Author's Note:
Hyper... hyper... hyper!! ONE MORE WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!!! And I'm out of high school life FOREVA!!!! ^__^ but I still didn't get into any colleges yet... =T BUT enough with me blabbering on! READ WHAT HAPPENS TO CHICHI...

Important Please Read:
A LOT of people asked about the whole thing about Chichi and Kakarott bonding... the answer is NO... hehe it was only in her 'dreams' that she bonded with a Saiyajin... but she doesn't know it's Kakarott... if it is Kakarott.. O.o Ok! ok! It is Kakarott... DUH... state the obvious Renee... really smart... (talking to myself again) anyhoo so they ARE NOT bonded... ^__^ yet... hehehe... they only bond when they... *ahem* in my story ^__~ and they have NOTHING going on!! hehee THEIR NOT EVEN DATING!! lol ^__^ just friends... well.... maybe not even that ne more ey?...

Thanks to: Ice Angel! She's my Beta'!! hehee without her there will be thousands of errors! LoL and her fics are great! Go check it out!


Last time:
Chichi left the bathroom and headed towards Kakarott's room. She wanted to apologize for her attitude a little while ago. She shouldn't have yelled at him like that. His room door was open as she glanced inside. There, she saw Kakarott lying on the bed, with Dara straddling his waist with only a bra on, taking off his shirt.


Forbidden Love Chapter Ten:


Chichi felt a sudden pain in her heart as she slowly backed up into the wall. She was now out of sight as her knees went weak and she leaned against the wall sinking to her knees. Looking up towards the ceiling, Chichi tried to keep the tears from falling but failed. She quickly got up, ran down the hall and went to her room. She closed the door and laid on her bed, crying freely, as the tears ran down her cheek.


Kakarott laid there with a calm face expression as he told Dara to stop. "Dara that's enough..." Kakarott said when he had enough energy to speak. She stayed straddled on his waist as she looked at him with teary eyes. "Why Kakarott...? Why can't you see me as a woman...?" Dara said as she stopped trying to pull his shirt off of him. "I'm sorry but I don't love you in that way... I love Chichi..."

Dara laid her head on Kakarott's chest as she started to cry and Kakarott rubbed her back in comfort. "I'm sorry Dara..." Kakarott whispered into her ears. He loved Dara as a little sister. No matter what she did, he couldn't stay mad at her for long. He just wanted her to understand how things were between them. He saw her as a little sister and nothing will change that.

Kakarott explained how he felt to Dara as she lay on his chest crying. Kakarott didn't mind her crying on his chest, as he rubbed her back soothingly. Before Dara fell asleep on Kakarott's chest she whispered that she understood. He smiled as he placed her carefully on the bed and allowed her to drift off to sleep. He covered her body with his blanket as he turned and walked towards the door.


Chichi lay on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, hours had past since she saw Kakarott and Dara together. She thought back to the times she spent with Bulma. Chichi turned to her side and she looked at the clock. It was now 8pm for Bulma and her family. Chichi never changed the time of her clock so she would know what time it was on earth. She let out a sigh and thought maybe her life would have been better if she stayed back at home. Even if she was forced to married Tai, maybe she could have ran away and become a hermit. Living alone until she was old, with no one to worry about, no one to bother her, no one to hurt her... was that what she really wanted? To be alone...? She let out a sigh as she heard Kaiya call for her.


When Chichi got out of bed, she looked like a mess and she didn't care. Her eyes were puffy from all the crying and her hair a mess. She straightened it out a bit before heading down stairs. When she entered the kitchen, she noticed that the food was cooked and almost everyone was getting ready for dinner. Kakarott, Radditz and Bardock sat at the dinning table as Kaiya and Trinity placed the food on the table. "What's wrong Chichi?" Kaiya asked as she placed a plate full of food on the table. Chichi stood by the stairs and wiped her eyes. "Nothing..." She whispered.

Kakarott and the rest of the family member turned their attention to Chichi. "Are you sure you're ok?" Kakarott ask as he stood up from his seat and approached Chichi. Chichi looked straight into Kakarott’s eyes and thought about him. She had really fallen for him and fallen hard. She took a deep breath and replied, "I was just thinking about Bulma, my family and my home... but I'm fine now." She gave them a small smile as she took a seat furthest away from Kakarott at the dinning room table.

Kaiya gave Chichi a reassuring smile as she placed her hand on her shoulders. "You can consider us your family and this your home." Kaiya said. Chichi smiled, nodded her head, and replied "Thank you...” "Well then..." Kaiya said as she looked at Kakarott. "Why don't you wake Dara up and tell her to come down for dinner." Kakarott nodded his head as he got up and went towards the stairs. Chichi felt a pain in her chest as she let out a sigh. This was going to be a long dinner.

