Morning Recap I really like the concept of an actual morning recap, sitting down with a group of girls in the morning wither either coffee or mimosas, depending on our mood, and sit and discuss what just happened. The thing is, I don't have good enough girl friends, or girl friends who want to do this. I mean, Angela and I would, bt you don't really see me an emily doing it.
but here's your electronic morning recap.
Yesterday, we went to TMBG. And they were wonderful. But before that we had to sit through the "Mid-Atlantic Cousin to the Cranberries and maybe an east-coast rival to No Doubt, sans the ska influences" and sans Gwen Stefani. And if No Doubt knew they existed. But they didn't play too long, and their music, for all my bothering them, wasn't too bad. And they have a metro station on the second album. Its almost worth buying for that.
Aaron Schroeder: "I love my big black ass."
Lake trout followed them, and we could have skipped them. They took up valuable time.
We also ran into Bernie at the concert, and we were very excited when They Might Be Giants came on, we danced and hung out, and laughed at the kids who were standing by us, dancing with their parents. They were so cute :) But TMBG were great - they played "Fingertips," which apparently they never do live and people were very excited about, or very upset.
They also had like 4 encores, and played until the beer was gone. That was important.
but then we went to franks, hung out, and then hung out at Danielle's. More recap later.
But someone has to morning recap with me. Boo.
katie at 11:59:58 AM
Contrary to international standards, prisons and jails in the USA employ men to guard women and place relatively few restrictions on the duties of male staff. As a consequence, much of the touching and viewing their bodies by staff that women experience as shocking and humiliating is permitted by law.
Source: Amnesty International, "Not Part of My Sentence": Violations of the Human Rights of Women in Custody (Washington, DC: Amnesty International, March 1999), p. 39.
ENFORCEMENT Cop-In-A-Box at Wood Dale photographed 50 drivers going under or around crossing gates in the first 2.5 days of operation. Tickets are being mailed to violators.
If Cop-in-A-Boxes are those red-light cameras...they've invaded DC!!!!!!!!!
katie at 4:29:29 PM
Random Drug Testing in schools? Well, the courts hmay have decided it was ok, but that doesn't mean that it can happen. This article makes the points that the "duh" people are making such as - a lot of kids who are really involved in extracurricular activities (in high school, not college) don't use drugs, (refer to our counterculture discussion of a few nights ago), and if they do, you honestly want them inextracurriculars to give them something to do. Plus, drug testing is expensive, and its not worth the cost to randomly drug test people. Students view the random drug testing as not actually random - why me, and not her? Also, drug tests aren't that hard to get around - niacin pills, etc. Finally, my favorite was a discussion of a maryland state law against random student searches. That law still bans drug testing of students. Hm.
katie at 12:21:20 PM
When was the last time you... 1. ...sent a handwritten letter? I wrote volumes upon volumes of pages to Eric when I went to Scotland. Some drunk, some in the air, just large thick letters. I often do that when I go places. Before that, Storey and I used to communicate (in the pre-weblog days) by real letter as well as e-mail. IT also gave me an excuse to write during a confession service at my school. I wrote him a letter, and claimed it was a journal. It was pretty close.
2. ...baked something from scratch or made something by hand? I made barbecue sauce from almost-scratch the other night. I used three different kinds of barbecue sauce, plus lemon and vinegar and ketchup and jack daniels and other stuff, and its turned out really good. I have to finish it soon. Aside from that, I cook a lot (cept this week) and most of that is kinda from scratch. I guess.
3. ...camped in a tent? Not long ago enough - FAll of 6th grade. I'm no girl scout anymore. But I have stayed in this one camp that liked to floor while i was there. the last time i went camping, we luckily were in platform tents 4 feet off the ground. those in real tents in other places weren't so lucky. That camp actually flooded several times in the years I went there. However, I did have fun at Tohikanne. Like when we turned everything upside down in the administration house - literally. Or stole the beds and put them in the middle of the bridge.
4. ...volunteered your time to church, school, or community? Hm. BUDL is slow on paying me, so I guess that counts. I also went to Emory with them gratis last summer. That was a whole hell of a lot of fun. I used to volunteer and do much more stuff when I was younger, and I miss it. Working for a living sucks.
