ECEMBER 2, 1964: Lassley and Reynolds wounded. Ray made sergeant. [mckee]
Reynolds was hit with shrapnel in the stomach. He turned to Lassley and saw him roll up in a ball. He was hit bad. Reynolds is suppose to return to the squadron but Lassley probably will not return. The pilots and the chopper were not hurt. The stingers are getting out almost every day and doing a good job. Most of the strikes go out early in the morning so reveille goes at 0400 hours. Sgt. Kelly went on R&R to Bangkok today. [winkel]
A combat recovery team waiting for the word to go. From left to right - 1stSgt Force's back, PFC Jeff Aviero, LCpl Chuck McKinney, Sgt Bob Androlevich and Cpl Leroy Reynolds(?).
On the hill's summit were defensive positions manned by Vietnamese infantry. Behind them, on the south slope of the hill, were two 105mm howitzers and a small unit of artillerymen. Marine Corporal Gary F. Janulewicz was attached as an advisor to this unit. "I was asleep in my position when I hear automatic weapons firing. With me, in the bunker, was U.S. Army SFC Fred Flowers. As we left our positon to investigate a grenade exploded about 100 yards away." [Janulewicz] Serving as advisors with the infantry on the forward slope were U.S. Army 1stLt Brian K. Skinner and Australian WO R.A. Morrison. Both were wounded by fragments as red raiders heaved hand grenades into their position from outside the barbed wire. Using scaling ladders and bamboo poles, the VC attackers soon breached the wire and overran the small infantry force. "As the infantry pulled back to our position I found Lt. Skinner and WO Morrison. Sgt Flowers had battle dressings and we put them on Mr. Morrison. Lt Skinner had received three wounds but he refused medical aid and kept organizing the Vietnamese to resist the attack. When we saw wave after wave keep coming, we depressed our guns and fired the 105's at point black range, setting our fuzes for one and two seconds delay. A hand grenade landed in the gun pit on the left and knocked out the crew. Then, about ten minutes later, another grenade was thrown into the second bunker. By this time, Flowers and I had joined Skinner and Morrison in a gully about ten yards behind the guns. There were about twelve badly wounded Vietnamese soldiers and we treated them as best we could. Flowers had some bandages in a canvas bag in our old position and ran back and got them for him. Lt. Skinner kept organizing the troops to fire on the VC." [Janulewicz] The four advisors moved down the hill about 25 yards to where a road cut across the side of the ridge. They remained there until dawn. "When it got light we could see the VCs on top of the hill and a large column of enemy at the base of the hill moving away. We were in the middle and out of ammo. We had fired it all at the VC during the night." [Janulewicz] When headquarters at Tam Ky, about 10 miles away, got word of the attack, a relief column was sent to aid the defenders. The Viet Cong ambushed the unit and knocked out an armored personel carrier. But the relief force pushed on through and by dawn the advisors could see the column drawing near their position as the VC began to withdraw. "We came upon about a dozen ARVN troops. Lt Skinner and WO Morrison formed them up and we all started back up the hill. As we worked our way through 'no man's land' toward the armored carriers, we were fired on from above. Lt. Skinner was killed instantly and Flowers was wounded twice in the left leg. WO Morrison and a Vietnamese officer thought that we were dead and continued to move down the hill." [Janulewicz] The carriers reached the top of the hill and retook the entire position. While this was going on, an air strike was flown against the enemy as they retreated. The Vietnamese aircraft delivered a devastating attack on the withdrawing VC. U.S. Marine helicopters from HMM-365 landed two ARVN companies ahead of the fleeing VC, blocking their escape. American advisors found Janulewicz and Flowers near the bottom of the hill. The Marine had carried his wounded friend through a mine field toward safety. A helicopter from HMM-365 evacuated them. An official U.S. body count revealed that 168 VC guerrillas died in the attack on Hill 159. Two were captured along with a 50 cal. machinegun and a large supply of miscellaneous weapons. Friendly losses were one American killed and two (one Australian) wounded. Eight ARVN were killed and 16 wounded. From THE ROTOR BLADE, vol. 1 no. 38 12/9/64: Strike on Hill 159 - Major Malmgren was the HAC. [mayher] The CRT was dropped off somewhere around Tam Ky so that we would be in position to recover personnel or aircraft in the event they would be forced down. The strike was the biggest I had seen so far, involving not only HMM-365 helicopters and observation planes but VNAF aircraft as well. On the ground, I placed my machinegun behind a dome-shaped mound of dirt. These mounds, which looked very much like craters of the Moon, were actually Vietnamese grave sites. The dead are interred in a sitting position rather than supine. I told Traughber that if I got killed he wouldn't have to carry me anywhere. He could bury me on the spot. [delrosario] We had a max launch this morning at about 0800 hours. Our CRT went out with it. It seems that the VC last night and today are trying to take Tam Ky, a military base about 30 miles south of DaNang. Mortars and 105mm howitzers have been firing for the last two days. The VC have captured a few of the ARVN weapons. We flew down there with 19 helicopters and 4 or 5 stingers. At a military site we picked up about 100 ARVN soldiers. On one of the hills not far away Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF) ADs (A-1 Skyraiders) were strafing and dropping napalm on suspected Viet Cong positions. After about an hour and a half of this we dropped the ARVN soldiers around the area. The VNAF ADs continued their strafing and napalming while the troops were being lifted in. Lots of ARVNs were wounded. At about noon the CRT flew into Tam Ky while fire was still coming in. VC mortars kept coming in. ARVN reinforcements were sent in on six-by-six trucks - about 100 men. Then our planes started flying med evacs out of the area. Four Americans were hurt, two Army advisors and two Marines. Two were dead and two wounded. i don't know who was which. We finally got back to DaNang at 1630 hours. A few mortars were hit and I believe the 105mm howitzer is out of commission. A lot of VC were wounded and killed but I don't know how many. The ADs actually flattened out the hill that they hit, not to the ground, but it is flat. [winkel]
12/15/64: Friday night a C-123 crashed into the side of Monkey Mountain (a lot of VC there). There were two Americans on board, a major and a staff sergeant. I'm not sure which branch of the service. It was coming inland. The plane was a total wreck. Everyone died. Not until last night did anyone go after the bodies. Lt. Wilson, Sgt. Guzman, and 1stSgt Force went late yesterday afternoon. They sent about 30 bodies up. There were ARVN around th wreckage. Then there was machinegun fire and it was too dark to work so they lifted out. They knew there were a few bodies left so a team went out this morning. 1stSgt Force, Corporal Gary Bingham, Lance Corporal Charles McKinney, and myself (LCpl Marty Winkel).
