Disclaimer: I don't own the DBZ character but I do own my own...! ^ - ^ And I don't own Captain Hook! Juirian's and the planet Juiria belong to Ice Angel! Thanks to her, and her quick thinking of a name for me!


Forbidden Love Chapter Seven: Signs of a dream

Last time: The ship had landed on Vegetasai and Chichi is staying over at Kakarott’s house. Once again Chichi received a strange dream in her sleep. Was it a sign or just a pointless dream?


Chichi sat up on her bed, breathing hard. Once again she had a nightmare which felt so real. But the thing that bothered her the most was the scar on her neck. 'It couldn’t be a bit mark, or is it?' Chichi thought. Suddenly a knock on the door disturbed Chichi's thinking. "Chichi!" Kakarott yelled as he opened the door. "Is everything ok?" He asked as he looked around her dark room. His eyes adjusted to the darkness as he glanced over at Chichi who was sitting up on her bed.

Kakarott let out a sigh of relief as he walked over towards Chichi. "What's wrong? What happened?" Kakarott asked as he took a seat on her bed. Chichi opened her mouth to speak but she couldn’t find the words to say. She doesn’t even know him, yet she wanted to tell him what was wrong. Something inside her told her to trust him but she pushed it aside. She didn’t want him to think of her as a crazy person when she hasn’t even known him for so long. “Nothing…” She was all she could muster up.

Kakarott let of a sigh and said "Goodnight.." As he turned to leave Chichi stopped him. "Um... Goku...?" Kakarott turned around and faced Chichi, "yea?" He replied back. "I...I can't sleep..." Chichi said as she sat on the edge of her bed. "Do.. You think you can get me something warm to drink?" Kakarott smiled at Chichi and replied, "Sure.." as he headed off towards the kitchen.

Chichi closed the door behind her and followed Kakarott closely by. The house was dark until Kakarott turned on the lights. Chichi took a seat on the kitchen table as Kakarott prepared the hot water over the stove. While he waited for the hot water to boil he took a seat across from Chichi.

"So, did you have another bad dream?" Kakarott asked as he glanced at Chichi. Chichi couldn’t help but blush when she felt Kakarott's eyes on her. "Yea..." She whispered as she looked down on the table. "About what...?" Kakarott asked curiously. Then the teakettle whistled as the water boiled hot.

Kakarott stood up and headed over towards the stove. He pulled out two mugs and two tea bags, while he slowly poured the hot water in. Kakarott held the two cups as he motioned his head over towards the living room. Chichi nodded and followed him towards the couch. There he placed the two mugs on the table and took a seat, and Chichi sat next to him. They sat in comfortable silence as Chichi picked up her cup of hot tea. (Sorry they took the easy way out on making tea, instead of the whole boil a pot of water, add the tea leaves, and drain it at the end..! it's way to trouble some at night!)

After finishing her cup of tea, Chichi was feeling sleepy as she slowly started to drift off to sleep. (No! Kakarott didn't drug her! LoLz, a nice cup warm weak tea in your tummy always help me sleep. ^ - ^) While Kakarott followed not too far behind. Chichi slowly feel a sleep, leaning her head on Kakarott's shoulder, and his head on hers.

The next morning Kaiya had gotten up and decided to make breakfast. When she got down stairs she noticed her son and Chichi sleeping on the couch. She couldn’t help but smile at the couple. 'They look so cute together!' Kaiya thought as she took out some meat and vegetable from the refrigerator. Kaiya sliced the meat and washed the vegetable, allowing them to sit in the water while she showers.

Chichi had awoken to the noise of water, but she felt something on her head. She slowly moved to the side and she noticed it was Kakarott sleeping next to her. Chichi smiled as she remembered him being worried about her and she got up and stretched. 'He looks kind of cute when he sleeps' Chichi thought. Then the water running caught her ears once again. When she entered the kitchen she noticed the meat and vegetable in the water. 'I should help out around here since they're letting me stay...' Chichi thought as she looked for some pots and pans.

When Kaiya gotten out of the shower, a sweet aroma danced around her noise. 'What's that smell?' Kaiya thought as she headed down the steps. There she saw Chichi stirring some soup in a pot while she some meat and vegetables was frying in a pan. "Did you cook all that?" Kaiya asked as she stood next to Chichi but before Chichi could answer Kaiya took a taste of the food. "Wow this is great!" Kaiya stated as she placed the spoon in the sink. "But I don't want you to over work your self young lady! You're the guest!" Kaiya said.

"You should listen to her... When she says something, she means it!" Kakarott said as he walked over towards his mom and tried to pick a piece of meat from the hot pan but only received a slap on the hand by his mother. "Wait until everyone's done!" Kaiya said as she turned to Chichi. "Do you want to go and get ready? I can take care of this myself." Kaiya said as she looked at the food. Chichi nodded her head and told Kaiya how to cook the rice. "Um, I'm not sure how you cook rice here, but you see the second pot over there? Well you have to stir it constantly." Kaiya nodded her head as she waved Chichi away. (hehee so many ways to cook rice, and I picked the hardest way, cuz I dunno? it's sounds cooler! ^ - ^ and taste better!)

