Author's note: No time to write a long one.. hehee i just got this back from my Beta' and i'm late for work!! soo please read and review! thanks! Disclaimer: Dont' own nothing!

Thanks to me Beta' Ice angeL! my twin!! ja'ne


Forbidden Love Chapter Nine: Broken Glass... (hehee woops?)

Last time: DARA AND CHICHI... ganna fight? Oh..o........


Chichi stood up and smirked at the challenge as she lowered into her own fighting stance. "Dara!! Chichi! No!" Kakarott yelled as he stood up. "Don't worry Goku, it's just a sparing match..." Chichi said trying to reassure Kakarott. 'Let's see what this weak alien has within her...' Dara thought. With that Dara charged at Chichi with only half her strength and speed. Yuiji and Tori stared at awe as the Chichi blocked most of Dara's attacks, but got punched in the face. 'Not bad.' Dara thought as she landed a kick into Chichi's stomach causing her to fly a few feet back.

Chichi landed on her back as she pushed herself up landing on her feet. Chichi wiped the blood from the cut she received on her lips and smirked. "My turn now…" Chichi said as she ran towards Dara. All of Chichi's attack was blocked by Dara's Saiyajin speed. "Tah, is that all you got?" Dara said as she started to punch Chichi, causing her to back up. "Dara stop! You're going to hurt Chichi! She's not a Saiyajin!" Kakarott yelled. When Dara heard his voice she thought, 'How can he care about her getting hurt... doesn't he care about me...? What about me...?' Getting more jealous and angrier by the minute, Dara kicked Chichi hard on the ribs, causing two to break.

Chichi landed headfirst on the ground as she held her hips in pain. 'OW! What... the fuck... hit me...?' Chichi thought. But within seconds darkness took over as she fell unconscious.

When Dara kicked Chichi in the ribs she just stood there, looking down at Chichi's body with hatred. "Chichi!" Kakarott yelled as he ran towards her body. Once he figured out she was only unconscious, he lifted her body and walked towards Dara. "Dara, how could you…?" Kakarott asked. "She's NOT a saiyajin! She's weak Dara, weak!" Kakarott shook his head in disappointment as he walked past Dara. Yuiji shook his head left and right and followed Kakarott leaving Tori and Dara behind. Dara looked down on the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks. 'Why can't he care about me as much as he cares about her...' Dara thought.

Tori wanted to comfort her, hold her, and tell her everything was alright. But when he walked near Dara, and saw the pain in her eyes, he couldn't muster up the courage to approach her any more. He stood there, his arms stretched out, reaching for Dara. She was so close, but yet so far. Tori let out a sigh, turned around and followed Yuiji and Kakarott down the road, leaving Dara behind.


Slowly opening her eyes, she noticed darkness surrounded her. This time it was different, this time she was warm and felt no pain. She sat up and glanced around, everything was dark, but she could hear voices. Chichi looked down to notice her naked body, she quickly grabbed her blanket and covered her body. She sat on the bed, as she noticed the voices stopped talking. Then she heard a woman's voice, it sounded so familiar, but who was it? "You can't bond with her! You can't!" the voice shouted. Then a man's voice answered, "I love her, and that's all that matters!" "The king will kill you for this! Not only you, but her too! Do you want her to die by YOUR hands?" The woman pleaded. "My hands? How can it be by my hands?" The young man shouted.

"Because you plan to bond with her. That's how!" She answered. There was silence for a few minutes, then the young man let out a sigh. "It's to late, mother..." Then all she heard was a gasp, and a loud thud, something or someone landed on the floor. Then she heard the woman sob. She must have fell onto her knees and started to cry.

Chichi felt a bead of sweat drip down her neck. She tried to wipe of off with her fingers, but then it stung. Chichi rubbed the liquid with her hands and brought it close to her face to see what it was. There on her fingers was blood, blood dripping down from her neck. She had bonded.

Kakarott carried Chichi's body into her room and carefully placed her down on her bed. Kaiya had told Tori and Yuiji to leave while she took care of her wounds. "Kakarott what happened?" Kaiya asked as she glanced down at Chichi's body. "Dara and Chichi had a little sparring match, and I guess Dara didn't understand that Saiyajin's are stronger then most of the aliens." Kaiya shook her head as she let out a sigh. "Ok Kakarott, I’ll take care of her..." With that Kakarott left leaving Chichi in his mother’s care.

