Disclaimer: Dragon Ball is not mines, but the non-Dragon Ball characters are mines...
Like Dara, Yuiji, Kaiya, blah blah blah you get the point right? ^__~


Last Time:

Kakarott returned from school and was greeted by Yuiji younger sister, Dara, who Tori seems to have his eyes for.
Chichi made a wish under a shooting star... Will it come true?


Forbidden Love Chapter Two: The First Encounter


"Kakarott!!" Radditz shouted as he tackled his little brother, cutting off the question that he was about to ask his mother.

"Radditz!" Kaiya shouted as she placed her hands on her hips. "Kakarott was just talking to me and you had to disturbed! Come over here right now!" Kaiya ordered.

It was the qui to leave. "Hey Kakarott we'll just talk to you... uh... a little bit later..." Tori and Yuiji said but Dara protested. "Yuiji! Let go! Kakarott just got back and... stop it that hurts... YUIJI!!!"

Bardock was greeted by Tori and Yuiji who was dragging Dara away. 'Why are they in such a rush to get home?' Bardock thought as he heard his wife voice.

"Radditz! Don't you have ANY manners? Can't you see Kakarott has just returned? He must be tired, and here you are getting ready to hurt your little brother!" Kaiya was shouting.

'Ah... home sweet home!' Kakarott thought as his father approached him.

"Kakarott! You have grown so much!" Bardock said as he placed his son in a headlock.

"BARDOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kaiya yelled as she turned to him.

Radditz took this opportunity to run into the house while his mother was to busy yelling at his father and Kakarott followed.

"So Kakarott, How far are you planning to get with Dara?" Radditz asked as he sat down on the dinner table.

"How far will I get with Dara? What do you mean by that?" Kakarott asked as he scratched his head.

"I mean are you going to ask her out? bond with her? what?" Radditz spitted out.

"BOND?!? With Dara? Nooooo way!! First of all I see her as a little girl, even a sister, just like how I see Yuiji as a brother!" Kakarott stated as Radditz let out a sigh. Dara had a crush on Kakarott for the longest time since they were kids, but Kakarott had never noticed.

"But she is one HOT little girl..." Radditz said as he licked his lips.

"Radditz! She's five years younger then you! and what about your woman? Are you going to bond with her?" Kakarott changed the subject.

Radditz didn't answer as he got up and left the kitchen. Kakarott turned towards the door and noticed why he left. Kaiya and Bardock's voices was coming closer to home, and Radditz didn't want to see his mothers rage, AGAIN!

"Kakarott dear, You're 18th birthday is coming up... what are you planning to do? Settle down and start looking for a mate?" Kaiya asked as Bardock sat next to his son.

"Actually mother, I wanted to join the king's elite team and travel around a bit, at least before I settled down." Kakarott added the last part in for his mother's sake, not because he meant it.

It was still no good because Kaiya started to pour her rage onto her son Kakarott, "Join the Elite? You're a Third Class Warrior!! What makes you think you can join the elite?"

"Well since father had a chance to help defeat Frieza, I thought..." Kakarott started to say as his mother cut him off.

"Your father did not have a chance to help defeat Frieza, he was forced too! He did not have a choice! To many men was dying out in that war and the king needed help. Other then that your father would had been at home!" Kaiya stated in an angry tone.

"This isn't a war!! it's just a mission or two!" Kakarott said.

"Kakarott..." Kaiya started to talk but was cut off by Bardock, "Woman..."

Kakarott took this opportunity and excused himself. He headed up towards his room, where Radditz had happened to be.

"Radditz, what are you doing in my room?" Kakarott asked with surprised voice.

"What? Can't a brother come and take to his younger sibling? So you want to join the elite’s?"

Kakarott sighed as he sat down on his bed. "Yea, I don't see the big deal about 'bonding' at the age of twenty. It's not a law or anything, but mother wants us too. I mean when you turned twenty and didn't bond... she didn't talk to you for about three months."

"Three months of peace..." Radditz commented.

"And starvation! I had to share some of my food with you since you didn't know how to cook!" Kakarott added.


On Earth...

"Chichi! Where have you been?" The Ox King questions his daughter with a very worried voice.

"Dad, you know where I go, and you ask me the same question every week!" Chichi added.

"I don't want you to sneak out ever again ok, Chichi?..." The Ox King started to say as Chichi cut him off.

