A/N: Sorry it took so lone to get this chapter out.. i had a bit of writers block, Thanks to LadyNightshade, and Wynora for helping me with the beginning of the story! And a big time thanks to Ice Angel. Not only did she beta' this chapter for me, she wrote most of it too. ^__^ Big time thanks to her, because if it wasnt for her this wouldnt be out! Thanks for all those wonderful reviews on the last chapter and Gomen for the delay!


Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ/ Utada Hikaru's "First love"


After the small ceremony, music was played as Radditz and Trinity slowed dance under the starry night sky. The setting was plain, but beautiful, as the couple slow danced to the soft music. After the first song, other couples joined the newly weds on the dance floor. Chichi sat alone, away from most of the crowds. She wasn't in a conversational mood and just wanted to be alone. Then from behind, she heard someone's voice calling her.

"Hey Chichi!" Tori said with a smile as he took a seat next to her. "How's everything?" He continued to speak once he got Chichi's attention. Chichi gave him a soft smile and replied saying she was alright. They sat there for a little longer watching the couples dance. A couple of girls approached Tori and asked for a dance, but he politely refused. After Tori rejected the third female Saiyajin, chichi asked him why he didn't want to dance.

Tori simply replied "I didn't want to leave a lovely lady alone by herself and.... I can’t dance." Chichi giggled at Tori's confession as she sat back and relaxed a bit. Chichi sat back on her chair and watched all different aged Saiyajins dance together on the dance floor. There she noticed Kakarott and Dara slow dancing to the music. Chichi let out a sigh, which didn't go unnoticed by Tori. "What's wrong?" Tori asked as he turned to Chichi. Chichi nodded her head and didn't reply to Tori's question.

Tori looked towards the last direction Chichi was looking and noticed the young couple dancing. "I know how you feel..." Tori replied to Chichi's sigh. Chichi looked up at Tori in shock. "You mean..." "Yup... I love Kakarott..." Tori said while he held onto his serious face. Chichi's face turned white as a ghost as shivers went down her spine. She knew Kakarott would attract a lot of girls, but Tori also? Tori laughed at Chichi's reaction, as he nodded his head. "I was just kidding Chichi!" he said with a smile. "I... I like Dara...." His face saddened with that simple statement. They sat there for a while, talking about their problems. For the first time since Chichi had arrived on their planet, she felt comfortable talking to someone about her problems. Even though she didn't tell him everything that happened, Chichi explained how she wasn't feeling comfortable around Goku. Tori nodded his head to show that he understand what she meant.

Off in the distance, Yuiji watched his younger sister dance with Kakarott. It was always a tradition for the pair until one of them was to wed. They always shared the first couple of dances at every party they attended together. They had been doing it since they were kids, under Dara's favor. Yuiji's attention then went to his other best friend, Tori. He was talking to the raven-haired beauty that Yuiji had his eyes set on.

After a couple of dances, Kakarott decided it was time to talk to Chichi. He excused himself from Dara and walked up towards one of his best friend and the raven-haired girl. There he saw them talking and laughing; it seemed like they were getting along quite fine. When Kakarott finally reached them, he asked Tori if he could have permission to take Chichi for the next dance. Chichi, who had her back to Kakarott, flashed Tori a worried look. Tori immediately understood her action and explained to Kakarott that he had promised to dance with Chichi as soon as a new song played. As if on cue, the next song started up, Tori gave his friend an apologetic look and took Chichi's hands. Kakarott took a seat and watched his best friend and Tori walk off onto the dance floor.

Dara who was at the refreshment stand was pouring herself a drink. To her surprise, Kakarott hadn’t stopped by to grab a bit to eat when they stopped dancing. She looked around and noticed Chichi dancing with Tori. For some odd reason, seeing them together gave her heart a sudden pain. She had never felt this way when she saw Kakarott with Chichi. Was it that she was in love with Tori? But how could that be when she was so crazy about Kakarott the other night? Dara thought back to the night she and Kakarott had been together.



She pretended to be a sleep when she heard someone knock on the door. Kakarott walked in and gently woke her up. When Dara sat up she noticed he wasn't acting like his cheery self. After being told dinner was ready, Dara couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. Was it her who made Kakarott look this down?

