
by: firefly

note: Firefly here, welcome authors and readers. This is the first fanfic from me, to be posted at Read if you like and please, review. My fics always have twists, surprises, and

unexpected turn of events, so brace yourself. Bulma is still with Yamcha in this fic.

disclaimer: I do not own dragonballz, it belongs to Akira Toriyama and that blasted funimation co.

The invitation

Chi Chi flipped through her mail checking for anything importent other than junkmail.
" Trash, garbage, waste of paper, " Chi Chi sighed as she threw it all out. Suddenly something
caught her eye in the trash can. It was a white letter with the simple word 'invitation' printed
on it with red ink. She slowly reached down and picked it up wondering who it could be from.
She opened it and pulled out a red paper that had black writing on it and she read aloud

" To Mrs.Son and Mr.Son, You have been invited
to a get together hosted by me,
I want to keep my identity a secret until
everyone reaches my little party, and
believe me, it'll be a surprise.
Sincerely, FRIEND"

Chi Chi looked at the letter curiously, I wonder who its from? Goku suddenly walked in and gave
her a peck on the cheek. "Hi Chi Chi!"
He said cheerfully. Chi Chi turned around and smiled at him.
" Goku, we've been invited to a party!"
"Really? There'll be Food! Who's it from!?"
Chi Chi frowned.
"I don't know, whoever this person is wants it to be a big surprise."
"I love surprises!" Goku exclaimed. He grinned broadly. Suddenly the phone rang. Chi Chi walked
over to it while Goku ran off to tell Gohan. Chi Chi answered it.
"Chi Chi! Its me Bulma! Me and Yamcha just got an invitation to a surprise party!"
"Really? I did too! Both me and Goku are invited!"
"Oh this is great! We didn't have fun together for such a loooong time! I bet everyone else got one!
Chi Chi grinned, it had been a long time since they all had a good time together as friends and family.
"Oh I forgot to mention, Vegeta's been invited too! Can you believe that!?"
Chi Chi almost dropped the phone.
"WHAT!?" She shrieked.

"Yeah I know, I was shocked too, Vegeta just threw it out."
"Is he going to come?" Chi Chi asked a bit miffed.
"I don't know, I'll have to ask, and maybe convince him to come."
"Are you insane!? Why would you wanna do that?" Chi Chi yelled.
"Come on! Look at the poor guy! He never gets out! Always inside the gravity room training and training! He needs a break!" Bulma protested.
Chi Chi sighed.
"I guess your right..."
"Of course I am! Oh sorry I gotta go! Call ya later!"
With that she hung up. Chi Chi frowned as she put the reciever down, ' I don't know why but I have
a bad feeling about this... I wonder who its from?'
Goku ran in interuppting Chi Chi's thoughts.
"Chi Chi! Guess what! Krillan, Chow-su, piccolo and Yajerobe have been invited too!" Goku
exclaimed happily. Chi Chi smiled and pushed the thought to the back of her mind.
"Thats great Goku, but what about Tien? And how on Earth are you going to get PICCOLO to go!?" Goku happy face was replaced by a confused one, but then he grinned again.
"I bet Tien is the host! Who else could it be!? And don't worry I'll get Piccolo to come! You'll see!" Goku grinned at his guess proudly.
"Your probably right Goku, It might be Tien." Goku smiled and ran off again to tell Krillan. Chi Chi sighed again tried to get rid of the strange feeling.
"It must be Tien! Or roshi! I shouldn't be worried!" Chi Chi said aloud. She smiled and went to prepare lunch. The thought still lingering in the back of her mind.


"Hmmmm.... so you really think it could be Tien, Goku?" Krillan asked with a surprised look on his face.
"Sure! What do you think Chow-su?"
Chow-su frowned slightly.
"Could be... But Tien hasn't been around, he's visiting Lunch back in Paris." A look of surprise crossed Goku's and Krillan's faces.
"Really!? How come he didn't tell us?" They both shouted. Chow-su backed away a few steps with a nervous look on his face.
"He told me not to tell because he didn't want you guys teasing him about it!" Chow-su blurted before slapping his hand over his mouth.
"Oops..." Chow-su peeped.
"Really...?" Krillan said slyly rubbing his chin. Goku also grinned at Tien's shyness.
"I-I wonder who the real host is then!?" Chow-su stammered trying to change the subject. Krillan looked thoughful.
"It could be Master Roshi..." He murmured scratching his bald head.
"Nah... I think its someone else! Don't you Chow- huh? Chow-su? Where'd ya go?"
Goku looked around for the little warrior.
"I think he used the oppurtunity to run Goku!" Krillan said laughing. Goku grinned and joined him.


"Vegeta!!!!" Bulma called into the intercom. She was outside the gravity room trying to persue him to go. She waited until Vegeta whipped the door open and glared at her.
"What the hell do you want?" He snapped obviously mad at her for interuppting his training.
"I want YOU to come to the party you were invited to." She said with a smile.
"His look of annoyence intensified into a look of anger.
"Is that why you interuppted my training!? Well the answer is NO!" He yelled before slamming the door in her face. Bulma frowned and knocked loudly on the door.
"If you don't come! I'll stop giving you food!" She yelled.
"So what!? It tastes like crap anyway!" Came his reply. This time she frowned and yelled
"FINE! If you won't come, I'll take the gravitron apart!" There was silence but then Vegeta threw the door open with an even angrier look an his face.
"Why the hell do you want me to go!?" He shouted angrily.
"BECAUSE you need to get out and have some fun! I bet being a saiyan is like hell but even a saiyan needs to have fun! And if you don't come, I'LL TELL GOKU TO BLOW UP THE ENTIRE GRAVITY ROOM! YOU HEAR!?!?!" She screamed. Vegeta just glared.
"FINE!" He snapped before slamming the door closed again. Bulma smiled proudly.
"Works every time..."


Piccolo growled at the note in his hand. He had gone from his favorite meditating spot to get a drink of water and when he had come back, there was a note there waiting for him. Goku had come by and annoyed the namekian by begging him to go. Piccolo had screamed that if he'd shut up, he'd go. And now he was stuck going to the infernal party.
"Whoever its from is gonna get a them a new head..." He muttered before continuing his meditating.


The mystery host slowly rubbed his hands together and licked his lips, his eyes gleaming dangerously. It had been done. His victims were all invited to his little party. Each letter carefully written and mailed to each and everyone. He laughed out loud to no one in particular. It was a cold,chilling and bloodthirsty laugh that would have striked fear into anybodys heart. Whether saiyan, namekian or human. They'll all quiver in fear when they find out what's in store for them. He thought. Then his face broke out into a psychotic grin and he threw his head back and laughed maniacally into the air.
" Oh it'll be a party, a killer party..." He murmured drawing his plans out in his own blood,
"A killer party..."

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