After their breakfast and everyone was done praising Chichi's cooking, Kaiya told Kakarott to bring Chichi into town and show her around. While walking around town Chichi and Kakarott bumped into 18 and Krillen. "Hey Kakarott! Who's this lovely lady?" Krillen asked as he pointed at Chichi. 18 rolled her eyes and smacked Krillen on the back of his baldhead. It wasn’t like Krillen or 18 were dating, but they both had a thing for each other.

Kakarott scratched his head and introduced Chichi to his friends. They continued to walk around, Chichi with 18, with Krillen and Kakarott not so far behind. "So where's your tail?" 18 asked as she looked Chichi up and down. "I don't have one, I’m not from around here." Chichi replied. "Oh, I see. So where are you staying?" "Over at Goku's house..." Chichi answered. "Goku..? You mean Kakarott?" 18 said as she pointed at Kakarott. Chichi nodded her head.

Sudden A familiar voice called for Kakarott. "Kakarott!!" Tien called out as he approached the small group. "Prince Vegeta wants to speak with us!" Tien said as he tried to catch his breath. "How did you find us?" Krillen asked as he glanced over at Tien. "Kaiya told us that Kakarott went to town with Chichi..." Kakarott nodded his head and glanced over at Chichi. "Will you be alright by yourself?" Chichi nodded her head as Kakarott turned and left. Krillen and 18 glanced back at Chichi and smiled. "I guess you're going to spend the rest of the day with us!" Krillen said in a happy tone.

After shopping for a while Chichi had gotten the things she wanted and decided to head home. 18 and Krillen had decided to go out and eat dinner after they walked Chichi back towards the edge of town. When they reached the town 18 told Chichi to walk straight and she'll find her way back towards Kakarott's house. Chichi smiled and was about to leave but 18 told her to wait for a second. 18 approached Chichi and whispered in her ears, "Be careful when you're around Dara, she has a thing for Kakarott!" With that 18 and Krillen left and headed back into town.

On Chichi's walk back home she noticed a little old lady sitting on the road. She wasn't a Saiyajin for she didn't have a tail, and her skin was purple. The old woman was wearing rags, and it seems like she hasn’t eaten for days. Chichi opened one of her bags and pulled out some bread that she picked for Trinity. 'Trinity won't mind if I gave her some bread' Chichi thought as she ripped off a piece. Chichi walked up towards the old lady, who was about to flee until she saw the food in Chichi's hands.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." Chichi said as she crouched down next to her. "You look hungry that's all..." Chichi said as she handed the old woman some bread. The old woman snatched the bread and ate it hungrily. "Thanks... I haven’t been fed for days... and I finally got free from those demons..." The old woman said in-between bits. "What demons?" Chichi asked as she looked at the old woman's face. The old woman looked into Chichi's eyes, and then her face suddenly changed from an old funny woman to a serious one.

"My dear child...have things been haunting you in your nightly slumber? Have the dream fairy's been giving you a little hint?"

The old woman said as she dropped her bread and leaned forward towards Chichi. The old woman lifts her hands up to touch Chichi's face.

"Flee my good child, this kingdom will come to it's end if no one changes their ways! Cold-hearted king and his son will see their doom! And that's what they’re going to pay!"

Then a group of first class guards approached them. "We finally found you Baba... where have you been hiding for the past few days huh?" One of the guards said. Before they could do anything the old lady whispered into Chichi's ears.

"Be careful of your dreams... and pay close attention to them... Dreams can usually form themselves into signs... signs of the future..."

With that one of the guards bent down and pulled Baba by the arm. "You're coming with us!" He said as Baba's face suddenly changed back to her funny look. "You'll never take me alive, Captain Hook!!" (a/n: I dunno!! I have a bad case of writer's block!) Another guard took her other arm as they dragged her off. "Are you ok?" One of the guards asked a shocked Chichi. "What... what are you guys going to do with her?" Chichi asked as she watched the poor lady be dragged off. "Stars, Stars everywhere! Oh look at the pretty puppy..." The old lady's voice faded away as the two guards drove off.

"Oh, She's one of the few people of Juiria who can see the future by looking threw you eyes. But it seemed like she went crazy before she came here. She would always yell and blurt out nonsense things, things that don't make sense!" With that he left leaving Chichi behind, wondering what the old lady meant...


Quick note: This chapter sucked!! And I’m so sorry!! Next one will be better!!! I SOOOOO PROMISE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I lied in the preview but I have a bad case of writer's block!! =T Chichi will meet Dara in the next chapter! I promise!! And I won't lie again! I pinky swear!! Sorry it's so short but it took me forever just to type this Much up! Expect the next chapter when ever... I'll gladly email you Just drop a line telling me you want to me on my email listing on my review or email me At LiLxReN@aol.com Feel free to IM me to chat! ^ - ^ And PLEASE REVIEW!! FLAMES ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED!!

Preview: Chichi finds out more about bonding and about the scar she recived on the neck in her dream? How will she react towards her having a scar? and how would she react to the old crazy lady? O.o All i have to say is... it's not going to look good between Kakarott and Chichi... ::shivers::

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