Author's Note:
Ni Hao?
Thanks to the people who keeps on reviewing my stories!
I love to know what you think!
keeping it short! now on to the story!
- Ren ^ - ^

Disclaimer: Dragon Ball is not mines, but the non-Dragon Ball characters are mines... *heh*


Last Time:
Chichi almost got raped... *sigh*
and she is forced to marry Tai!
Yamacha offered her to go to Vegetasai! what will she choose?


Forbidden Love Chapter Four: Goodbye...


Chichi nodded her head no... she didn't want to leave Earth... Even if it meant marrying Tai.

"But Chichi!!" Bulma shouted as she grabbed her arm. "He tried to force you to sleep with him! You can't marry him! he was the one who was going to rape you!" Bulma continued to yell. She was so scared when her friend almost got raped that she didn't know what to do.

"But I can't leave my hom..." Someone knocked on the door and cut Chichi off in mid sentence. "Chichi who are you talking to!!" someone yelled. "You'll have to leave..." Chichi said as she went and grabbed Bulma's capsule.

"Don't worry... I can take care of myself... and as for Kakarott... tell him I said thanks. Goodbye... " With that Chichi shoved her friends out the window and opened the door.

"Who were you talking to?" The Ox King asked as he looked around her room. "What are you talking about... dad... you must be hearing things" The Ox King shook his head and walked out. "I'm doing this for you Chichi..." "I know.." She whispered.


Yamacha and Bulma arrived back to the ship with the tools and Tien finished the ship.

"Well I guess this is Goodbye then..." Bulma said as she looked at the small group of men.

"Yea... goodbye..." Yamacha said sadly as he walked into the ship.

Kakarott and Tien thanked Bulma and the got into the ship too.

Bulma back away from the ship and watched it start up.

The ship then took off and flew into space... leaving behind earth... Bulma... and Chichi...

Kakarott looked out the window and he caught a glimpse of the Chichi's castle before they hit space, he took a deep breath and said,



Quick Note:
Ah.. the last chapter! so what did you think?
Sadd huh?? HAHAHAHAA I'm just kidding!
That is not how the story goes! well here is the REAL Chapter! *hehee*
Sorry, I’m just HYPER!!! I thought that would have been funny! ^ - ~


"I'll go with you guys..." Chichi said.

Bulma and Chichi started to pack her things into some empty capsules, not one speaking to each other.

Chichi was to busy thinking what's going to happen to her next, while Bulma couldn’t help but cry silently.

‘Chichi and I had grown up together.. and now she’s leaving…’ Bulma thought.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and Yamacha urged Chichi to hurry up. Bulma was already holding the capsules with Chichi’s clothing while Chichi held the rest. She quickly ran into her closet and grabbed her mother’s necklace.

It was the only thing Chichi had left of her mother…

Yamacha held onto both Bulma and Chichi and he took off into the sky. He landed in front of the castle not to catch anymore attention. Suddenly they saw Chichi’s father on the balcony yelling. Yamacha told Chichi and Bulma to run while he’ll hold off the guards.

Bulma grabbed Chichi’s hands and ran into the forest. Chichi and Bulma arrived as Bulma tossed the capsule with the tools to Tien.

“Hurry up! The Guards are coming after Chichi! We have to hurry before they see us!” Bulma yelled as she tried to catch her breath.

Kakarott then asked where Yamacha was at and Bulma pointed towards the castle. “He’s holding off the guards…” Bulma said between breaths.

Chichi was just standing there watching Bulma and Kakarott talk while Tien was fixing up the ship.

She was still afraid of the guys but it was better then getting married to the person who almost raped her.

When Tien finished they ship, Bulma and Chichi walked in and waited for Yamacha. When they saw Yamacha running towards them Bulma gave Chichi a tight hug and started to cry.

“I’ll miss you Chichi! Take care!!” Bulma yelled as she ran out of the ship. “You too Bulma! I’ll miss you too!!” Chichi yelled after her friend.

Yamacha gave Bulma a smile as he hopped into the ship.

Bulma turned and ran a few feet from the ship as it gotten ready to take off.

She stood there and watched Chichi look out the ship waving until the ship turned into a tiny dot, then disappeared into space.

“We’ll meet again… I promise…”

Bulma said as she turned and ran towards her home.

Chichi said the same thing as she watched the earth disappear.


1 hour later

Chichi was still staring out the window as Tien and Yamacha looked at each other.

“How long do you think she’ll stand there?” Tien asked.

Yamacha shrugged his shoulders and glanced over at Kakarott who was staring at Chichi.

“Kakarott…” Yamacha whispered.

Kakarott didn’t move.

“KA-KA-ROTT” Yamacha said a little more loudly.

Kakarott turned around and glanced over at Yamacha. “Yea…?” He asked.

Yamacha rolled his eyes and nudged his head towards Chichi. “Give her your room… there she can settle down and sleep… she been through a lot lately…”

Kakarott nodded his head and got up and walked towards Chichi.

