psycho ch.2
By: Firefly

Note: Here is chapter two. Please review, I need encouragment. Someone asked me to pair Vegeta
and Bulma but I refuse to do it. It breaks my heart already to know that they end up together.
Please don't make it worse. I’ll try to add some romance. Anyway, enjoy.


Vegeta paced in his room trying not to blow a hole in the wall. The infernal woman had deactivated he gravitron. He gritted his teeth in anger. It had been one week since the blasted invitation was sent and the party was tomorrow night, at 8:00 pm. All of a sudden Bulma opened his door and walked in. Vegeta whirled around and glared at her. Bulma grinned.
"Do you have your clothes picked out for tomorrow?" She asked sweetly. Vegeta's angry face was replaced by one of confusion.
"What do you mean?! Whats wrong with this!?" Vegeta yelled pointing to his blue spandex bodysuit. ulma giggled. "You dummy! You're supposed to wear something nice and comfortable! And bet you don't have anything but that!" She said pointing. egeta remembered that horrible pink shirt she had given him to wear, the very thought almost made him shudder. "I refuse to wear anything you pick!" He shouted. She took the left hand from behind her back and showed him what she was holding. It was a black shirt with a pair of black pants.
“ Is this okay?” She said sweetly. Vegeta marched right up to her, grabbed the clothes and told her to get out. Bulma left with a smile on her face. She walked into the kitchen to see Yamcha in the hall waiting for her.
“Hey Yamcha! What are you doing here?” She asked surprised. Yamcha looked nervous and had his hand behind his back.
“What are you hiding?” She said suspiciously trying to get a glimpse behind his back. A nervous grin broke across his face as he slowly pulled a black velvet box from behind his Back. Bulma’s mouth dropped open in shock as he opened it to reveal a silver heart locket with a diamond in the middle. “ I was gonna save it for the party…” Yamcha said as he Handed it to her. Bulma took it out of the box and opened it to see a picture of her and Yamcha on one side smiling and the words
‘I’ll love you always’ engraved on the other side. Tears came to her eyes as she looked up at Yamcha.
“Thank you…” She whispered before she threw herself on him embracing him tightly. A huge grin spread across Yamcha’s face.
“I knew you’d like it.” Bulma pulled back with a look of happiness in her eyes.
“Where’d you get all the money?!” She asked. Yamcha’s grin grew wider.
“When I was the desert bandit I once traded all my money for this. I didn’t know why, all I knew was that there was going to be a woman that I was going to give it to… to tell her I loved her, and that’s you.” Bulma started to cry. Yamcha looked alarmed.
“Bulma! What is it!?” He asked worridly. Bulma looked up at him and stopped bawling.
“Nothing,” she said wiping her eyes. “I’m just so… happy.” She threw herself on him once again and held him for all she was worth. Yamcha gave out a relieved sigh and hugged her back. Meanwhile… Vegeta rolled his eyes in disgust as he saw them and stalked off grumbling about stupid human emotions. All of a sudden Chow-su burst in the door panting. Yamcha pulled away from Bulma and picked up the little warrior who was gasping for breath.
“Chow-su! What’s wrong Bulma asked a little frightened of ruining her happy Moment.
“G-Goku! *puff* *wheeze* A-and Krillan! *pant* chasing me!” He managed to Get out. “Is that it?” Yamcha asked trying not to laugh. Chow-su nodded.
“But why?” Bulma said giggling.
“They’re trying to get details out of me about why Tien went to see lunch.” Chow-su grumbled. Bulma and Yamcha burst out laughing.
“Tien! He went to visit Lunch! How come he didn’t tell us!?” Bulma said gasping. Chow-su hung his head in shame. “He didn’t want you guys to tease him.” At that Bulma and Yamcha started to laugh even harder. Chow-su’s face suddenly lit up in alarm.
“OH NO! It’s Krillan and Goku!” He flew as fast as he could through the hall into the workshop trying to hide. Goku and Krillan walked in panting.
“Did Chow-su *pant* come here?” Krillan asked breathlessly. Yamcha and Bulma shook their heads trying not to laugh. “Come on Krillan! I bet he’s hiding out at master Roshi’s! Bye guys!” Goku shouted as him and Krillan ran out the door. “Bye!” Bulma shouted after them. She tugged at Yamcha’s arm. “Come on Yamcha! I have the perfect outfit picked out for you!” She exclaimed dragging him up the stairs.


The mystery host grinned and chuckled under his breath.
“Preparation time…” he murmured to himself. “The party’s tomorrow… gotta have everything perfect… everything…no room for mistakes.” He grinned again as he drew a razor blade across his wrist drawing out more blood for his plan. “No mistakes…”


4 hours later…

“Goku! Do you have your clothes laid out!?” ChiChi shouted from the kitchen. Goku walked in wearing nothing but his bowers. “Are these it?” He asked holding up his tux.
ChiChi nodded with a frown on her face. “Go put some clothes on this instant!” She scolded before returning to the dirty dishes.
“Yes ma’am.” Goku replied sullenly before sulking off to his room.
“That Goku!” ChiChi muttered. “Someone could have just walked in the door.”
“Someone just did.” Came a voice. ChiChi whirled around holding a huge butcher knife in her right hand. Her face contorted into anger.
“What are you doing here?” She asked annoyed and a little frightened.
Vegeta smirked leaning against the doorway.
“Good reflexes.” He commented annoying her even more. ChiChi smiled sweetly confusing him for a second and then threw the butcher knife with amazing accuracy embedding its blade into the wall right next to Vegeta’s face. Goku walked in wearing his gi and froze seeing ChiChi smirking at Vegeta and Vegeta with an absolute look of shock on his face. Goku then saw the knife and realized what happened. He grinned and said “Hi Vegeta!”
ChiChi turned back around like nothing happened and continued washing the dishes. Goku grabbed Vegeta and dragged him outside, with him still staring at ChiChi. When they were outside Goku grinned sheepishly and put his hand at the back of his head.
“Um… ChiChi was sort of a fighter when she was little…” He explained.
‘If I’d known that…’ Vegeta thought. ‘I would have used the back door.’
“So Vegeta what are you doing here? I thought you hated me.” Goku said innocently.
“I need to spar with you cause the stupid loud mouth broke the gravitron.” Vegeta said. Goku nodded and said “follow me.” As Vegeta and Goku flew off ChiChi stared through the window with that strange feeling going through her head.


The insane laughter of the mystery host filled the air of a deserted forest. It was done, all his hard work had paid off. His plans were all complete, drawn out in his own blood. “Tomorrow… the real fun will begin…” he murmured as a psychotic grin broke across his face. “I’m right under their noses and they don’t even know! Perfect! IT’S PERFECT! He screamed. Then his scream broke down to a whisper as he drew an ‘x’ across each of his victim’s faces. “It’s my party and I’ll die if I want to, die if I want to…”


note: So… what do you think? I apologize if it’s so short. The next part will most definitely be posted up tomorrow or the day after. Please review and tell me who you think the mystery host is.
In the next chapter the real fun will begin. Expect a few…. Fatalities.

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