5. ...helped a stranger? I gave $2 to the girl with the baby panhandling yesterday. And Another girl-baby set, the baby was screaming and wriggling because she had dropped her toy. The wriggling prvented the mother from getting the toy. 5 people walked by and watched before I stopped and grabbed it for her. Sheesh.
katie at 9:27:12 AM
Poll... What is the midwest, and where does it start? Eric and I contend that anywhere outside of 30 mile radius of I-95 is midwest. What do you guys think?
katie at 7:45:22 PM
Tee hee hee...Happy Hour Eric spilled his beer all over himself, and that was the end of happy hour.
katie at 7:44:34 PM
July 4th So what are we doing for July 4 guys? I know (several times over dealing) that John is coming to town. We're going to go to a wedding on the 7th, but we have a little barbecue, which we love to death - what do we want to do, guys?
katie at 7:43:45 PM
The Problem with this article is... That its factually innacurate. The Isle of Man can have a team, Palestine (i think) already has a sucky team, England Ireland Wales and Scotland all have teams (like they have votes at worlds). I'm just sayin'.
katie at 2:35:00 PM
Life Its Thursday night and I want to go out for a drink after work, but cant find anyone to come hang out with me :( You should come. Mad Hatter, 18th and M.
katie at 2:29:39 PM
Ok, so now its only 2 flights up... but the margaritas still come flying.
keep your eyes here, July 17th is the date...
katie at 1:22:39 PM
Bitch Apparently there is a young man looking at my page from Sri Lanka who does not like the contect of my page, and chooses to tell me. Honestly, did he read the top? If you have a problem, click this link and e-mail me with your complaints.
katie at 10:45:37 AM
Thursday MOrning... I don't particularly want to be here. But musst.. keep.. updating... for manoj...
katie at 9:47:26 AM
Surrealist night I thought i'd condense my evening into a few things out of context. First, I called danielle 25 times, coulnt get in touch with her, and so just went over. she still didn't answer the phone and hattie wouldn't let me go knock, so i went over to CI and saw erin, liz and tina. called dani again, eric was over there after lying to me :( about where he would be - but that turned out ok. we then decided to go figure out dinner, kate mereand came over and it came from there.
kate and i went to get beer. this is a very important part of the story.
ok, not really.
dinner was maaarvelous. however, after drinking a little, carissa wanted to come up, danielle wanted to be antisocial and so even tho she had five people in her apartment didn't specifically invite carissa. but thats cause we thought she was coming. carissa was upset.
pause for emphasis.
anyway, the way that we were communicating with carissa was over im. this is more complicated than it sounds. carissa was pretending to be denise. i was pretending to be danielle, i was then taken over by liz, and otherkate, and then eric, who put up an away message about the whole mess. carissa eventually comes up after like an hour. she puts back up what she thought was denise's away message but what was actually what danielle had up about what i had written while pretending to be danielle and being grabbed by liz, otherkate and eric talking to carissa pretending to be denise.
otherkate then began to poke fun at lettuce (this is after we decided to use parmesean as a defensive weapon, and liz wanted to carry parmesean around the way she did lettuce) and liz saw this as a serious problem. she then started on a heated defense of argula. which was of course pronounced arugula.
then liz made a salad.
liz then decided to make a salad. she and carissa dumped almonds all over the floor, and had a bondage experience over the almonds.
when that was done...
we started talking about alligators. eric and i ate alligator ribs on sunday. liz then pointed out that it would be very difficult for crocodiles and alligators to fuck. and that wontons cannot have sex outside of marriage and must procreate to make crab rangoon.
a little while later, eric started pulling my skin off, which started a long discussion about scissors, circumcision, and rahul. after southpark, eric and i decided to leave. i think its fair.
night! i'm off to shower the horrible closing thoughts from me and go to bed.
God, I hate Republicans...RNC Targets Liberal Interest Groups I think this woman said it best..."Michelman said that complying with the subpoena would require an enormous amount of time and money that, in the middle of an election year, would cripple NARAL's ability to engage in political activity. She also said NARAL has taken no position on the campaign finance law and therefore is not a party to the litigation."
"Jim Joseph, the attorney representing NARAL, said that if the RNC were seeking ammunition to argue that the new campaign finance law violates the First Amendment, there were far less intrusive ways to obtain it. "This is overly burdensome, it's vague and overbroad, and a key argument is that the information they're seeking is protected as trade or business information," he said.
One person involved in the legal battle conceded that there would be a dispute over the scope of the subpoenas, with all sides engaging in aggressive tactics at the beginning of the legal battle. "There's a fine line here between information that is relevant to the case and going after somebody for political advantage," he said."
And you can guess which side i see the RNC on.
katie at 3:44:18 PM
SAT Overhaul? HA! This may lose me one of my jobs, but it will make my life less hellish in the future.
katie at 3:40:41 PM
Pledge of Allegience Declared Unconstitutional Good. I didn't see the point, and I got in massive trouble when I didn't say it anytway. Or didn't take it seriously. Or tried to go call my mom about JAckie Rogers during it. Or just plain sitting in shock during it. Sigh.
katie at 3:30:57 PM
pardon me, only 4 flights up... still, back in ballston, July 17th.
katie at 3:28:01 PM
Quotes out of Context "You have this knack, your like a rash, like one of those benign cute rashes that often wears bandannas, but a rash nevertheless." -Jonathan Marcus
katie at 2:57:50 PM
Margaritas off the balcony July 17th. Only this time...5 MORE flights up...
