Grow Up!

Bra's had all that she can stand of having a big brother who acts like a little kid. So when Trunks finally crosses the line, she loses it and makes a wish that kinda sorta comes true. Now, even a few months ago, this would be a perfect opportunity for matchmaking. But Pan has a boyfriend, a really decent guy who everybody likes, even if they like his brother better. And Bra has to find some way to undo that wish. Before she kills Pan's boyfriend's brother, before Pan's boyfriend gets himself hurt, and before the rest of the world finds out what she wished for.

Ok, so my summary sucks donkey butt. If you really wanna know what it's about, read the story. I actually can't write anything decent without giving away major plot points.

prologue chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4
chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9

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