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Answer these questions please:

1. Do you like the game 'Who Wants To Be a
2. Do you like the film 'Charlie's Angels'?
3. Do you like the band 'Westlife'?

If you answered 'yes' to all three of these, I
am going to assume you are a mainstreamer.
Go away. However, I also assume most of
you reading this are not mainstreamers, so I'll

The 'mainstreamers' have remarkable
similarities with sheep. All they do is follow
their shepherd- in this case the adverts. The
ads that say 'This product's great!' So they
believe it and go and buy whatever's being

How can these people be respected. They are
exploitable, and exploited. The more
mainstreamers there are in the games world,
the more games there are that are made to
accommodate them. Suddenly, 'mainstream'
outnumbers 'serious' and the lazy developers
realise they don't have to do much to sell
game copies. Just sign up a couple of brand
names, spend 6 months tops drinking coffee
and playing office darts, and send out final
code that's taken two weeks to do.

"Don't worry about the game quality, we've
got (Insert most hated brand/music
group/car/company here) signed up. That'll do
the work for us."

And it does. Do we want our gaming world to
fly down the drainpipe? I, for one, don't.

Of course, the only thing we can do is to keep
buying original, good quality games, and hope
somebody gives these proverbial sheep a
good slap around the proverbial face.