"Yea, yea, know... I might get kidnap or something..." Chichi replied as she rolled her eyes and walked past her father.

'Same thing every week... I just get so sick of it!' Chichi thought as she headed up into her room.


3 days later.... Back at Vegetasai...

Kaiya had stop speaking to her son, and stop feeding him as well. After the talk she had with Bardock, he had made a point. Kakarott was turning into an adult soon and he should be able to decide what he want's to do with his life.

Kaiya wanted to ague more but she knew he was right, Kakarott and Radditz have their own life to run, and she can't make them do what ever she wanted. But that doesn't mean she has to cook for him either. Kaiya was still mad about her son leaving again, so she decided not to cook for him.

Bardock was kind of upset about it but then again, it was better that his son was not getting fed, instead of both, so he didn't say a word.

Rumors were flowing across town about the new missions.

"Eight-teen years had past since the war with Frieza! The whole Cold Empire was gone, including King Cold himself! I wonder where he's going to send the elite’s to this time!" A little bald man said to a tall blond woman as they walked into the little town.

Kakarott, Yuiji, Tori and Dara were having a little picnic outside. It was a perfect day for it too, the cool summer breeze blew by and the sun was out, with clear skies.

"I don't see the whole point of this picnic." Yuiji stated as he laid back onto the floor.

"Yui, you should be grateful, Dara took her time to make all this food so we can enjoy ourselves." Tori snapped back.

Yuiji just rolled his eyes as Kakarott was stuffing his face.

"Dara, your a great cook!" Kakarott stated as he continued to eat.

Dara gave a slight blush and said "Thanks..."

"Why don't your family want to feed you?" Tori asked getting a little annoyed of Dara's reaction towards Kakarott's comment.

"It's not that, it's just... when she found out I wanted to join the elite’s..."

"JOIN THE ELITES!?!?" Dara cut Kakarott off as she jumped up and glared at the young man sitting on the floor.

"Yea, I wanted to travel around for a while, before I settle down..." Kakarott replied.

"But then again I don't even know if I want to settle down, I mean I haven't found a mate yet..." Kakarott added.

When Dara heard those words she started to shed tears as she ran for her house.

"Dara wait!" Kakarott yelled but it was too late. She was already gone.

Yuiji sighed as Tori watched Dara run home. "Kakarott!! that was a fucked up thing you did to Dara!" Tori yelled as he got up.

"What is everyone talking about?" Kakarott asked as he wondered what's the big deal with him and Dara.

"She likes you Kakarott!! she likes you!" Tori yelled as he stormed away from his friends.

Kakarott sat there as Yuiji sat up.

"Don't worry about my little sister, I know you consider her as a little sister..." Yuiji said.

Krillen and 18 spotted their friends near the town, out in the field.

"Kakarott! Yuiji!" Krillen yelled as 18 followed close behind him.

"Did you hear about the elites? They’re recruiting soon!" Krillen stated as he sat down on the floor.

"I heard they're traveling to some unknown planets..." Krillen added, as 18 smacked his baldhead.

"Of coarse they’re going to go to an unknown planet! that's the whole point of these plurging missions." 18 stated.

Krillen blushed at 18's act and apologized.

"Are you planing to join?" Kakarott asked as Krillen looked at him funny.

"Join the elites?!? I'm just a third class warrior like you!"

Yuiji rolled his eyes and pointed at Kakarott. "He thinks he can make it..."

"Whoa, Kakarott, are you for real? I mean it's going to be hard." Krillen asked.

"That's why I train during the day and night... when everyone's a sleep I get up and start training... I’ll be able to surpass some of the first class warriors soon. I mean most of the men haven't been training since school ended. Take Yuiji here for instance!" Kakarott teased.

Everyone laughed. "Yea, you might have a chance... well we wish you good luck..." With that Krillen and 18 left, leaving Yuiji and Kakarott behind.


1 week later... Day of recruiting...

Kakarott's birthday had past and now he was eighteen, it was the minimum age of joining the elites. Prince Vegeta was walking around watching the people spar with each other. All there were was first and second class warriors, when he looked down the list.

The one name caught his eyes, "Kakarott - Third class warrior." Vegeta read out loud.

"He must be a strong third class warrior to have gotten this far... This will be fun..." Vegeta thought as he went over towards a pair of who was stretching.

