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   A form-fitting custom tailored bodysuit of Kevlar/Polymer Mix providing excellent protection against attack (AR 15, SDC 200)and is backed by a Thermal Conductive Inner Layer providing additional protection against Fire and electrical attacks (Half Damage). 

  The suit has electronic temperature filaments which provide both heating and cooling capabilities for various environments, the suit also absorbs background radiation and dampens the wearers heat signature making them invisible to both Infrared and Ultraviolet Detection. 

  The Suit also mask's the wearers Mutant signature, making them invisible to electronic mutant detection devices. The Electronic Systems are powered by a rechargeable power-cell housed in the belt of the suit. Each suit also comes with numerous hidden pockets and clasps for additional equipment.


   This Small Electro-Adhesive badge shaped like a stylized falcon is a highly sophisticated communications device with a worldwide range due to a direct microwave uplink with dedicated satellite. The Badge also has some other functions which operate on verbal commands from the wearer. Such commands include limiting the Com-Link to a certain person or people. Proximity Alert, this function has a range of 25 miles and can be used to determine the distance of any other badge. Homing Device, The com-badge can be set to emit a constant homing signal.

   The badge is also capable of displaying information either on its small LCD display or via holographic Projection. the badge is capable of projecting limited 3D holograms up to 2 feet away, these images are sent via the Lofts Communications Center computer and used to display information from Shiva when the LCD display wont do.

  1. The badge has a number of other functions list below:
  2. Automatically senses the altitude or distance in feet or meters, above sea level. 
  3. Used to Pick up sounds within 10ft and converting them into a digital electric signal for transmission
  4. Automatically measures the rate of flow of either air or liquid. For example, In the air it can measure the speed of a vehicle relative to airspeed in feet per second, or miles per hour.
  5. Automatically sense magnetic north and orientation relative to the ground.
  6. Used for Ultra fast Calculations performed via voice input
  7. Acting as a miniature Geiger counter, automatically reports the current level of radiation in the area.

   This small Device is one of the most important pieces of equipment available to the Team.


   This Ring is a Bronzed Fraternity ring set with a small ruby gemstone, but that's not its only function, this ring is a miniature holographic Image Generator capable of projecting 1 specifically tailored illusion on the wearer. Only Donald Henderson is capable of producing this device and the only people to have one are members of the academy. The illusion within the ring is designed to hide any obvious physical mutations, and can only be altered by Donald Henderson.



The Loft
Body Armor
Communications Badge
Image Ring
Raven Command Transport