeks... Dara... I forgot about her..." Yuiji said as he glanced over at his friend. "She's not going to take the news about you leaving so well..." Yuiji continued.

"What are you guys talking about? I've left her so many times, she stopped crying when she turned eight. I'm just surprised she didn't cry when Yuiji left... I mean you ARE her brother..." Kakarott stated as his friends rolled their eyes at him. 'He can be so nieve sometimes...' Yujiji thought.

Kakarott approached his house first since it was on the edge of the town. He gave his mother a hug and glanced over at Dara. He gently patted her head and she got up and hugged him.

"Dara..." Kaiya sighed as she watched her jump into her son's arms.

Kakarott placed her down carefully as he turned to his mother. "Where's Radditz?" He asked as he looked around. "Bardock and Radditz went into the city, they'll be back soon." Kaiya told her son. "Oh ok, hey mom I was wondering..."


On Earth...

"Chichi!!!!!" A woman shouted threw the halls of the castle. "That girl... sometimes I just want to..." Something caught her eyes in the middle of her sentence. Chichi was outside leaving the castle. "Chichi!!" She shouted as she dashed down the stairs towards the door. By the time she reached the front of the castle Chichi was already gone and no where to be found. "Only six more months until her 18th birthday and she runs off like it's not a big deal!"

Chichi was walking towards a lake to meet up her best friend.

"Bulma! Sorry I’m late, it's just that, my father got me a new teacher to teach me etiquette and how to be lady like..." Chichi said with a sigh.

Bulma glanced up at her friend and asked, "How did you father find another teacher so quick? I mean what is she? Your 15th one?" Chichi nodded her head as she sat down next to her friend. "Yea... I’ve been with her for a week already and she still haven't given up!" Chichi stated.

Bulma giggled at her friend comment and said, "Well you better start training before she finds you!" Chichi nodded as she jumped up and started her training.

She started to stretch as her friend Bulma was writing on a piece of paper. "What's that?" Chichi asked as she bent down to touch her toes.

"Just a personality assignment... it's for school." Bulma said as she read the first question out loud. "Question One: What is the most important thing in your life?" Without a thought she said, "My family of course! what about you Chichi?"

Chichi was now stretching her legs. "Me too, even though it's just me and my dad. I mean he can be annoying, trying to find me a husband and all. But deep down I know he's just worried about me. I mean that's the only reason I have to take these etiquette classes and learn how to be lady like... he's afraid that when he dies, I’ll be alone and won't be taken care of..."

Bulma then said, "why though? I mean you know how to fight, and you can cook really well. You don't need anyone to take care of you..." Chichi nodded her head and agreed.

"Yea, and I want to marry for love, not for status, or to be taken cared of... why can't my father understand that?" Chichi then started to throw punches in the air.

"Question Two: If you can have one wish what would it be?" Bulma read out loud. "Easy! I want my life to be like a fairy tale! A prince comes and sweeps me off my feet, after rescuing me from an evil villain!" Bulma said as she wrote it down.

Chichi rolled her eyes and Bulma looked up and asked her, "What about you?"

Chichi stood there and thought for a minute. "I don't know... I guess to get away from the this."

"From what?" Bulma asked. "You know, marrying someone who I don't love, learning how to be lady like and just be free..." Bulma nodded her head and agreed. "Yea, I guess anything will be better then what you have to go threw now..."

Chichi continued to train as Bulma finished her assignment. The day was slowly leaving as night quickly came. The two girls were still at their spot eating the dinner Chichi had brought. "You know, you're the best cook I know..." Bulma said as she ate the last piece of her food. "I just wish my parents was as good as a cooker as you!" Bulma continued to talk.

Chichi giggled as she looked up at the night sky. "Hey Bulma I guess we should head home... it's dark already!" Bulma got up and grabbed her bag. "Ok, I’ll see you next week?"

"Alright see ya!" Chichi said as she walked home.

'I just wish that I can get away from this destiny, anything's better then this...' Chichi thought as a shooting star flew above her head.

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