A new thing? 1. Spam...the lunch meat. Yes or no? Spam, if you ask me, is not a lunchmeat, but instead stands for spreading peace among mankind, and we used it for a youth rally theme years back. it was great :) 2. The traffic light is green as you approach, but by the time you get there, it has turned yellow. Stop or go-go-go? I live in DC. We jaywalk. All the time. The light turns blinky-orange on K street? Yeah, about 3 seconds after the walk signal is up, and it stays blinkyorange for about 25 seconds, until the light turns yellow, then you need to dash. Even if I was driving, it would be "keep going" because DC only has certain places that are "red light enforcement zones." 3. You are taking a have to decide whether to fly or take some sort of ground transportation. High or low? I like flying, trains are fun too, but not if evil people let amtrak shut down. Flying tho is definitely preferable than a long trip ANYwhere. especially chicago. 4. Someone asks you a question about why something is, and you don't know the answer. Try to find out *Why* or just say *I don't know*? I'm a big why person too. It annoys eric. 5. You are at the mall, and you spot someone who tortured you when you were in high school. Hello or goodbye? I'm at the stage where I would either a) say hello, or b) pretend not to see them. However, someone who did torture me in high school would probably be more likely to be ecstatic to see me, as all Gwynnie girls seem to be ecstatic to see me. In fact, a girl who did torture me in high school screamed across the Marvin Center (Gw's student center) and was ecstatic to see me, wondering why I was there [funny, i often wonder myself] and just generally bubbly and happy. Gag me. katie at 10:29:55 AM
Can't really say I'm surprised. I wonder what other movies there are...
you're but I'm a cheerleader. you're colorful and silly and very romantic, just like the perfect girlfriend.
Good morning! Today is a day for lots of work. I'm going to do not much but data entry today, so that should be fun! Also, I plan on doing some off-and-on research on those OTY tropies, which are always a wondrous time.
DA Vinchi's Notebook! Hey, an FYI for some people...
DaVinchi's Notebook is a fantastic a cappella group that you should go see - they're in california right now...
Wednesday, June 26 - Java Joe’s 8 p.m. 1956 Bacon St., Ocean Beach, CA (619) 523-0356 or Back to San Diego for a rare DVN “unplugged” show in a nice intimate setting. We understand the coffee is good, too.
Thursday, June 27 - The Mint Hollywood 8 p.m. 6010 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA (323) 954-8241 or The afternoon before this show, we will be stopping by Universal Studios and asking them to draw up the standard “rich and famous” contract for us. Wish us luck.
Saturday, June 29 - Johnny Foley’s 8 p.m. 243 O’Farrell St., San Francisco, CA (415) 522-0333 or DVN finally plays in San Francisco, and at an Irish pub, no less. Erin go something!
Sunday, June 30 - Sweetwater Saloon 9 p.m. 153 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley, CA (415) 388-2820 or This North Bay club has quite a history; any place where Jerry Garcia has jammed with Elvis Costello is more than good enough for us.
Wednesday, July 3 - Club Fred 8:30 p.m. 1426 N. Van Ness, Fresno, CA (559) 233-FRED or The Fresno area produces about 90% of the raisins sold in the U.S. I bet you didn’t know that. (Unless you’re from Fresno, in which case you’re probably sick of that factoid.)
Friday, July 5 - The Britt Festival (with Rockapella) 7:30 p.m. Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville, OR (800) 882-7488 or Our first-ever show with these a cappella luminaries. (They actually do give off a warm glow; it’s pretty cool!) And we don’t care what they say; the best part of waking up is performing at this great amphitheater again. (We had a blast last summer, opening for the Village People.) By the way, did you know that by adding only one letter to their name, “Rockapella” becomes “Rockapaella”, the world’s hardest-rocking all-vocal rice dish? Now, we by no means are advising or telling anyone to do so, but if someone were to make a large sign or bedsheet-banner that read “Do It, Rockapaella!” and hold it up during our set, we would think that was pretty stinking funny.
Saturday, July 6 - St. John’s Pub 8 p.m. 8203 N. Ivanhoe, Portland, OR (503) 283-8520 or Another first for DVN—our first show in Portland. This also happens to be the weekend of the International Barbershop Quartet and Chorus finals, so the city will just be crawling with vocal music.
Sunday, July 7 - Art and the Vineyard 4:15 p.m. Alton Baker Park, Eugene, OR (541) 485-2221 or The tour winds up, appropriately for us, at a place with a whole crapload of good wine. Cheers!
Then they come more homeward...