Kaiya sighed as she started to strip Chichi's clothes off. (a/n: No you hentais! not in that way! Eww) 'What am I going to do with you, Kakarott. If this keeps up, I don't know what will happen next. Chichi's hurt physically, but Dara's hurt emotionally...'


'It's not fair! It’s just not fair at all!' Dara thought. She wiped her eyes as she sniffed back her tears. 'Why don't you love me back...?' Dara thought. 'Maybe I’ll have to show you...' With that in mind Dara set off home, preparing a plan to capture Kakarott's heart.


Kaiya let out a sigh of relief and stood up. Chichi only had two broken ribs, and a few bruises. Once Chichi was dressed in her pajama's, Kaiya tucked her in, making sure the blanket covered her body. Kakarott was down in the kitchen waiting for his mother to come out. When he heard the door open he stood up and watched his mother come down the stairs. "Is she alright?" Kakarott asked. Kaiya smiled, and nodded her head up and down. "She has two broken ribs, and a few bruises, which won't scar..." Kaiya started to say. Her smile then turned into a frown as she crossed her arms.

"Now what will make Dara do something like this to Chichi...? What happened?" Kaiya asked. She already knew the answer to her first question, but she wanted to know what happened when they went out. Kakarott explained everything that happened and Kaiya listened. She couldn’t help but feel bad for Dara, but it still didn't give Dara the right to hurt Chichi like that.


Two weeks had passed by since that incident. Chichi was feeling better, and her ribs were healing fast thanks to the Kaiya's medicine. Kakarott had been with Chichi almost the whole two weeks. Finally, Kakarott listened to her and went to train with Yuiji. Chichi couldn't help but feel a certain way for Kakarott. During the past two weeks he helped Chichi out and made sure everything was okay. And when there was nothing else she needed they just sat there and talked. Chichi couldn’t help the feelings she started to feel for Kakarott. Maybe, it was love?

Dara and Chichi made peace but they still didn't get along. Dara came by earlier that day and apologized, but Chichi could tell that there was no feeling behind it. 'What's the point of apologizing if you don't mean it...?' Chichi thought. She had been sitting on this bed for about 2 weeks doing absolutely nothing.

Thinking back to when she lived on Earth, she couldn’t help but wonder how Bulma was doing.


Dara's POV

When I entered my house I felt anger building up inside of me. I had just apologized to Chichi, only because Kakarott had asked me to. Why couldn’t he feel the same way for me, as I feel for him? Why did he have to consider me as a little sister…? It doesn't make any sense to me. Then she had to come along, thinking she can have her way with my Kakarott. The boy I grew up with... and the man I love.

Then from out of no where, it came to me. How to get Kakarott to look at me different. He only treats me as a little girl, because I act like one. And if I want him to notice me as a woman, then I’ll have to be one.


The next few days Chichi had gotten out of the bed and started to roam around the house. Kaiya only allowed her to walk around in the house, and no where else. She didn't approve of Chichi walking around since her ribs were still healing but there was no way to stop her. When Chichi awoke that morning, she decided to do her laundry. Since Chichi first arrived, Kaiya had always insisted on doing Chichi's laundry along with her family's, but it didn't feel right.

While Chichi was hanging up the clothes to dry in the back yard and Kakarott came out to do his morning exercises. Chichi noticed this and she realized that she had been slacking off on her sparing and needed to get back into shape. "Goku…?" Chichi said to get his attention. "Can... we spar?" she said as her eyes widened and shined with hope. 'How can I say no to a face like that...?' Kakarott thought, but then he remembered Chichi's ribs. He couldn’t spar with her; it would delay her progress in healing.

"I don't know Chi… I mean you're hurt..." Kakarott said as he pointed at her ribs. Chichi smiled at his concern but insisted that he spar with her.


Dara took a deep breath as she approached the house. She knocked the door and Kaiya opened it welcoming her in. "So... Is Kakarott here?" Dara asked as she looked around the empty house. Kaiya nodded her head and pointed towards the back yard. "He's out side sparing..." Kaiya replied not paying attention to Dara's smirk.