"Kakarott... sorry about before..." Dara said above a whisper. "It's ok" Kakarott replied as he pat Dara on the head. "Then why do you look so down?" she asked as she questioned his voice. Kakarott hesitated for a second before he answered. He took in a deep breath as he carefully worded his thoughts. "I'm worried about Chichi... She seems to be mad at me for some reason..." This was when Dara had made up her mind. She knew there was no way she could ever win his heart. She let out a sad sigh and told him everything was ok.

When she reached the dinner table she noticed the only empty seat was next to Kakarott. Dara glanced over at Chichi to see if her reaction would change. She happened to notice Chichi frown slightly for a quick second. Dara then realized that Chichi has strong feeling for Kakarott, while he felt the same.


On the dance floor, Tori and Chichi were dancing in silence. Even though Tori kept on stepping on Chichi's foot, she didn’t mind. When the song was almost over, Kakarott got up and politely asked Tori if he could cut in. Tori smiled as he let go of Chichi. Chichi looked around and tried to excuse herself, but Kakarott pulled her body close to his as a new song started up.

At about this time tomorrow
I wonder where you'll be
I wonder who you'll be thinking of....

"Chichi... why have you been avoiding me lately?" Kakarott asked as he gently placed his hands around Chichi's waist. Chichi let out a sigh, as she knew she couldn’t get away from him. She placed her hands on his shoulder and made sure there was a good amount of space in-between them. "I'm not avoiding you...” Chichi said, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes slowly filled with tears as she tried to hold them back. Chichi couldn’t help but remember Kakarott lying in bed with Dara.

You are always gonna be my love
Even if someday, you fall in love with someone else
I'll remember to love
You taught me how

"What's wrong Chichi?" Goku asked as he wiped a tear away from Chichi's cheeks. "Why are you crying...?" He continued to ask.

You are always gonna be the one (in my heart)
For now, it's still a sad love song
Until I can sing a new one

Just when Chichi was about to speak, Kakarott spoke first. "Don't tell me nothing's bothering you...
because I know something’s wrong..."

The time which has stopped
Is about to start again
It's just that there are things I don't want to forget

Chichi looked up at him, meeting him eye to eye. Kakarott could feel so much pain within her. Finally, Chichi could stand it no more and was forced to look down. How could she look at him like that when he loved another? Quietly, Chichi forced herself to speak as tears gathered in her obsidian eyes. “I-I saw you… that night… with Dara.”

At about this time tomorrow
I'm sure I'll be crying
And I'll probably be thing of you....

A simple “Oh” escaped his lips. Firmly, he forced Chichi to look at him. “Look, Chi, I know what you thought you saw, but that’s not what happened.” Noticing he now had her full attention, he forged onward. “You see, Dara has had deep feelings for me for a long time. But I never looked at her in that sort of way. That night, she was intent on showing me that she was a woman, not the girl I treated her as. She came in my room to show me what she believed I should and would desire… herself. She tried to seduce me, Chichi. But I don’t love her. I can’t feel that way about her. I told her as much and that was it.”

You will always be inside my heart Because it's a place that will forever be yours alone I hope that I have a place in your heart too Now and forever you are styll the one (in my heart)

Chichi looked into his dark eyes intently. His words had lifted so much weight off of her shoulders. He didn’t love Dara, he didn’t want Dara. Letting loose a content sigh, she snuggled into his arms and laid her head upon his muscular chest. The beating of his heart, one that Dara did not possess, lulled her into a trance. She was perfectly content to stay in his arms forever.

For now, it's still a sad love song...
Until I can sing a new one...
You are always going to be my love...
As the song’s final note faded, Chichi and Goku walked off the dance floor. As they headed over to the refreshment table, Chichi was able to see Tori and Dara breaking their own embrace. A slight smile played on his lips as she remembered her conversation and dance with Tori. Hopefully he didn’t step on Dara’s feet too much.

Kakarott quickly piled a large portion of food upon a plate while Chichi gathered her ‘human’ amount. Following him, they headed to a table where his friends (including Dara and Tori) were sitting. As soon as they were seated, Kakarott was fully focused on the meal in front of him. Chichi merely grinned at his display. His eating habits never ceased to amaze and amuse her. Turning her attention to her own food, she ate in her own dainty manner.