Thursday, July 11 - Central PA Festival of the Arts 7 p.m. Memorial Field Stage, State College, PA (814) 237-3682 or Penn State alumnus Paul will be back in Happy Valley, and you bet he’ll be found with the rest of the group at Playland (one of the world’s best arcades) before and after the show.
Ok, that's not close to home. Definitely never was.
Friday-Saturday, July 12-13 - Bluemont Concert Series 12th: 7:30 p.m., Old Culpeper County Courthouse, Culpeper, VA 13th: 7:30 p.m., Old Warren Green, Warrenton, VA (703) 777-6306 or Two new venues for us this time; the first three Bluemont concerts we’ve done have been great, and we expect these two to be more of the same.
Again, only accessible by car...
Saturday, July 20 - Arlington Summer A Cappella Festival 8:30 p.m. Lubber Run Amphitheater, N. 2nd & N. Columbus St., Arlington, VA (703) 228-1850 or We return to the great outdoors once again to host our annual a cappella summer concert. This time around, our guests will be our good friends the Conn Artists (from Fairfield, CT) and, all the way from Florida, 4:2:Five ( As always, feel free to show up early, bring a picnic, and settle in for a fun time.
YAY!! We need to go, em, eric and i can tell you how much fun it was last year, so we should go. :) Yay Arlington!!!
Sunday, July 21 - The Rams Head Tavern 7 p.m. 33 West St., Annapolis, MD (410) 268-4545 or Our first time back at this great space in many a moon. We love this room, and the food kicks serious kiester as well. Please help us impress the management with our incredible drawing power. (Or something like that)
Saturday, July 27 - Falcon Ridge Folk Festival 4 p.m. (main stage) Long Hill Farm, Hillsdale, NY (877) 844-7742 or We absolutely can’t wait to get there...we’ve heard so many wonderful things about this festival, we can’t imagine it could live up to the hype, but somehow we bet that it will. We will also be performing at a number of workshops on Saturday and Sunday; watch the website schedule for new details as we get them.
And finally, the "we gotta pay" concert... Friday, August 9 - The Birchmere 7:30 p.m. 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave, Alexandria, VA (703) 549-7500 or They’re ba-aaaaaaaack...we finally get a weekend show at the Birchmere, and to top it off, our new best friend Eric Schwartz will be opening the show ( Strange things always happen at our Birchmere shows, and the addition of Mr. Schwartz should only compound the insanity. It’s always a good idea to order your tickets early for our shows at the Birchmere. (Hint, hint)
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Scheduled dates and times are only confirmed when we are physically on the stage and singing. (And even then, it’s sometimes questionable.) Always check with the venue to confirm performances. More later :)
katie at 9:34:25 AM
Bored...4:48 pm Time for the normal release of the last 10 minutes of work. I have sat here reading people's bloggers as the St. Louis Tech results sat here and cried to be inputted into the computer. The Taiwan results arrived today, but apparently all the tech results need to be hand-graded and like 10 of the clinical results. Plus its hard since they are all oriental people who like putting their names in different orders, and trying to figure that one out. So Sandy told me not to do it until next week, and I probably won't. Tho if I'm out of stuff to do by the end of this week (i.e. finish the data entry since theres only like a little bit left) and finish the 2 courses i have evals for, and my filing, then I'll probbaly do them like friday. I need to send out more Rochester stuff too. None of this means anything to anyone. But fuck you, i'm writing it :). Amtrak isn't going to shut down tomorrow, neither is MARC or VRE, which is good, but it was still scary. The government (and a lot of people on are dumb about it. You're going to have to subsidize a train system. What elsE? I need to get eric to apply for that job. Once he gets it, we can have a car. And how marvelous would that be. That would be absolutely amazing. We should prolly look into getting a car anyways, but that's a side issue. Its only 4:53, christ, I want to go home and its really close, but oh well. I would also like to take the bus cause I'm lazy, and ooh, one's leaving in 17 minutes which means I should justifiably leave work early to catch it even though i came in late. Hm.....yeah, I'm out of here.
Good Points.. This guy makes an excellent point, and points out something scarier about that damn office of homeland security. There will be more discussion on that as this week progresses. But exempting the INS and like 1/3 of the government from whistelblower laws and the FOIA is TERRIBLE. I'm just saying.
katie at 4:10:25 PM
Vested Interest? That's another thing - the federal government may own 40% of the land in DC (GW being the second largest landowner) and yet they pay no taxes on it and have direct control over the taxes that are raised in the city. Is anyone surprised that the federal districts are lovely, the business districts take care of themselves, the rich people same way, and the rest of the areas just get shit upon. Where's Marion Barry with his calcellation of trash pickup in upper NW? Don't people see that that's not a bad thing? That Marion Barry was seen as someone who would rech oput for the normal people, not the ones that can buy what they want?
katie at 1:09:23 PM
Gotta Love DC Theres something about living in a town where one branch of the government does things and the other branches aren't informed about it. This is just on a local level, communicating between city government and police. If we can't do that, how can we POSSIBLY be ruled effectively from the FEDERAL government. They may own 40% of the land in DC, but still...
katie at 1:04:14 PM
Ok, Screw That I opened a new window. But I also made myself a guestmap. Look!
