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Last Updated: 10/22/01, 9:01am EST

Banner By: Kevin

Hello Space Cowboys...

It is the year 2071...

Mankind has finally reached the stars and beyond. By using 'hypergates' to travel through this galaxy and others, the human race has achieved its dream of being the superior race in the universe... or has it?

In this ever-changing world of intergalactic travel, morals have practically disappeared and 'good-will towards men' is a thing of the past. This is now a world of the good, the bad, and those who walk the line between -- the bounty hunters.

Enter Spike Spiegel and the rag-tag crew of the space cruiser -- an old fishing shuttle -- known as the Bebop. A band of 'old fashioned cowboys', bounty hunters who sift through the galaxies for those whose lives are worth money, and once that money is attained, one must survive to keep it.

And thus, Cowboy Bebop begins...





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