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DNA, RNA & Proteins
Protein Questions


    Protein Review Questions:

     1.  The correct sequence between genes and their phenotypic expression is ____.
           a.  RNA - DNA - protein - trait
           b.  DNA - RNA - protein - trait
           c.  trait - RNA - DNA - protein
           d.  trait - DNA - RNA - protein
           e.  None of the above are correct.

     2.  Protein synthesis begins when ____.
           a.  the anticodon of tRNA binds with its mRNA complement when mRNA is attached to the small ribosomal subunit
           b.  tRNA picks up its specific amino acid from the cytoplasm and transports it to the ribosome
           c.  mRNA is moved by translocation along the ribosome so that the A site is free of the mRNA codon
           d.  mRNA binds to the small ribosomal subunit so that its first codon is at the appropriate site
           e.  None of the above are correct.

     3.  The active production of protein in the cell occurs _______.
           a.  along a DNA strand
           b.  along a tRNA strand
           c.  along an mRNA strand
           d.  along an rRNA strand
           e.  None of the above are correct. 

4.  Which of the following must occur in order for the elongation of a polypeptide chain to continue?
    a.  Translocation of the last tRNA to the P site.
    b.  Formation of a peptide bond between the last two amin oacids.
    c.  Appropriate base-pairing of the next tRNA.
    d.  Movement of the ribosome three places to the right.
    e.  All of the above must occur.

5.  During translation, polypeptide chain elongation continues until 
    a.  all amino acid molecules are used up
    b.  the tRNA molecules become inactive
    c.  the polypeptide chain breaks in half
    d.  the STOP codon is reached
    e.  the ribosomal subunits break apart

6.  Which of the following is NOT true in regards to control of translation?
    a.  Eukaryotes often have enhancers specific to a gene.
    b.  Cancer can occur when cell growth and division has become abnormal.
    c.  Bacteria are too simplistic for control over their protein synthesis.
    d.  Gene regulatory proteins can physically block transcription from occurring.
    e.  All of the above are true statements.

For questions 7-10, evaluate each statement to determine if it is TRUE or FALSE.

7.  Lactose is a common inducer in bacteria.

8.  All amino acids enter the ribosome at the A site.

9.  Translocation occurs when the mRNA moves three nucleotides along the ribosome.

10.  Metamorphosis in insects cannot occur until production of juvenile hormone is turned on.

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