“Um… Chichi…?” Kakarott asked as he tried to touch Chichi’s shoulders but she turned around and jumped back before he could do anything. “Wha…What do you want…?” Chichi asked as she looked at Kakarott.

“No.. Nothing… I was wondering that if you were tired… you can use my room… I mean we won’t be there until a while… you can sleep on my bed too…” Kakarott said as he pointed at his room.

Chichi glanced over and nodded her head. “Um… thanks…” she said as she walked over towards her room.

Chichi closed the door and took her capsules out of her pocket. She counted it and placed them onto a table near by. She then pulled out her mother’s necklace and placed it around her neck. It was a heart shaped locket with a picture of her mother and father when they were younger.

She remember when she was little her father told her that it was past down from her mother, and her mother’s mother, so on and so forth. When you find your true love, and plan on getting married, you place a picture of you and your future husband, and you will stay together forever. And your love will never die.

She sighed and she carefully placed it around her neck.

She turned around to see an empty bed with no blanket. She carefully sat on the bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Kakarott was getting tired as everyone was about to turn into to sleep. Tien had programmed the ship this time so there wouldn’t be any trouble.

“So Kakarott… you and the girl… alone together… in one room… with one bed… what are you planning to do?” Yamacha asked with a wink.

Tien rolled his eyes and said “Good night” as he walked into his room and Yamacha stood there waiting for an answer.

Kakarott scratched the back of his head and said, “Sleep on the floor of course!”

Yamacha headed into his room while Kakarott did the same.

Kakarott glanced at Chichi sleeping and her sleeves were rolled up. Something caught his eyes as he walked up towards her and glanced down. Her arm was red and her skin was pealing off, full with bruises. 'What could have happened to her...?' Kakarott thought as he leaned down to get a closer look.


Chichi's Dream

Darkness filled the room and she couldn’t hear a noise.

Everything was quite.

Chichi had no clothes on, and she can feel the cold floor under her skin.

Chichi tired to get up but he body was sore. 'What happened to me?' Chichi thought as she struggled to get up.

When she finally got up, she had trouble walking and her inner thighs were in pain. Her head spun around, and she couldn’t help but wobble, she felt like she had just fallen down the stairs.

She walked until she reached the wall and slowly followed it around to see if she could feel a light switch or a doorknob. She kept her body against the wall incase her hands missed something. Her hips hit the doorknob causing a bruise, and her to wail out of pain. When the pain subsided she grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it, but it wouldn’t open. She felt around the walls near the door checking for a light switch, and finally she found one.

When she turned of the lights she noticed she was in an empty room, which had nothing inside excepted shredded clothes...

her clothes...

She looked down on her body and noticed blood trailing down her thighs, her body bruised everywhere, full of cuts.

Suddenly she heard the doorknob turn and keys clinging against each other. Chichi quickly ran into the corner and crouched down hiding her naked body.

Two giant figures came in, non-she recognized and they walked up to her, laughing.

"You don't need to hide your body from us bitch..." One of them said who was tall and dark.

and the other one continued who seemed much smaller and shorter then the first, "Yea, We fucked you so hard I won't be surprised if that baby of yours died..."

They both laughed and the taller one said "It probably died when he gave her that beating... He was purposely aiming for your stomach... how old was it? Three months?"

Chichi stared at the men as her eyes filled with anger and tears. She placed her hands on her stomach and she couldn’t help but feel hurt inside, like she just lost something important to her.

"But you don't remember that now do you? Tah, Stupid bitch got knocked out on the first hit, probably fucked up her head too. Come on.. Let's furry up before he gets mad..." The tall figure grabbed Chichi by the arm and yanked her up.


Back on the ship: Kakarott's room

Kakarott leaned down to get a better look and he noticed her skin was rubbed off. He reached out and lightly brush her arm.

When Chichi felt someone grab her arm she quickly awoken and backed up against the wall. She was still sitting on the bed and she covered herself with the blanket. Her eyes were full of tears and she was breathing hard.

"Chichi what happened...?" Kakarott asked as he sat down in front of her.

Chichi looked around and she noticed she wasn't in the empty room anymore. She was back on the ship with the aliens she had just met earlier, The pain on her body was gone, and so was the cuts, but the pain inside her heart haven’t disappeared.


Quick Note:
Ok, I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update!
and I’m also sorry that this chapter is REALLY short...
Even with the little joke thing ^__^
Well my story is getting better but I had to stop it there
I'm going to start another story
Mainly CC/G With B/V in there ^__~ so please check it out
It's called: Hurtful Lies
I promise it's going to get good too, so PLEASE check it out!

What did that dream mean...? How will Chichi react? How would Kakarott react?
The ship has landed and guess who comes and greets the Saiyajins? Yup
That's right DARA... ^__^ how would she feel about an alien female so close to Kakarott?

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