You should sign it.
I also want people to look at my page today. So I'm going to update it, as soon as i have something good to say.
katie at 11:22:00 AM
Weird So i'm using a pop-up window with an address bar to edit my blog,a nd it keeps hopping to like or verisign - its weird
katie at 11:14:24 AM
4:50 PM... I've given up trying to work. I've decided that this is going to be a not-work week for me, since Linda is out of town. Well, by not-work, I still mean accomplishing a lot, but doing it at the speed of a temp rather than a dedicated office worker like I've been for the past few weeks. But also, I've given up trying to look busy for the last 10 minutes of work. I would actually do work this week, but I accomplished all that my boss left me for "little tasks" today, and I have a couple projects left to do. a) Send out the Rochester ISCD/ACE certificates (ACE = American College of Endocrinologists). That is not time sensitive at all as far as I can tell, the only thing holding it up is that I have 100 more certificates to send out and only like 40 envelopes. b) Reprints: same envelope problem. c) Data Entry - update from the last temp, catch up on backlog - I only have like 3 more courses left to do, and I HATE data entry. d) Process Course evaluations - again only one or two more classes, but all still backlogged from Collin. So I'm moving slowly - tho those I do have to get done by the time Linda gets back. e) I have to FED-EX the Minneapolis scans out tomorrow - that should be exciting. More playing with Mail Merge before I send a box to Peg, who is on a plane over the Pacific coming back from Taiwan. I wish I got to travel to fun places. I wish a lot of things. Eric and I need to go to a beach. He really likes his ring, but now I'm really really broke. Its ok - we have a little bit of money for groceries until I get paid friday. I also (importantly) have chocolate to get me thru the next 4-5 days. I've rearranged my desk, have to rememember to bring in pictures, Doug just told me that he had enough and he was leaving - now I am saying screw it, its 4:59 ! time to go home!
katie at 4:59:46 PM
Nothing like work Nothing like being bitchy, tired, and sucky at work.
katie at 2:05:53 PM
Mining the Everglades to Save It? This is ridiculous. And its bad because it flouts our laws put into place, and is just another example of Bush trying to win his brother's election. Sigh.
katie at 10:57:09 AM
This is just a collection of random thoughts on the week.
Greg can't dance... We took Greg to a bar last night, and man, is his dancing a spectator sport. We put our feet up, drank more, and just otherwise observed the hillarity. It was a good time. Then it was really really nice of him to drive me home - even though it was a contest between the two of us as to which of us was more sober. Or maybe just a contest in my head.
We're going to be late We need to go meet Liss at Rio Grande.
Dream jobs... Eric found a job at HUD that's 60K. He should get it. :)
APDA Persuasive Speaking Contest Eric and I were at dinner the other night, and were thinking of random thoughts (as we often do) and came up with the idea of an APDA Persuasive Speaking Contest for high schools. We were thinking of starting off small for the year - the only push to it being the cash prize (which is why any kid would participate). Maybe a regional tournament in DC. Boston and NY, and then a final in NY (or after Princeton or something). I think its neat because a) I can get my UDL kids to participate - like just have them present an 8 minute persuasive, constructive speech on a topic of their choice. b) It will help APDA do their outreach to high schools and get our name out there and c) it would give the financial committee (which, btw, did it ever do anything?) something to put on the letter to firms as a successful (hopefully) outreach program that they should sponsor.
Ok, out to dinner. Tell me what you think.
katie at 8:10:18 PM
If Al Qaeda was a government... ...It would act something like this. And good, cause that's funny :) Its good that we all have different ideas, damnit - someone tell the crazy republicans that.
katie at 4:03:26 PM
NEWS!! I have to agree, this is where all of the security regulations seem to be going. Uh, Dick, I hate to say but we're in a democracy and the people want to know stuff like this. You can't hide it forever, and it won't impact history much unless it comes out now. Whatg right do you have to keep it secret?
katie at 3:46:34 PM
Lauren is going to be a Kaplan teacher - why is everyone doing it? :) It sok - when Jeremy finishes his teachback, I get some money, so thats nice :)
katie at 2:56:44 PM
More Random People...
