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  • Name: Matt Carter (Bass)
  • D.O.B.: 5/16/85
  • Hobbies: Sleeping, playing music,being cool, being nice to everyone I meet
  • Equipment: Ampeg, Fender, ESP
  • Favorite Foods: Lasagna,Raman Noodles
  • Favorite Beverages: Dr. Pepper
  • Favorite Movies: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Goonies, Sling Blade, Taxi Driver, Big Lebowski
  • Favorite Bands/Influences: Metallica, Pantera, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Deftones, Rage Against the Machine, Greer
  • Quote: ""
  • Thanks:The band, every place that has let us play, everyone that has came to the shows and sang along