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Last Updated: 10/22/01, 9:01am EST

Banner By: Kevin

Hello Space Cowboys...

Jet Black
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Jet Black
  • Name: Jet Black
  • Birthday:December 3, 2035
  • Sign: Sagittarius
  • Age: 36
  • Birth Place: ???
  • Blood Type: A
  • Height: 188 cm 
  • Seiyuu:???
  • Jet Black is one of the few people that Spike Spiegel trusts. He is Spike's partner in bounty hunting. Jet seems to be in charge of the piloting of the Bebop, and has been seen piloting Spike's Swordfish II when bailing Spike out of trouble. Jet is also a former ISSP (a space police force) before becoming a bounty hunter, and will often uses his contacts still on the police force to get onfo on the criminals they are after . He has some sort of a cybernetic arm, and some more circuitry on his right eye. How did he get these? Did it have something to do with his past as a police officer?
    Even Spike doesn't know how Jet lost his real arm and why he has a cybernetic one. Another random note, Jet apparently does all the cooking aboard the Bebop, as Spike is usually too busy watching Big Shot or practicing his martial arts to do any 'chores'. Another hobby of Jet's is tending and maintaining little bonsai trees. Jet is the older, more mature and level-headed member of teh bebop crew. The Bebop really belongs to him, in fact. Just like Spike has his Swordfish II, and Faye has her Redtail, Jet also has a smaller craft than the Bebop that he can pilot when going down to planet level. His ship is called the Hammerhead. .
    The ever steadfast Jet Black is a man who, with his old-world principles, lives at odds with this age's callous wind of change. His is a life of duty and compassion for his fellow man :'Abhor the sin, not the sinner.' A man of eclectic tastes, he takes pleasure in Goethe even as he indulges his passion for Charlie Parker. Although a compulsive gambler, Jet ordinarily finds peace of mind tending to his bonsai. He is a competent cook.
    On Ganymede, a deeply familiar place to Jet, he rebuilt a second-hand space trawler into a spaceship he named Bebop. Since teaming up with Spike (they met three years ago), Jet has made good use of his contacts, the majority of which were made when he was in the ISSP, and is responsible for planning operations and gathering intelligence. Jet's 'Baby' is a reconstructed Sack Fish, originally built as a catcher boat, called Hammerhead



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