Gazing at Kakarott’s friends, she quickly got Tori’s attention. With a small smile, she glanced over at Dara before locking eyes with Tori again. Getting her message, a large smile appeared on his face. With a slight nod of approval and congratulations, she turned her attention to the conversations.

Idly, she picked at her food and listened in on the conversations. Chichi grew uncomfortable as she felt a heated gaze upon her. She could feel the scrutiny of the person who was looking at her so intently. Slowly, she looked around, searching for the culprit.

Her actions were quickly stopped, as were the actions of everyone else. A Saiyajin trio had arrived at the party, taking everyone’s attention. Crowds parted and fell to their knees as a vertically challenged Saiyajin moved towards their table flanked by two guards. His flame-like hair and stoic face was easily recognizable. It was Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyajins.

Slowly, the royal Saiyajin made his way to Kakarott, who had not stopped eating. As the Prince’s shadow overcame Kakarott and his food, the third class Saiyajin looked up. Upon seeing the Prince, a worried look immediately overtook his general happy countenance. He quickly kneeled before his prince, crossing his arm over his chest in a sign of respect and loyalty.

“Come with me Kakarott” Vegeta demanded.

Without question, Kakarott stood up and followed the Prince and the two royal guards. Before leaving, he sent an apologetic look to his friends and family. Without saying a word, the four Saiyajins took off, their destination unknown.

After they had left, the crowd was in general wonderment as to what the Prince had wanted with the young Saiyajin. A few eyes turned towards Chichi, who quickly excused herself from the table. With this occurrence, the crowd dispersed soon after, leaving the family and close friends. Radditz and Trinity also departed carrying good wishes from all they knew.

As Kaiya began to clean up, Chichi reappeared and silently helped her. The two women methodically worked on cleaning up the area. Bardock soon appeared and joined the two. As he began to take down chairs and tables, the females did their own cleaning. As the two gathered around the large stack of dishes and food, Chichi looked at Kaiya tentatively. As if feeling the girl’s hesitancy, Kaiya gave her a large smile.

“Kaiya… what do you think they wanted?” Chichi asked, her voice full of uncertainty. “I don’t know Chichi, but I’m sure we will find out when my son gets back.” The two continued to clean well into the early morning hours. With only a small amount of dishes to be washed, Chichi ushered Kaiya to bed, where Bardock had retired hours before. She knew that Kaiya was more tired than she was, plus she had planned on waiting up for Goku.

Finishing up the last of the dishes, Chichi thought about the few things the Prince may have wanted Goku for. But nothing seemed right. After straightening up the kitchen and making sure everything was taken care of, Chichi headed into the living room to sit down. Curling up, she waited for her Saiyajin friend to return.

At about five am, the creaking of the front door jolted Chichi awake. She had accidentally fallen asleep, however, her body had retained aware of her surroundings. Looking up, she watched as Goku silently slid through the door and headed to his room. “Goku,” she called. Pushing back a giggle as he jumped at hearing her voice, she made her way over to him.

The early morning sun had begun its ascension, allowing the light to grace the room. As the shadows pulled away from Goku’s face, Chichi felt slightly startled. Since she had been there, he had shown nothing but happiness and occasionally some sadness or anger. But generally he was a happy person, nothing ever seemed to bring him down.

But on this fateful morning, his countenance displayed nothing but sadness. Worry was etched firmly in his face. His obsidian eyes mirrored the same. Gazing at the ebony-haired Earthling before him, he let out a sad sigh. Shadows gathered in his dark eyes as he gazed at her, as if memorizing her every feature and detail. A sinking feeling appeared in her stomach as she watched him prepare to speak.

Clearing his throat, Goku tried to stop the inevitable. With a last deep glance at her, he opened his mouth to begin.


PROUD TO ADVERTISE: "WHERE DO I BELONG" BY ICE ANGEL Even if she wasn't my twin/beta/and wrote this chapter, i was going to advertise this fic anyways! It's the best fic i read so far, and i doubt i'll find a better one (no offence to anyone) but this fic is sooooooo gooood!! omg i'm soo in love w/it!! So much angst, feelings, and even a little comedy plus it's so well written!! Ice Angel placed madd effort into writing this great fic! Even though i'm not a Gohan fan... I really REALLY enjoyed this fic! There's some G/CC moments which is heart breaking, and how she written it, made me feel like i was in their shoes... I read up to chapter 9 all in one night, i even took a death glares from my mother to finish reading it. But sorry to say, she only poste up to chapter 2 =P so you would have to wait! but i'm telling you it's soooooo worth the waiting!!

