This is an online rpg, meaning you post on the message board, what you'd like to do. I then post it on the webpage. If you are new to rpgs, then please read the entire rules section. If you are a verteran rpg'er, then please still look over the rules, its not that different from most rpgs.
Our Personal Rules Are:
1. Do not flood the message board
2. No offensive language. This includes racial slurs and cursing. It might be used in the battles, but we expect everyone to behave themselves.
3. No questioning our actions or complaining about them.
4. Have Fun. This is an rpg and should have no effect on your real life so there is no reason to take it so seriously.
Okay, i (Super 17) admit, we do take some days off, but it's not because we want to it's because some of us (like me) have sports recreational time or just can't get to a computer till late
at night, and we don't feel like updating around 12:00am.
If you agree to all these terms and know that your going to abide by them, now you should go to the joining page and see what the requirements are.