The second class warrior was about to bow down to Vegeta, but he was already knocked out. Vegeta had shot a ki blast, not to powerful, but strong enough to put him to sleep. Kakarott looked at Vegeta with a surprise face.

"The prince informed me and told me to dispose of him. It seems that he failed the test but sneaked in anyways." Vegeta told Kakarott.

Vegeta knew Kakarott didn't know he was the prince, because the prince nor the king ever took the time to see third class warriors. They would visit elites once in a while, then the first class, and sometimes, but very rare the second class, to make public speeches. Rumors goes around and that's how the news go about towards the lower class Saiyajins.

Everyone knew not to talk to the prince unless he's the one to go up to you, so many people just mined their own business as Kakarott and Vegeta spoke.

"So I’m going to be the one to spar with you... Kakarott was it?"

Kakarott nodded his head and got into a defense stance. "Yea, and what's your name?"

Vegeta stood there and thought for a second. "Nappa..." he stated.

"Nappa? Then you're my brother's friend! I've heard him talk about you before but I never had a chance to met you!"

Vegeta gave Kakarott a funny look and asked, "And your brother's name...?"

"Radditz." Kakarott replied.

"Enough! Let's spar!" Vegeta shouted as he charged towards Kakarott.

Vegeta was punching Kakarott, but not with all his energy. Kakarott blocked all of his hits and kicked Vegeta back.

Vegeta had blocked Kakarott's kick with both arms in front of his chest but was pushed back.

"Strong... and you're a third class warrior?" Vegeta asked as he stood up and crossed his arms.

"Yea... not bad huh?" Kakarott said with a grin.

"Not bad, but let me ask you this, how did you get so strong? I was surprised when I heard a third class warrior had past the first two physical tests." Vegeta questioned Kakarott.

"Well, I train day and night, while others sleep. Only intense training will get you where you want to be." Kakarott replied.

Vegeta nodded and said, "I see..." with that he turned around and walked away leaving a totally clueless Kakarott behind.


On Earth...

Chichi had been training physical without anyone knowing except Bulma, and she trained mentally within the castle. In the castle she learned how to be lady like and other kinds of manners. Today was when she'll get a visit from one of her father's friend's son. His name is Tai and he came from China, just to court her. (Court, means a visit from time to time when you think about marriage... The man is suppose to come and talk to her father then to the his 'future wife' and discuss about marriage. Not bring her to court... *Heh*)

Chichi wore a midnight blue gown which went down past her ankles and half an inch above the ground. The dress sleeves went down past her elbows but above her wrist. She wore her hair down which allowed it to go down under her breast, and the layers went under her chin.

She sat at her room, and waited. 'How can father make me do this?' She thought.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Chichi went to open it. Standing there was a short woman who was only as tall as Chichi's armpits. "Miss, Lord Tai is here, and he is waiting for your company in the visitors room."

Chichi let out a quick sigh, and walked towards the visitor’s room.



A tall middle aged Saiyajin approached the fifteen remaining ones who passed the final test, which one was, Kakarott. They were standing in a straight line as they listen to the middle aged Saiyajin talk.

"You, fifteen Saiyajins, had been chosen by the prince for the next mission. Your mission is to go to the planets your assign to and see if there are any valuable resources. If there is, report it back and let us know what you've found. If there isn't, destroy the planet and head towards the next one. You guys will be divided into three groups. Now the prince want to have a word with you."

When Kakarott and his team members walk in to greet the prince, he was surprised. In front of him was the warrior he spared with, was he the prince?


Quick Note:
Sorry I didn't stick to the Preview, I wasn't expecting
this chapter to be so long, next chapter I promise Goku/Kakarott will meet Chichi. and I’ll follow the preview!
Once again, I'm still working on the setting. So the good parts will come in the next chapter! The first encounter (Title) was between Vegeta and Goku...
Please leave a review and let me know what you think! and Thanks to the people who reviewed my first chapter! It'll help my write, and thanks for reviews. Ja'ne! p.s. Expect the next chapter to come out tomorrow or the next day ^ - ~

Here's a little preview: Kakarott finds out why he got into the elite team. How will Dara and his family react? Kakarott finds out his mission and get's ready to leave. Something happened and his ship got hit! Oh No! Kakarott lands on earth, and sees Saiyajins?!? But with out tails?!? What the...

Chapter Three: Where am I? and Where's your tail?

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