Psycho ch.6
By: Firefly

Note: The last time I left off the mystery host had cornered ChiChi in the ballroom.
But a surprise was in store for the mystery host when ChiChi struck him with a move she learned
When she was a child. But the mystery host had his own surprise for ChiChi. He has them
All now and ChiChi has fallen into his trap. What will happen now? How will ChiChi get out
alive and escape from this demented psychopath? Sorry but I can’t tell you. You have to read
it first! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh and please review. Thanks.

A shock

ChiChi continued screaming as she plummeted through the tunnel. Her eyes were filled with fear as She looked down to nothing. Just pure black surrounded her from all sides.
ChiChi suddenly saw a dim light coming from the bottom. She braced herself and closed her eyes waiting to make contact with the ground.

‘This is it…’ ChiChi’s mind seemed to murmur. ‘You’re going to land on a bed of spikes, and each one is going to impale your body in different places. One in your stomach… one in your leg… one in you heart… and one in your head…’

It was like a rhyme that floated through ChiChi’s head as she pictured her own decapitated body… a worthless bloody mess… left to be eaten by the rats and roaches.

ChiChi’s eyes closed as she awaited her death.

The next thing she knew she had the wind knocked out of her and all her bones seemed to make a cracking sound that repeatedly echoed in her ears.

ChiChi coughed up blood as she struggled to lift her head off the solid ground she had landed on.
She looked up with blood slowly trickling down her lip.

“W-where am I…?” ChiChi whispered as she looked around. It was a huge computer room.
It had several monitors and cameras in every direction she looked.
A large leather chair sat before the largest and what looked like the main screen.
ChiChi’s eyes widened with shock as she struggled to get up. She managed to get to her knees and then slumped against the wall weakly trying to support herself.

She stared at the screen, speechless as it showed the same clip over and over again.

It documented ChiChi and the rest enter the castle and wander around in awe, and as each one wandered off to meet their bloody fate. Except ChiChi who stood there alone. It showed a close-up of her scared face then it froze, starting over again. ChiChi stood there with her mouth hanging open in horror as she watched it again and again.

Tears welled up in her already blood shot eyes as she watched everyone head off to the halls, the same halls where they were probably murdered, the same halls, that had claimed ChiChi’s heart.

“No…” She whispered.
‘He was watching us the whole time…?’ ChiChi thought silently.
At that moment, a single tear slid down her face as it showed Goku grinning happily as he dove at the food. Her bottom lip trembled and she screamed in anguish, falling to her knees and then slumping over on her side as sobs racked her body.

“No… not Goku… not my friends… please… please don’t take them…” ChiChi whimpered as she cried clutching her knees to her chest.

“Please don’t…”

ChiChi struggled to her knees and started to crawl as fast as she could toward the screen.
She didn’t want to see it.
The happy curious faces…
The innocent looks…
The place of which claimed their precious lives…

ChiChi grabbed a hold of the large leather chair and hoisted herself up to the control panel.

She looked around for anything that would turn the damn thing off, when she caught a glimpse of it.

Everything seemed to fall into total darkness, except ChiChi and what had caught her gaze and kept it there.

“Bulma…” ChiChi whispered. Her words broke the eerie silence as did her erratic breathing.
There, above the panel, were Bulma’s keys.
ChiChi shook her head furiously not wanting to believe it.

“No…” she mumbled. “No… it can’t be… it just can’t…”

The room spinned around ChiChi as she desperately fought the nausea that overwhelmed her.
It all suddenly made sense. All this… all these computers, monitors and video cameras…
Belonged to… Bulma.

A choked sob escaped ChiChi’s throat as she spotted a blueprint. It was drawn out in blood, every single piece of the plan drawn out with extreme detail and care.

ChiChi grabbed it shakily knocking it down in the process.

