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What's new?
13th December 2001: Considering I'm
doing my mock GCSE's right now, I've
worked hard on this site. So what have
I added this time then?

Well, I've added an 'Other Stuff' page in
case I have an idea that doesn't fit onto
any of my other pages. Nothing on
there at the minute though. I've also
added a pic of my Phantasy Star Online
character on the 'About This Site' page.
Take a look if you get bored. But now
you'll never be bored, with....

2 New Quizzes! Yep- the first one's
similar to my original- except this new
one's more about consoles than the
games themselves. But the second is a
pretty cool picture quiz- recognise the
game characters from their faces. It
took me ages to find all the pictures, so
enjoy! Go to my 'Quiz of a Gaming
Lifetime' page.

I also, in a state of madness, I think,
decided I would update the links on the
left side of EVERY page. Never again.
So painful. In fact it was only the
glorious sound of MP3's through the
speakers that got me through.

All together now..." Football's coming
home, It's coming home, it's coming
home, It's coming..."
9th January 2002- Sorry about the lack
of updates. I've been playing Shenmue
2 and when I get caught up in a game,
NOTHING will drag me away.

My main addition this time is BIG. The
Console War. All three Next-Gen
consoles, (Playstation 2, X-Box and
Gamecube) and their specs and future
predictions by me. A very good page if
you don't know what console you're still
going to buy. And even if you do, you
might as well take a look at this

To get there, click on the 'OTHER
STUFF' link down the left. Have fun!
7th February 2002- All I've done is
update some info about Gamecube on
the console page. Expect this site to
get better when I go to college in the
Autumn. I might update before then
28th March 2002- Not really an update,
but just to say thanks to for putting me on their
site. I'm not getting REAL people on
I'm preparing for GCSE's at the
moment, so don't expect many, if any
updates until I'm done. CYA for now.
10th May 2002- Okay- the obvious
addition this time is my own MESSAGE
BOARD!!!!! (yay) which you can
currently reach from the top of my
homepage or my links page. I'll figure
out a better system soon. CYA