1. 21 June 09:23 America Online, United States -dunno 2. 21 June 09:23 United States (Unknown Domain) - that's me at work 3. 21 June 09:26 Bureau Van Dijk, Brussel, Belgium -????? 4. 21 June 10:39 American University, Washington, D.C., United States -Jenny 5. 21 June 10:49 Reston, United States (bellatlantic.n) ???? 6. 21 June 11:58 United States ( -someone who's interning 7. 21 June 12:10 Concentric Network Corporation, United States -???? 8. 21 June 12:20 Road Runner, United States -??? 9. 21 June 12:26 Concentric Network Corporation, United States -??? 10. 21 June 13:42 United States (Unknown Domain) -me at work
katie at 1:45:03 PM
Weird Places People are Lookinga t my page from 1. United States 11920 91.5 % 2. Network 74 0.6 % 3. United Kingdom 70 0.5 % 4. Spain 58 0.4 % 5. Canada 48 0.4 % 6. Brazil 21 0.2 % 7. Australia 15 0.1 % 8. Hong Kong 12 0.1 % 9. Germany 11 0.1 % 10. Singapore 7 0.1 % 11. US Commercial 4 0.0 % 12. New Zealand (Aotearoa) 4 0.0 % 13. Malaysia 4 0.0 % 14. Croatia (Hrvatska) 3 0.0 % 15. Belgium 2 0.0 % 16. Ireland 2 0.0 % 17. Mexico 2 0.0 % 18. Turkey 2 0.0 % 19. India 2 0.0 % 20. Netherlands 2 0.0 % 21. Brunei Darussalam 1 0.0 % Denise, wheres this? 22. Portugal 1 0.0 % 23. Hungary 1 0.0 % 24. Austria 1 0.0 % 25. Denmark 1 0.0 % Unknown 753 5.8 % The rest 8 0.1 % Total 13029 100.0 %
katie at 9:23:31 AM
Wow-People looking at my page! 1. 21 June 00:42 Cox Communications Inc., United States 2. 21 June 00:46 United States ( 3. 21 June 02:26 Xmission, Salt Lake City, United States 4. 21 June 02:27 Xmission, Salt Lake City, United States 5. 21 June 02:28 Xmission, Salt Lake City, United States 6. 21 June 02:29 Xmission, Salt Lake City, United States 7. 21 June 03:44 British Broadcasting Corporati, Tadworth, United Kingdom
9. 21 June 08:29 Bear Stearns Security Corporat, United States 10. 21 June 09:13 United States (Unknown Domain)
katie at 9:21:39 AM
COnfusion I don't know what to blog today. Ideas?
katie at 12:09:59 PM
Stupid Bush-isms of the Day...2
This looks amusing - he looks terrible - nice that he can't hug a Goodwill person well.
katie at 9:51:11 PM
A bit more... EPA Says Toxic Sludge is Good for Fish -- The Washington Times, June 19, 2002 The document instructs officials to focus less on the concerns of fishermen who say the sludge dumping is killing fish and more on the ability of the fish to complete their spawn without interference from the discharges. The Corps dumps 200,000 tons of "toxic sludge" into the river every year in violation of the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act, according to the House committee. William Colley, a retired environmental engineer who worked for the EPA for 29 years, said he was removed from leading the new permit process in 1999 after advocating eliminating the discharges. "I had written the permit, public notice, draft fact sheet and had everything ready for the permit to be issued, and the effluent limits I developed for the permit were such they would have had to terminate the discharges," Mr. Colley told The Washington Times yesterday. Mr. Colley took over the permit process in 1997 and said his predecessor also believed that the discharges should be stopped. Mr. Colley said he made it clear "the discharges are illegal and violate the Clean Water Act and EPA regulations." Mr. Radanovich yesterday sent a letter to the White House asking the administration to clean up the "environmental disaster" inherited from its predecessors. "Some of the same EPA officials who decided not to forbid the dumping are still committed to giving special treatment to this plant. Their intransigence now threatens to link your administration to the indefensible notion that Washington, D.C., should be exempt from the environmental laws that are enforced throughout the country," Mr. Radanovich said in the letter.
No, it is actually ridiculous when you read it Here's a sampling... EPA Says Toxic Sludge is Good for Fish -- The Washington Times, June 19, 2002 "To suggest that toxic sludge is good for fish because it prevents them from being caught by man is like suggesting that we club baby seals to death to prevent them from being eaten by sharks. It's ludicrous," said Rep. George P. Radanovich, California Republican and chairman of the subcommittee on national parks, recreation and public lands. "This is one of the most frightening examples of bureaucratic ineptitude and backward logic I have ever seen," Mr. Radanovich said. A spokesman for the EPA was not available to comment on the document, which was included in the administrative record. The federal agency used that information to allow the dumpings through the C&O Canal National Park and into the Potomac, a designated American Heritage river. The Corps began the discharges in 1989 under a permit issued by the EPA, but the permit expired in 1993. The Corps was allowed to continue dumping under the expired permit until this year. A new permit was issued in March.
