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The Dance

The elves walk,

slowly they move,

with such grace,

like shadows in the sun.

They hear music,

the music of the fairies,

they join with their own,

and soon they all start to dance.

Joyful is the dance,

a dance of life,

a dance of freedom,

a dance of joy.

Soon they here a flute,

so wonderful is the flute,

they stop their dance,

listening with contentment.

Pan walks out of the forest,

with many maidens,

for these are not normal maidens,

these are dryads.

So beautiful,

so pure,

nothing could compare,

and so full of life.

Pan stops playing ,

a look of want crosses his face,

the elves and fairies know,

he wants to join them.

Pan starts playing once more,

they all start to dance,

the dance of nature.

Soon pan stops.

the end is near,

then she appears,

the mother of all.

Written by

Scott Killpack


The sun rises,

unto our world,

bringing light to our lives,

also bring warmth.

For she is here,

the earth before all,

she may hurt us,

but that is all she knows.

If we look around,

she brings life,

with green trees,

the life that feeds us.

The life giving waters,

The air we breath,

but what do we give her,

destruction to her precious being.

Animals that are no more,

soon may join the ranks,

for all we care for,

the wealth she brings.

Mankind destroys all they touch,

the great fragile  shell,

the smallest dent,

and it will be the end for us all.

We are all dying,

slow death from our own hands,

not all of us want to die,

but what do we care?

She is now crying,

she weeps in pain,

bring death to all,

and all will die.

Tears of acid,

for now it is her revenge,

killing the green,

using mans causes against him.

Where will it lead,

when will it stop,

dose anyone care to help,

But no what do we care?

Written by

Scott Killpack


Two warriors stands on the battle field,

one in black plate mail and the wielding a sword,

the other in red chain mail, wielding a mace.

The gleam off cold steel of the sword,

as it slices through the chain mail,

the blood starts to trickle down his side,

he landis on the ground with a thud.

The red knight hits the black,

knocking him off balance,

the red knight moves to his feet,

just in time to be struck again to the ground.

The black knight thrusts his word to the ground,

as the red knight rolls to one side nearly getting hit,

he swings his mace,

hitting and knocking  the black knight  to the ground.

The red knight jumps to his feet,

the black knight pushing himself up with his sword,

the red knight stands fast, the black tricks again.

He hits the red knight, covering the ground in blood,

sending him once more to the ground,

the black knight stands over him.

A red gleam of blood drops from his sword,

a chills of death touch the red knight,

the sword is thrusting down, as the mace comes up  to........

Written by

Scott Killpack

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