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- hom.e -

Welcome to 'Ready Or Not'.

Andrew Tierney - the guy standing over there on your left - is a member of Aussie group Human Nature. [That's the band on down there]

Now, you've most likely heard of these guys, they're four Sydney lads who can sing like nobody's business and they've been attacking the music scene in Oz for over 10 years! For more info on the band, visit my other site Natural Incentive.

Please take a look around the site. Feedback is always welcome at

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If you'd like to link to 'RoN' please save one of the following to your own server and link it to: Thanks.

- disclai.mer -
Sadly, I don't know Andrew personally I'm just a knowledgable fan who likes making websites. Everything seen here is for fan enjoyment - that's all.

All the images are my own unless otherwise stated so please, no taking. Thanks :)

To those who know the pic I've taken Andrew out of to make this layout: yes, I know he's wearing Mike's jeans - well, Mike's legs actually. But it was the only way I could get him to wear shoes :) meaks more sense when you see the pic - his feet are cut off the bottom.

I think that's about all the mandatory stuff. Have fun looking around.

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