katie at 9:59:55 AM
This Evening Today wasn't as mind-numbing at work as yesterday. Hopefully that won't happen too often. But I went to Danielle's after work and rediscovered how much fun walking under certain influences was. Aside from that, Dani wasn't really doing much, so I came home to make Eric dinner :)
katie at 8:02:01 PM
Briefly As I do stuff at work, I just want to ask who and why lots of people are looking at my site :) Just curious - no one is commenting, cept Liz.
katie at 3:22:54 PM
Happiness Off I go, to play on my anniversary!!
katie at 5:01:12 PM
Better things He liked my present :) I got him a ring. A nice ring - gold, onyx - i was so damn nervous, but it worked out - and I still love Eric, even after 2 years :)
katie at 3:23:34 PM
Work I'm going to die. This is mind numbing.
katie at 3:22:47 PM
I had a whole long rant about how priests are not all bad, but then James' pop-up killer ate it. Boo.
katie at 11:36:08 AM
Anniversaries Tomorrow is Eric's and my two year anniversary. that's very very very scary, but maybe i'm the only one to think that. I already got him a present, I hope he likes it - I'm not describing it, cause not many people actually know about it. I also left what I want strategically in a catalog right near him, listing sales dates and everything - he won't notice. Especially cause he won't read this page, either. But we'll see how well my gift goes over. And if anyone (like Emily Schleicher did) gets the wrong idea.
katie at 10:43:12 AM
Monumental Walk...only in DC Yesterday, eric and I did something that you can only do in DC. We stayed on contiguous memorials over a state line ;). We decided to take a walk last night down the hill from our apartment towards rosslyn, cut across Fort Meyer Drive to the Iwo Jima/Marine Corps Memorial, from there walked up the hill to the Netherlands Carrilon, then hopped the fence (it was supposed to be open!) into Arlington Cemetary, walked passed important places like William Howard Taft's grave, crossed the memorial bridge, past those gold statues there that Italy donated, walked over by the Korean Memorial, the Lincoln, the Vietnam, and then cut up to the statue of Albery Einstein hidden in the woods, and ended it up by cutting across the state department to go to the Simon de Bolivar "the liberator" statue - ironically in front of the department of the Interior. That doesn't seem all that funny - unless you consider that we walked from home to foggy bottom, skipping Georgetown - that we hopped the fence into the national cemetary (and found Medgar Evers grave too!) staying, with the exception of the cutting through the state department, on contigous memorial ground. Including the Memorial bridge. That's fucked up :)
katie at 10:37:57 AM
"The head of the national bishops' group, Bishop Wilton Gregory of Belleville, Ill., has said there is an 'ongoing struggle' to make sure the priesthood is not 'dominated by homosexual men.' Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has said 'a person who is homosexually oriented is not a suitable candidate for the priesthood.'"
Tony, tony tony -- where else is better? This is my biggest gripe with christianity - if homosexuals are called to chastity - its ok to be homosexual, just not to act on it (Pastoral Letter "For our children"), then where is better for homosexuals than the chosen vows of chastity of the priesthood. Why am I the only one to see it? I can't believe that people are taking human failings as another opportunity to exercise predjudice. Oh wait.
<----This break from data entry was brief and vivid - now back to work ---->
katie at 2:17:11 PM
Yeah, more immigration jokes. I espcially like what Louis Chambliss has to say.
katie at 9:56:46 PM
My Ticket to the Sweet Life Maybe this guy's got it right. I should incorporate, be vice-president of operations for that corporation, put that on my resume, and write reccomendations for people! Oh wait.
katie at 9:52:17 PM
Muppets I'm watching Muppet Treasure Island, and I'd forgotten how much I like the muppets. There might be more on this later.
katie at 7:26:35 PM
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: A New FBI? I have to appreciate Jon Stewart's take on things. Especially since its so FUCKING scary what the government is actually doing. You thought Clinton wagged the dog? News about the Dirty Bomb pops out in the midst of congressional hearings about how the government is screwing up over 9/11?
katie at 11:43:09 PM
On what follows the Daily Show Jennifer Aniston was not all that cool hosting Saturday Night Live. Probably cause she's not that good of an artist. Honestly. now her and Molly Shannon are in a boobgrabbing fight.
katie at 11:38:01 PM
Quotes, helped by the Daily Show
"We dont understand what all the tension is about, because we don't know anything about the political climate." -Bruce Somethingorother, Team USA Soccer coach.