She literally dove after them and her shaking hands grabbed one of them.
Another sob escaped ChiChi’s throat as she stared at the blueprints.
They were dated as far back as Vegeta’s arrival. She desperately grabbed for another one and lifted it to her face. Everything went silent…

The sound of monitors whirring had even seemed to fade into the background.
A tear fell on the blueprints, mixing with the blood.
Her finger slowly traced over Goku’s grinning picture.
A large ‘x’ drawn across it.
ChiChi knew what the rest held as she solemnly put it down.
All her friends… having a ‘x’ drawn across all their faces.

“Why…? Why Bulma why…?” ChiChi whispered to herself as the bloody blueprints lay around her, surrounding her, suffocating her with pain.
Lightning flashed and all the computers and lights went out, leaving ChiChi in total darkness.
ChiChi looked up to see a door. The last way out of the castle that had claimed her friends and her soul. ChiChi slowly got up and limped to the door.
She stopped for a moment and stared back at the room.

“Wherever you are Bulma… I’ll find you…” ChiChi whispered, her voice laced with venom and such hate that it didn’t sound like her at all. She opened the door and stood there staring outside for the biggest shock of her life. Everyone lay on the grass, at the end of the cliff scattered in different directions. Lightning flashed and thunder shook the castle as rain pelted there still bodies.

ChiChi’s heart seemed to stop as she spotted Goku, lying on the grass drenched in water and mud.

ChiChi threw the door open and ran not giving a damn about her screaming ankle.

The sound of water thrashing against the cliff was deafening. ChiChi was already soaked by the time she reached Goku. She fell to her knees getting her dress covered in mud. She reached down and gently lifted Goku up by putting her arm around his neck.

She stared at his angelic face with silence as rain water dripped from her hair onto his face.

Goku felt like ice. His hair had become matted and dirty from the mud. ChiChi’s lip trembled as she held him gently.

“How can someone kill an angel Goku…” ChiChi whispered.

“Especially when they’re your friends…” ChiChi said bitterly as tears slid down her cheeks and landed on Goku’s already wet face.

She cried to herself as she grabbed Goku’s body and flung herself on him embracing him for the last time.
“I’m sorry Goku!” She sobbed.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help!” ChiChi put her head to his chest as she sobbed relentlessly.
She suddenly gasped as she pulled her head back.
It was there, she was positive.
His heartbeat was strong and steady.
ChiChi checked again and cried out in joy.
“Goku! Goku wake up!” She practically screamed.
It was no use, he was knocked out.
‘Maybe the rest are alive!’ ChiChi thought with hope rising in her heart.
She gently lay Goku back on the ground and crawled over to Krillan. Sure enough he was alive.
She went to the next closest person who was Piccolo. She grimaced as she stared at the Namekian
But checked. A slight smile came to her lips as his steady heartbeat rang in her ears.
The next person closest to Piccolo was Vegeta.
She crawled over to him and sat hunched over him. His hair was still defying gravity even though it was soaked and dirty. He was lying on his side.

ChiChi rolled him over and put her ear to his chest. She sat back somewhat relieved that he was alive.

“I swear…” She grumbled. “If you make a big deal out of me saving you royal ass, I’m going to kill you myself.” But she smiled slightly as she brushed the hair out of her eyes.

“Who’s next…?” ChiChi said aloud as she looked around for Yamcha or Chow-su.
“You are.” ChiChi froze as the icy feeling of fear struck her heart.
She slowly turned to see the mystery host.
Standing in the shadows once again, leaving only a dim silhouette of his appearance.
The axe he held gleamed in the night as he stared intently at ChiChi.
ChiChi looked around for any possible weapon but found something else.
“Bulma…?” ChiChi whispered as she spotted her body at the far end of Piccolo.
She jerked her head in the mystery host’s direction.
‘‘That’s not Bulma…’’ ChiChi realized.

“How right you are babe, how right you are…” He whispered as he stepped forward.


note: The final showdown approaches in the next chapter. The mystery host wields his axe as ChiChi is in his clutches. What will happen next? Still don’t know who the killer is? Well get ready because he reveals himself in the next chapter. Please review. Thanks.

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