This fic is about Gohan, who happened to acidently flown off in Radditz's ship, while Gokou and piccolo was battling it off. The ship happened to blown up, causing everyone in the Zsenshi to think Gohan had died. Poor Chichi has lost both Son members... Gohan though, happened to survive the accident and landed near the Daemon's house. The Daemon's took gohan in as their own son and raised him w/their own daughter. As for the Zsenshi life had move on and everything sticks to the DBZ timeline. This fic don't only show what happens to Gohan, but also what going on with Gohan friend's and family. This fic is soooooooooooo good!! i know i'm repeating myself, but dam!! i cant help but want to read more.. YOU HEAR ME TWINY?!? I WANT MORE!! AND NOW!! DAMMIT!

A/n: omg!! She wrote it soo well!! makes me want to read more! LoL heheh to bad i'm the author of this fic. Gomen it taken me so long to get this out.. i written some of it but the dam writers block!! it wouldnt let me write anything... Thanks for reading and please review...

Ice Angel: THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHIES TWINY!! Hope ya like the pic of ur baby ^__~

LadyNightShade: thanks muimui for helping me w/the beginning and listening to my problems! =) i'll send Hiei over to ya ASAP... i got the money to ship the swts + wall scroll but i didnt find time to go get a box ^__^;; and thanks for reviewing!

Mahou of Mana: Gomen it took soo long to update this. I'm glad you enjoyed my fics, hehehe me and my evil cliff hangers ne? My twin wrote this chapter but styll theres a cliff hanger! ^__^ Thanks for the review!

Tonibelle: Aww thanks. I didn't know you liked my fics that much! =) hehehe Well i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! ^__^ Sorry it took so long to get this out!

Chibi_ChiChan: Thanks for the reviews Grly!! hheheh i hope u update ur ficcy soon! XD it's just so kawaii!!

Litoxmonkey: Screw off Rina... LoL i'll make it as long as i want!

Goku's Daughter: Thanks for reading and reviewing. Hehehe yeah i felt badd for Kakarott too.. Poor guy. I just love to Torture him huh? LoL

Dew777: Hehehe sorry heres another chapter! =) heheheh thanks for reading and reviewing!

Prycess (w/to much #'s lol): Hey grl!! how is everything? havent seen u online for a while! anyways heres another chapter, hope you like it! =)

Hinoko: heheh last time ur review got cutt off, soo all i saw was Jai jai!!! lol HIYA MUIMUI!!!!!!!!!!! XD hope you're having a fun and safe vacation over @ Mal.!! I miss ur fics and chating w/ya!! ::pouts::

Wynora: Hey grly!! ur also on vaction! no fair! Almost everyone went on one cept me! LoL ne ways hope ur having fun! Thanks for reading and reviewing, heres some cookies XD

Rayne: hey grly!! hehehe sorry there's no naked pic of gokou *sighs* lol u was going to hunt me down til i update? hehehe well here it is! finally! i hope you like it! =) heheheheh and thanks for those Kawaii pics!! *sighz dreamily* their soo kute!! and well drawn!

Julia Tran: yay thanks for reading this fic! =) i'm glad you liekd it! sorry for the slow update! hehehe ttyl grly!

Alita: ahhh took me 2 long to update! i'm soo sorry!!

PolkaDot: Thanks for reading and reviewing, and Chichi fitz in cuz she looks human... ppl @ vegeta-sei are use to aliens...

LaDeDa: Thanks for reading and reviewing C-y!! heheheh lol wow chippy likes it too? i hope ur having fun @ ur Grams! =)

Gokusgirl68: hehehe i updated!! yay yay!! sorry it took soo long and i'm glad u liked it!

AngelOfWar: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! i'm sooo sorry!!! i hope you could hold ur breath for 9 days.. O__o?... hehehe are you ok? i dun think i'll be if i couldnt breath for 9 days! lol thanks for reading and reviewing!!

I won't tell: Thanks for reading and reviewing! Sorry it took a whie! =) hope you liked it!

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