"To all of you FBI and CIA agents on the front line - when you see something suspicious - please report it." - G.W.Bush
Work Is boring, but I'm tired. That's about all I got. I'm still there, but now I'm just putzing around.
katie at 5:03:03 PM
People I Miss
BTW, this is a pre-lude to my re-establish contact swing. And by miss, there is a range of people I havent talked to in a year to those who I havent talked to in a few weeks. Alissa: She and Eric are in a fight. Eric: He's on kiss ban until he talks to Liss. Kelle: I haven't talked or seen her in a long time. I don't know how much more contact i'm even going to have an opportunity to have with her. She's going to be in Notre Dame for the rest of the summer, and all next year. She was my best friend at one point. Shane: I haven't talked to him since Christmas. For more reasons than one, also, because he and I were real close onceuponatime, I want to get back in touch with him Melissa: She may have told me I was going to have fucked up children, but she was always there when I needed her. Storey: He's always out of touch when he's in writing mode, but he's always been out of touch this year. I don't like just keeping up with his webpage. Ryan: He's almost back in DC! This list will grow, im sure.
katie at 7:20:06 PM
When Is a Subway System Like a State? It's Not a Silly Question Nothing Like a good Metro article to start off your sunday morning. Here is where Metro pretends she's like a state. not just like a state, but deserving of the 11th-amendment immunity that states recieve. And that has been recently stripped by congress from the district. But that's a side issue. Those laws were not meant to flaunt the ADA, but instead leave room for the federal laws not to conflict with state laws. This is found in a footnote in the original decisions. Also so that they could be sued in their own state court. Two problems for Metro this way - no lawmaking, and no courts. And god help us if they did :) Tho, then Eric could be the defense attorney in Metro courts. Which I assume would not be funded 'til they started calling it Ronald Reagan National Airport, republicans flouting the concept of local control.
katie at 3:40:43 PM
This also scares me. The fact that he can just rearrange 39billion dollars, and who knows what else he's sticking in this plan, and whereas unification of these departments may make investigation easier, it also concentrates a HUGE amount of resources within it, under its sole control. I dont like that. It scares me - especially (as the article points out) it was determined in secret.
katie at 3:22:53 PM
Don't people realize that this isn't good?? What the hell are the states SPENDING the money on! Its not just urban districts that are struggling - in fact, some of them are even better funded than some of these small rural districts. Why on earth won't people look at this and feel outrage? I'd pay a large portion of my life in taxes to correct this. But what I think needs to happen is that states need to prioritize what they're spending money on. I wish the article would say where the money went, aside from a "revenue crunch" that they tell us in maryland and virginia. sigh.
katie at 11:26:05 AM
Things that make lots of sense
"When you have close to a million men glaring, shouting, and occasionally shooting across a territory that is a matter of some dispute, then I think you couldn't say the crisis is over. But I think you can say that the tensions are down measurably." -RICHARD ARMITAGE, Deputy Secretary of State, on the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.
katie at 11:16:54 AM
The Scariness that is other people sometimes
I've decided I need to start titling my blogs. I don't really have any purpose to the title, but I think its neat. The scariest thing I read was Andrea saying there is something totally wrong when I stop blogging. Wow. That's funny.
I skipped out of the blogger party early. I wanted to stay, but I wanted to see Liss and Erin more. Maybe we should have our own blogger party. But one that involves - i dont know :) can't think of it now. I like the Rezdenvous though - definitely have to go back there.
I've decided that I like going out drinking - happy hour, etc. We need to a) pick a place that isn't too far from where we all work, b) pick a day, and c) convince Eric to stop being a wet blanket and go.
Work, or something like it
The reason I haven't been blogging is because this is my first day off since last Tuesday or Wednesday. I've worked somewhere around 95 hours in 9 or 10 days. Sorry. Deal. :) Computerworld was fun, yay playing with Filemaker all weekend, and getting the best compliment I've gotten in a while: (Simone, kind of tipsy) "I walk in, ask for something, Bob [my technical boss] would buffle around and ask how to do it, and kate, you'd have it in my hand." I worked lots of hours for them, and they asked me to come back next year - and bring friends. So if anyone would like to work a weekend with me, get paid, get all dressed up for a free amazing banquet afterwards the first weekend in June, let me know.
I then started work at the International Society for Clinical Densitometry. I work in their Certification department as a certification assistant. Make that THE certification assistant, as its a 6-person office. Its a lot of busy work, and I mean to take a break and update my blog at work, but ndidn't want to this, my first week. We'll see - its fulltime the rest of the summer.
Nothing has happened thus far today, except me punching Eric in the stomach. Now he's up, so I should take care of him. And eat. Cause I'm starving - but that happens when he sleeps til 3pm.
But new survey - we'll have an update on Computerworld tomorrow...
Who all works within lunch-ing distance of where I work - 2025 M St. you should leave a message, and give me an e-mail with your work number - when i have it, ill give it back to you. Also, because Eric won't come to lunch with me :)
katie at 6:35:50 PM