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Home Up Anna Miles Nicci Phil Trish Steve #1 Steve #2 Alumni


Summers 2001, 2002 and amazingly 2003!

Dagsworthy Street in "The Perch"


Banana's Memories

a.k.a:  Annabanana, Annacoholic, "my drunk friend in the cowboy hat"

Residence:  In her Jeep Grand Cherokee, somewhere between McLean and Alexandria, VA

Vital Stats:

"My drunk friend in the cowboy hat"  (Nancy Crum, Summer 1999)


Touring great emergency rooms of the eastern seaboard
Hurling ping pong ball at people at 100 mph
Swapping beer for jetski rides
Harassing DJs at the Starboard
Stupid Human Tricks at Jam Session
Boozing it up at the Lithuanian Embassy

Pick-Up Line(s):

"You're just the cutest thing I've ever seen!"
"Has anyone seen my shoe?"
"Wanna go for a ride in my new shopping cart?"

Semi-Famous Quotes: 

"Nicci, your husband broke me!"
"In case you haven't noticed, I ROCK!"
"Do they want a clean and quiet poolcleaner, or is the hotel clean and quiet and they need a poolcleaner?   I'm confused..."
"You don't want a 'Larry Escort' home..."
"I think they are open until closing."
"Can someone ppplease play "Sexual Healing?"


        (This was actually Nicci and Anna, with the little finger cymbals/castanettes at the Starboard and all over town on the last night.   Apparently not a favorite with the DJ at the Starboard.  WHOOPS! )


Favorite Dewey Memories



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Last modified: July 15, 2003