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Located In downtown San Fransico's Waterfront District, this converted three storey warehouse is the Headquarters of Team Epsilon, the Elite Black Ops unit og the Arcadian Academy.

This Building is State of the Art and utterly secure, using a number of advanced security features. The first floor of the building has been converted into an open plan Training area, housing a gymnasium, dojo, shooting range & Armoury (With enclosed explosives workshop. this floor also houses numerous workshops for ground vehicle mechanics. there is a lounge and kitchen area at the back of this floor for the team to relax between missions, but the most important area of this floor is the Communications and Information Centre (dubbed ShivaLand), this room houses 5 Cray supercomputers and numerous state of the art military grade computer and communications features, including dedicated satellite communications with backup microwave transmission allowing instant worldwide communication, the communications suite in this room is capable of detecting and cracking any communications frequency on the planet. all information can be displayed on any of the numerous screens within this room or set directly to the holographic display table in the briefing room (anti-room to the Comms centre). this large table seats 10 people and is capable of displaying 3D holograms for information displays, there is also a large flat screen  display in this room.

The second floor of the building houses the private rooms of the members of Team epsilon, 5 on each side of the building, the centre of this floor is open, providing a view of the ground floor, meaning the rooms are on balconies, running around the perimeter of the floor. At present only 7 of these rooms are occupied and are decorated in the personal tastes of the occupants. the other rooms are currently being used for storage (although the large underground level is the main storage area as well as housing the lofts independent power system and air filtration units).

At the back of this floor is Tinkers workshop, specialising in electronic constructions. (weapons are manufactured in the Armoury, and mechanical work is done either on the third floor or in the automobile garage).

The third floor is also all open plan, and houses the Aircraft Garage and workshops. Taking up a large section of this floor is the groups Raven Command Transport. The rest of the floor is taken up by workshops around the perimeter, each specialising in the repair of the various systems of the Raven, from the mechanical workshop, to the electrical workshop. The far side of the hangar houses a large fuel canister containing enough fuel to refuel the Transport 5 times.

The entire loft is protected by a sophisticated security system and even has security measures to stop people from seeing inside the building, the windows of the loft are all actually holographic generators, during the day anyone looking into the window will see a dozen workmen packing and unpacking hundreds of storage crates, at night, anyone looking inside will see a large warehouse full of packing crates and every once in a while, a few security guards with dogs will be seen moving around inside. This view is also seen from the skylights, there are 3 skylights on top of the building, the two at each end are really birds-eye holographic generators like the windows, the large central skylight is also a holographic generator but also splits apart to allow the Raven to enter and leave the loft.

Apart from the main front doors and the Hangar skylight, the only other way to enter or leave the loft is through a sub-basement entrance leading to the San Fransico Sewer systems and storm drains.

