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The Rules

We want this RPG to be relaxed, but there are just some things we have to set our foot down on

There will be no begging for items, attacks, or anything else. You want it, you earn it!

Cursing is tolerated, but if some member has a parent watching, or some other circumstance where the member might get in trouble for seeing cussing, please stop.

No lying about training times. If you are caught lying once, you will lose Half your PL, The second time is a suspension from the RPG.

Please do not send any chain mail, or hate mail. Chain letters are idiotic, and I find these things the most ****ing annoying things on the web. Also, don't e-mail us nagging about "Why haven't you updated yet" We will try to update as often as possible, if you don't like it, get your own RPG,and you try maintaining it, bub

Please, no characters that revolve around swordsmanship, preferably. It gets to difficult to see who can win fights, and there's a lot of complications. It's OK to have/buy a sword, and use it, but most fights are going to revolve around hand to hand.

No God Moding God moding is something such as when you have 50'000 PL, and you're fighting someone with 100'000 PL, you're not gonna be able To smoke the 100'000 PL person. Play your part.

Absolutely, I repeat NO BOOTSCRIPTS!! I know all you freaks running around with OBT's scripts trying to look cool think you're something special, but there's no use for them here. Anyone found using a boot script will be banned from the RPG Permanantly with extreme prejudice.

There should not be any reason to boot at all, with the exception of cussing, and someone is in danger of getting in trouble. Also, do not play around with this rule, because I know there is gonna be some fuck out there who just has to say this so he can boot you.

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