The Story of the Match against HC fought by the Brotherhood of Steel on December 15, 2001

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Clan Match Review
BoS vs HC (Hydro Culture)
December 23rd, 2001

written by Jack Ryan

Well, I'm not Hostile, so I'll make it short. It was a hard match and HC won deservedly. There were no difficulties regarding the start of the games or the rules, they were absolutely fair as were we - besides once Mr. Bamba getting mines to early (we destroyed them).

We choose 3 Maps: Marrakech, Hydro and City in Ruins. The default weapon was the AK47.
MARRAKECH: Tough, fast paced match. After I managed to burn a few HCs my position got to vulnerable. I was told Bamba left his post on occasion, but at least he also took a pic. (Correction:Mr. Bamba explained he respawned near the pool, getting back to his positions wouhld have been a long way so he decided to attack. Understandable.) Ravenloft and Hog did the most work in that field, Hostile also took some pics and helped the defence for the rest of the time. This was a close one, just a pic and some kills separated us.
Marrakech Score Screenshot
HYDRO: We got hit bad. Very bad. Still don't know how, HC just did what we planned to do originally, but they did it perfectly. Hostile managed to get a pic or two, Ravenloft and Hog did quite some killing, none the less we looked like complete amateurs. Well, what did I expect from "Hydro Culture" in Hydro!
Hydro Score Screenshot
CITY IN RUINS: For the third game HC exchanged their team so more of them could get a piece of BoS :). Hostile exchanged for Calypso (!) although the later is not yet an official member of BoS - we still need his email. Hope he reads this.
Again this match was a close one, very close, with Ravenloft doing most of the scoring, Hog doing most of the defense. Bamba again left his place, this time to shoot two or three pictures. That wasn't bad, so I don't know if I should clap hands or smack his face ;) (Correction again: Mr. Bamba told me that I am wrong, he was in Offense on that map, so he'll smack MY face :) Sorry, Mr. B). We finished not even a picture apart.
City in Ruins Score Screenshot
AWARDS: Ravenloft Distinguished Service Medal for getting 111 points in a level
Hog Meritious Service Medal for getting 54 points in a level
Hostile/Mr.Bamba Commendation Medal for getting 31 points in a level
Calypso Achievement Medal for getting 10 points in a level
Jack Ryan Soldiers Medal for holding a position from where he didn't have a chance to score much
Everyone who played or who showed up looking to help will get a HC Match Ribbon to add to their collection of awards.

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