While Chichi and Kakarott were sparing, some of her clothes were blown away by the wind. "Goku, hold on a minute ok? I have to get my towel." Chichi said. Kakarott nodded his head as he started to stretch. Dara then came out of the house and noticed Kakarott stretching. 'Ok Dara... here's your chance.' Dara thought to herself.


Chichi followed her towel to the side of the house. 'Oh... gee... perfect...' Chichi thought as she noticed that her towel had landed in the mud. She picked it up and let out a sigh. 'Now I have to wash it again...I guess I should go tell Kakarott.'

Chichi walked over towards the edge of the house as she heard two voices. She glanced over and saw Dara holding one of Kakarott's arms while he laughed and scratched the back of his head. Chichi felt a sudden pain in her chest and anger rising. 'Was he only leading me on...? I thought he cared for me... I guess he treats every girl the same way...' With that thought in her mind Chichi turned around and headed towards the front door.

"Kakarott, Yuiji and Tori told you to get ready so we can go out... They’re on their way right now." Kakarott nodded his head as he decided to go take a shower.

When Kakarott reached the bathroom he noticed someone was inside. Chichi was bending over the tub, washing the muddy towel. Kakarott smirked and lean on the frame of the door. "Hey Chichi, me, Yuiji, Tori, and Dara are going out... want to come?" Chichi snapped her head back as she glared daggers at Kakarott. "No leave me alone..." Chichi said. She tried to hide the pain in her voice but failed.

"What's wrong Chichi?" Kakarott ask as he walked over and stood next to her. "I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" Chichi yelled. "Which part of that sentence don't you understand? The leave? me? or alone?" Kakarott nodded his head and exited the bathroom. He didn't know why Chichi was so upset but he didn't want to make her angrier.

Chichi couldn’t help but feel guilty at the way she yelled at Kakarott. 'He has done nothing wrong, he was just being himself. And here I am… yelling at him because I was jealous... I guess I’ll go apologize to him when I finish washing this towel.


Dara walked up towards the stairs and glanced into Kakarott's room. He was sitting on his bed, waiting for the bathroom. Originally Dara was suppose to wait until he was out of the shower, but she figured this would work better.

She walked inside, forgetting to close the door behind her. She approached Kakarott and sat on his lap. Kakarott was to busy thinking about Chichi to noticed that Dara had walked inside. He finally noticed her when she sat on his lap.

"Dara what are you doing?" Kakarott asked. Dara just leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. Just when Kakarott was about to speak, Dara placed a finger over his lips. "No Kakarott, you listen... I’ve loved you since we were little, and it's not the same feeling I have for my brother..." Dara started off. Kakarott lightly pushed her off of him causing her to sit next to him on the bed. He stood up and didn't look back. With his back facing Dara, he took a deep breath and apologized. "Dara, I'm sorry. But I don't feel the same way for you. I see you as a little sister."

Dara's anger started to build up as she whispered. "It's because of her huh...?" Kakarott eyes widen as he realized that she knew the truth. "It's because of her huh?" Dara repeated louder. Kakarott shook his head denying the truth. "No… It’s not because of her..." Dara stood up and said, "I've loved you since we were young! Why do you have to see me as a little sister? Is it because I act like a little girl? I can change Kakarott... I can change..." Kakarott turned around and shook his head left and right. "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? Sorry!?! Is sorry going to make anything better?" Tears flowed down her cheeks. "I'm not a little girl... I'm a woman..." Before Kakarott could of said anything Dara pulled his tail, causing him to fall on the bed. "I'm a woman Kakarott, and I’ll show you how much I’ve grown up."

Chichi left the bathroom and headed towards Kakarott's room. She wanted to apologize for her attitude a little while ago. She shouldn't have yelled at him like that. His room door was open as she glanced inside. There she saw Kakarott lying on the bed, with Dara straddling his waist with only a bra on, taking off his shirt.


Quick note: I'M LATE FOR WORK... please review... no shout outs! sorry... i'll do it next time! THANKS FOR READING!!

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