A few minutes later Kakarott and Dara went down the stairs. Dara came down in one of Kakarott's shirts instead of her own, her hair a mess, and a giant grin on her face. Kakarott took a seat next to his older brother Radditz, while Dara took the empty seat next to him. She glanced over at Chichi and smirked. Chichi thought it was because she had slept with Kakarott, while Dara only smirked because Kakarott had saved the seat next to him just for her, at least that’s what she thought.

Dinner started off pretty well, as they only talked about Radditz and Trinity's bonding ceremony which was only one week away. "Things are going to be hectic." Kaiya said as she took a bite out of her meal. "Chichi, do you think you can help us with the meals? You're such a great cook." Kaiya said with a sweet smile. Chichi nodded her head and replied, "Sure...” Dara glanced over at Kakarott and asked what he was going to do for the ceremony.

Kakarott explained how he was going to help Radditz find a place to stay and help Bardock with the manual labor. Dara glanced at Bardock and asked if she could help out with the manual labor too. Bardock nodded his head, not paying any attention to anything but his food.


1 day before the bonding ceremony

Everything was behind schedule. Kakarott had helped Radditz move most of their stuff into their own home, while Chichi and Kaiya prepared the feast. Bardock was fixing up the tables and old chairs. Nothing was complete. Today was the day where they were supposed to have everything finished, yet the closest thing to completion was moving Radditz and Trinity's things.

Some of the villagers came by day to day to help complete the tasks. Kaiya was having a conversation with another woman her age while they added spice to the meat. "The best way to snag a saiyajin male is through their stomach I always say. And it seems like my Trinity has done just that to your Radditz. Except maybe he should watch his weight ey? Gaining a few pounds here and there." Kaiya let out a sigh as she knew it was true. Saiyajins obviously had a thing for food, but for some reason her family had the biggest appetite. 'It must have come from Bardock's side of the family.' Kaiya thought. "What amazes me the most is how your Trinity ended up with my Radditz. Trinity's a very beautiful young woman, polite, and caring... And... Well Radditz..." Kaiya stated but trailed off. She didn't want to get into how her son was lazy, a slob, rude, and stuck up.

"Radditz has his own good qualities..." The other woman spoke. "Radditz has been caring and sweet to my Trinity... just like your Bardock there... Remember how he won your heart?" Kaiya blushed as she glanced at her mate. He walked around the chair, inspecting it and then took a seat. What happened next shocked everyone in the house. The seat broke and Bardock landed on his butt. Everyone in the house laughed as he scratched the back of his head. Kakarott walked up to his father and helped him up and for a split second he had eye contact with Chichi. Chichi turned back to her work quickly, ignoring the looks she received from Kakarott.

Kakarott decided this was getting out of hand. Ever since that day she claimed to be crying about missing her family and home, she had been avoiding him. When ever he approached to speak with her, she would just brush him off, saying she had to help prepare for Radditz’s ceremony. And when she wasn't doing anything, she would just find something to do.

Kakarott walked up to Chichi and placed a hand on her shoulders. "Chichi, may I have a word with you?" Kakarott asked. Chichi's body stiffened at Kakarott's touch as she didn't dare to turn around and look at him. "Uh... I'm busy..." Chichi said as she started to measure the spice. "You've been avoiding me for the past week, why?" Kakarott stated. "I haven't... It's just been a busy week with this ceremony..." Chichi muttered. Getting frustrated, knowing he wouldn't get the truth out of her, Kakarott let go of her shoulders and walked away. "Fine then!" was the last thing she heard him say.

She knew she had gotten Kakarott mad, but what was she suppose to say? She saw Dara and him fuck? She sniffed back her tears as she continued what she was doing. She was the one who was hurt, and yet he didn't see that.


Night of the ceremony...

Chichi wore a dark lavender Chinese dress which went down mid-thigh with two slits on the side. (a/n: Just like her dress on DBZ except is short and sleeve less) She placed her hair down, two strips framing her face perfectly. She checked herself in the mirror to make sure she looked ok. Chichi then took a deep breathe and headed out of her room.

Trinity was wearing a long silver-white dress which fitted her profile perfectly. It wrapped around her chest tightly, leaving her shoulders and arms exposed, as the dress went loose downward. She let her bangs cover her forehead, as her long silver hair was braided. She looked perfect; the dress matched both her hair and eyes. She had little white flowers which went down her hair. All the girls gathered around Trinity, congratulating her on her bondage, many of which were jealous. Trinity took a deep breath and took a step outside of the house to meet her future mate.


Quick note: Hehehee I know there wasn't much G/CC in this chapter, but the next one they will finally talk! ^__^ and I didn't leave you guys off on a cliff hanger!! FINALLY!! LoL

Preview: Radditz and Trinity's ceremony continues... and guess who crashes? Vegeta!! But why? You'll have to read the next chapter to find out! =D hehee and Chichi and Kakarott/Goku talk... but about what? O__o

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