psycho ch.3
By: Firefly

note: Last time I left off The mystery host had completed his plans and Yamcha had given Bulma a gift and told her he loved her. To the people who are begging me to put bulma and vegeta together, I'm sorry but I cannot fulfill your requests. What about poor Yamcha? And to Gohan Hugger, Vegeta is my most favorite character in dragoball z! I just can't stand bulma. Thank you. Please R&R.

Lets get this party started

The mystery host slowly looked around at his surroundings with a proud grin on his face. He was in the middle of a huge ballroom that had a gigantic chandalier hanging from the ceiling. It was a large empty castle he had come upon. He decided it would be the perfect place for his Nobody lived here anymore because it was rumored that the present owner was driven mad by a ghost.
"Just one more hour..." He whispered to himself. "Then we'll get the real party started..."


"ChiChi!" Goku whined as she tried to fix his bow tie.
"Hold still Goku!" She scolded as he squirmed. She finally got it straight and let him go. "Did Gohan go to Master Roshi's yet?" She asked. Goku nodded.
"He really wanted to go too. But I told him it was only for adults and that he'd be the only kid there." Goku stated. ChiChi looked at her watch. It was 7:30 pm.
"Oooh where is Bulma!?" ChiChi said impatiently. She still hadn't gotten rid of that worry that floated through her mind. Someone suddenly knocked on the door. Goku answered it and a wet Bulma and Yamcha ran in followed by a grumbling Vegeta.
"Man it's really pouring out there!" Yamcha exclaimed as he removed his jacket. Yamcha was wearing a tux like Goku's and Bulma wore a knee length red dress. ChiChi looked at them and then at Vegeta who was wearing a black shirt and and black jeans. At least he was dressed appropiately. Vegeta noticed ChiChi looking at him and smirked. ChiChi rolled her eyes and went over to greet Bulma and Yamcha. Goku grinned stupidly at Vegeta.
"Hey Vegeta! You made it!" Goku said cheerfully. Vegeta just glared at him sauntered over to a couch and sat down. There was another knock on the door as Krillan, Piccolo, and Chow-su walked in also wet.
"Hey Gok-" Krillan was suddenly interuppted when Yajerobi shoved his way past him and entered.
"Hi Yajerobi, long time no see," Bulma said half-heartedly.

"Yeah Yeah, I'm only goin' for the food." He said rudely. He was just about to go sit on the couch when he noticed Vegeta sitting there. His face paled as he remembered the beating Vegeta had given him for cutting off his tail. Vegeta turned his head and his eyes widened at the sight of Yajerobe. Yajerobe yelped and ran into the kitchen. Goku ran over to Vegeta and grabbed his arm. "Isn't that the fat ass who cut my tail off!?" Vegeta yelled as Yajerobe ran for dear life. The mystery host's eyes widened with anger and shock. No! He can't kill him! I have to! He thought as he watched Goku try to restrain Vegeta. After a few minutes Goku finally got Vegeta to calm down. The mystery host sighed in relief as Vegeta sat back down. 'That CAN'T happen again...' he thought.

"Okay you guys lets go!" Krillan said as they headed back outrside to get into the aircar. Goku had to hold on to Vegeta and keep an eye on Piccolo as they climbed into the aircar. Yajerobi sat as far as he could from Vegeta and Goku sat between Vegeta and Piccolo. Bulma Chow-su and Yamcha sat in the front and ChiChi sat next to Vegeta having no where else to sit. Krillan was at the wheel.

Piccolo's face contorted in annoyence as Goku Talked loudly and laughed. Krillan started the car and drove as rain pelted the windshield. ChiChi looked out the passenger window with butterflies in her stomach. She was feeling awfully nervous as she tried to push the feeling away. Her hands started to shake nervously as she stared out into the night. Vegeta glanced at ChiChi when he felt her ice cold hand brush his arm. 'What's wrong with her?' He thought. He could see that from the reflection of the glass her face was scrunched in worry. The look of fear in her eyes actually startled him. ChiChi turned her head when she felt eyes on her. She turned to see Vegeta.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He demanded.
ChiChi didn't feel like arguing so she decided to tell him.
"Something is going to happen," she whispered. "I can feel it, and its not good."
Vegeta arched an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean?"
ChiChi sighed and looked out the window again.
"I don't know..."


The mystery host felt his excitement grow as they got closer and closer to his destination.
'Get ready guys, this will be one party that you will NEVER forget...' He thought.


"Hey guys we're here!" Chow-su exclaimed as Krillan stopped the aircar.

"Woah..." Goku said in awe as he peered through the window at the huge castle that loomed in front of him. It was perched at the end of a cliff which held a stomach churning drop to the thrashing water below. "Are you sure this is it?" Bulma asked as she also looked at the castle in awe. Krillan checked the invitation note again.

"Yep, this is it."
Vegeta's and Piccolo's eyes widened as well when they caught a glimps of the huge castle. Chi Chi's stomach churned when she saw it and her mind filled with dread. They got out of the car ran to the castle as the rain pelted there exposed bodies. Thunder and lightning flashed illuminating the castle giving it a ghostly glow. The wind howled pushed against them with incredible force. Krillan got to the enormous door first.


'Come on! You're so close! Just a little bit more' A grin broke across the mystery host's face as Krillan picked up a note at the front door.


Krillan read aloud,

Welcome, I am glad you all could make it.
The door is open,
go on in and make yourself comfortable, explore all the rooms if you want,
I will be with you shortly...

Krillan shrugged and pushed open the door to reveal a huge ballroom lit up only by candles. A gigantic chandalier loomed from the ceiling. There was a table as long as the room which was lined with food. As they entered Goku spotted the food and practically flew at it. Everyone else stared at the chandelier that hung from the ceiling. As they started to head in different directions ChiChi stood in the corner afraid to move. It was too late to go back now... everyone else sauntered on, having no idea what was in store for them.


The mystery host watched from the shadows oblivious to anyone. He licked his lips as he set his eyes on his prey.

In a whisper he said "Shall we begin..."


note: So... how is it so far? PLEASE tell me who you think the killer is. Could it be Tien?
Maybe... tell me what you think.

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