Dark Shenron is an evil version of
Shenron. He appears when the Z Gang use the cracked dragonballs. He says he doesn't care what they want, and turns into a
hurricane. The seven evil dragons fly out of it, going in separate directions. Evil Shenron then disappears.
 This picture is from Pojo's DB Web
Ii Star #: 1 Ability: ? Wish: Restoration of the lives of
everybody that Frieza and his henchmen killed Biography: Most strongest shenron. Ii was evenly
fighting Goku, until Vegeta arrived, and Goku and Vegeta fused into SS4 Gogeta. They would have killed him, but Gogeta
unfused due to his huge power. Ii then nearly killed Goku, then defeated the others. But Goku appeared with a Super
Spirit Bomb and killed him.
Ryan Star #: 2 Ability: Water Pollution Wish: Revival of
Bora Biography: Weakest shenron, but he nearly beats Goku and Pan by throwing them into polluted
water, but they're rescued and put in clean water. Then they kill Ryan.
San Star #: 3 Ability: Ice Wish: To erase everyone's memory
of Majin Buu Biography: San is the older brother of Suu. He fights Goku for a little while, but is
Suu Star #: 4 Ability: Fire Wish: For Piccolo Daimoa to have
his youth back Biography: Suu is the younger brother of San. He fights Goku, but San interferes and
fights Goku. Goku's eyes are hurt, and Suu is about to heal them, but he's attacked by Ii. Suu and Goku team up and face
Ii, but when Suu tries to fight him one on one, Ii kills him.
Uu Star #: 5 Ability: Electricity Wish: Revival of Goku to
fight the saiyans Biography: The biggest evil shenron. He battles Goku, but is weakened in rain. He's
then killed.
Ryuu Star #: 6 Ability: Hurricanes Wish: A pair of hot
babe's panties Biography: This shenron battles Goku, but he's killed.
Chii Star #: 7 Ability: Psychically control people Wish:
Revival of everyone killed by Majin Vegeta Biography: Chii nearly kills Pan by getting her inside his
body, but Goku frees her, then he kills Chii.