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Giji SSJ: A false form of SSJ, hair is barely tinted a different color, and muscle size is heightened-Required PL 200,000, Increase-400,000
Super SSJ: The SSJ stage is triggered by extreme rage and a pure heart. Completely golden Hair and Green eyes. Required PL=600,000, SP Event Required, Increase=1,000,000
Super Saiya-jin 2nd Grade: A step up from SSJ- A simple befed up Version of SSJ, no appearance difference, just more power. Required PL=700,000, increse=1,200,000, Speed -10
Super Saiya-jin 3rd grade:A step up from SSJ2G, Muscle size is greatly increased but speed is decreased in this form. Required PL= 1,000,000, Increase 1,700,000, Speed -20
Super Saiyajin 2: Electric power surges flow through one's body, massive increase in Power Required PL=5,000'000, PL Boost +30,000,000 Sp Event Required
Super Saiyajin 3:Much longer hair, an SSJ returns to its Neanderthal state, now with Golden long hair and more power Required PL=16,000,000 PL Boost +70,000,000 Sp Event Required
Golden Oozaru: A saiyajin Turns into a giant ape with golden hair, Massive PL boost but not much control..Required PL=35,000,000, Boost 350,000,000 Sp event
SSJ4: The strongest Saiyajin form possible..only two Saiyajins in time have ever acheived this..Required PL=67,000,000 Boost 400,000,000 Sp event
SSJ5: A rumored Strength..Nobody has ever attained this before....Dark Grey hair, about 20x longer then SSJ3's hair...Required PL=100,000,000+ PL Increase= +50,000,000

Android Forms:
Ultra Android: A form where the android is able to use a good amount of power, increasing his muscle size PL Required=190,000, Gain 410,000
Silver Android: An android becomes completely silver, almost metallic, able to transmit a great amount of ki, with one's body being as hard as steel SP Event, PL Required= 580,000, Gain 1,000,000
Silver Android Grade 2: The same as a silver android, only slightly more powerful Pl Required 690,000, Gain 1,100,000
Silver Android Ultimate: A complete mastery of the silver android form, the form is stabalized and able to be held over long periods of time, Required PL 1,000,000, Gain 1,700,000
Dual Android: An android that appears to have the voice of two, and has the power of two Required PL 5,100,000, Gain 32,000,000
Blackness Android: An Android that's hair lies back against his/her ears, and becomes completely black, the eyes of the android becoming completely black Required PL 16,000,000 Gain 70,000,000
Hell Android: An android gains the attribute of fire, and the amms and legs of the android become red, and the hair becomes a dark orange, now standing up straight Required PL 34,000,000 Gain 200,000,000
Assasin Android: The Ultimate Android form..Never attained by anyone...Required PL 100,000,000 +48,000,000

Power Namek: A form usuable only by chosen nameks with great strength, the Namek's muscle size increases , and the eyes turn a dark blue PL Required: 200,000, gain 410,000
Super Namek: A namek must experience supreme rage OR absorb another Namek close to Equal or higher in PL. The namek is able to become tinted gold when charging ki and manipulate any object around him at will with ease Required: 570,000, Gain 1,000,000 SP Event
A beefed up version of the SNSJ Required PL 700,000 Gain 1,200,000
Super Namek Mastery: A namek becomes extremely fast, but loses strength in exchange for speed Required PL 950,000 Gain 1,500,000, speed+20
Chaos Namek: A namek is tinted faintly black, but becomes extremely strong Required PL 5,000,000, Gain 32,000,000
Mystic Namek: A namek increases in size 30 times, still tinted black. Required 15,800,000, Gain 100'000'000
Legendary Namek: The namek's body becomes filled with electricity, flowing with power all over, and becoming slightly blue PL required 34,000,000 Gain 210,000,000
Revival Namek: The namek Becomes pure white, pulsating energy that can destroy galaxies...Required PL 100,000,000, Gain +55,000,000

Monster Form: Your body mass grows and your breath smells like rotton eggs.-Required PL 200,000, Increase-400,000
Super Alien: The skin is darkened, the hair turns almost completely black. Required PL=600,000, SP Event Required, Increase=1,000,000
Power Alien: A aliens power is heightened, but loses speed. Required PL=700,000, increse=1,200,000, Speed -10
Speed AlienA form like power alien, Muscle size is greatly decreased but power is decreased in this form. Required PL= 1,000,000, Increase 1,500,000.
Master Alien: The alien is in his normal state, but everything is heightened. Required PL=5,000'000, PL Boost +30,000,000 Sp Event Required
Healing Alien:The alien can now heal himself and others at will. Required PL=16,000,000 PL Boost +70,000,000 Sp Event Required
Dark Form The aliens skin becomes shadowed and can even hide in the dark..Required PL=67,000,000 Boost 400,000,000 Sp event
Acient Form A legend says, the alien will gain the power of his great ancient family...Required PL=100,000,000+ PL Increase= +50,000,000

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