Super Saiyan Elite 3

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Senzu Beans

A Senzu bean is a grown bean by Korrin in the Korrin Tower, which if eaten the person will receive all the power he/she once had before (except the time when Goku had a heart virus). The beans came in really handy during a fight or when someone was about to die. I'll put up why the person needed a senzu bean later.

-Goku- 7 senzu beans
-Vegeta- 6 senzu beans
-Piccolo- 3 senzu beans
-Yamcha- 3 senzu beans
-Krillin- 2.5 senzu beans
-Tien- 2 senzu beans
-Gohan- 1.5 senzu beans
-Trunks- 1 senzu bean
-Vedil- 1 senzu bean
-Cell- 1 senzu bean