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Date Info Time/Price
June 14th, 2002 SOM's LAST SHOW at Costello Park Recreation Center, Tim's Party. With No Diving, Alowishious Farhatt, and Captain Obvious

7:00pm-11:00pm, FREE FREE FREE
March 3rd, 2002 The Spotlight Cafe in Woodbridge, VA w/ No Diving, EightPointFour, Noise Pollution, Fallout, Stuck in Kaos and more

Febaruary 24th, 2002 Brady's Bar and Pub in Old Town Manassas w/ No Diving and Alowishious Farhatt and the Soapbox Derby Revival Band.

6:00pm-10:00pm $3 Door Charge
February 3rd, 2002 The Spotlight Cafe in Woodbridge, VA w/ No Diving, Flowers in the Attic, Seticide, The Teardrops, and more

Doors open at 2:30, $8 at door
January 5th, 2002 Costello Park Recreation Center w/ No Diving
December 31st, 2001 Charlie Patullo's New Years Party. (Acoustic Show)w/ No Diving. Open party, anyone can come. Send E-mail for more info/directions.
November 2nd, 2001 Private Party, send email for more info
November 6th, 2001 JAXX in Springfield w/ No Diving and lots more. Tickets $8 in advance, $10 at the door.
Doors open at 2:00pm
September 29th, 2001 Party, Manassas, w/ No Diving
7:00 to 10:00pm
September 30th, 2000 Party, Manassas, w/ No Diving in the Shallow Water
November 10th, 2000 Party, Manassas, w/ No Diving in The Shallow Water
December 10th, 2000 JAXX in Springfield, VA. STUCK's CD Release Party. Tickets are $7.
Doors open @ 2:00pm
December 31st, 2000 Party, Manassas, w/ No Diving in The Shallow Water 9:00pm
Jan. 6th, 2001 CANCELLED
February 10th, 2001 FREE Punkfest: Manassas Baptist Church (the one next to marstellar) w/ No Diving and Unspoken FREE!
2:00pm to 5:00
February 24th, 2001 Word of Life Assembly of God, Springfield, VA w/ Not For U. Check here for directions
March 10th, 2001 9226 Landgreen Street (off of Liberia), Manassas. Ben Townsend's Party w/ one more band TBA. FREE! Anyone can come!
7:00-Whenever it Ends