The Combat Recovery Team returns from a mission. LCpl del Rosario (far right, in front) and Pvt Rex Traughber carry the chainsaw into a compound building for post-mission debriefing. Sgt Holloway in the foreground. I was the flight leader and HAC (helicopter aircraft commander) that lowered everyone to the crash site on the seaward side of Monkey Mountain. I had to hover there for quite a while with clouds swirling through the rotor blades at times. Also we were up against a sheer rock wall. The stench of the decomposing bodies was very strong and Dan Hamilton, my copilot, lit up a big cigar and it drowned out the smell. When they called me to extract them, I had to wait for a hole in the clouds to dip down and load them back aboard via the hoist. [eilertson]
So that accounts for my ten missions so far, and four for this month. The First Sergeant (Force) knew what he was doing today. He didn't just give orders, he worked right with us. Gunner Ball and 1stLt Hamilton were two of the pilots. I don't know who else was piloting. Sgt.Ray and Cpl. Juan Prieto were crewchief and gunner on Yankee Mike 3. I was real glad to get back to the base. Also, an Army Huey went down. The rest of the team went out to stand guard until the maintenance people could come in and work on it. [winkel]
An unmanned drone that had flown over North Vietnam to gather intelligence data crash-landed in the jungles and was recovered by HMM-365 (Captain Williamson was the HAC, and Sgt. Mayher, the crewchief) 12/19/64: We had an early launch and strike this morning. 21 UH-34D's, 10 Army Hueys, two OEs, and about 10 ARVNs in each of our helicopters. [winkel]
12/23/64: Lt. Wilson, 1stSgt Force, Sgt. Guzman, Cpl. Bingham, LCpl McKinney, and myself (Winkel) had to go see the Colonel today about the bodies we picked up on Monkey Mountain. There was an Army major and two civilian investigators that worked with the Marine Corps. They were concerned about finding one bag that the U.S. Army Staff Sergeant (actually, Sergeant First Class) was in. They couldn't locate him. His bag was suppose to have some markings on it and put over to the left of the others. We did see one bag with no zipper on it and it might have had tape on it but no one noticed. The wind would have blown it off. We all had to write statements and tell exactly what happened and what we saw (all voluntary). We might go back up there to lay out the area as it was. There was something top secret about their mission or some stuff they were carrying. I'm pretty sure they were suppose to parachute in somewhere. In the papers in Bangkok, they didn't mention too much about the whole incident. [winkel] 12/24/64: The CRT was put on standby because there was a wounded American somewhere around Kham Duc. A helicopter (U.S. Army?) couldn't land there but they hovered over the American and a dead ARVN and there was also ARVN supplies. The VC do not leave supplies behind, so they figured it was a trap. The choppers were flying around to see if it was safe for our combat recovery team to go in. About one hour later we received a report that all they could see down there was one dead ARVN. The VC probably captured the American. That was the last I heard about that. [winkel]
12/25/64, Christmas: A truce has been declared between hostile factions and except for a few reports of isolated small arms fire the Viet Cong, the ARVN, and the U.S. Forces are honoring it. For our part, we have curtailed air operations, except for med-evacs and reconnaissance flights. The compound security remain ever vigilant, allowing the rest of us a respite for the day. Inside the admin building there is a scrawny tree of undetermined specie that has been designated the "Duty Christmas Tree". Since there is a shortage of Christmas decorations available in DaNang, no multi-colored lights, tinsel, garlands, or balls hang from it. But being innovative and creative, the Marines decorated it the best they could anyway - with rifle cartridges hanging down in place of icicles, C-ration cans in place of Christmas balls, and in place of the traditional star atop the tree, a grenade.
Pre-Vietnam 1964
OCT 64
NOV 64
DEC 64
JAN 65
FEB 65
MAR 65
APR 65
MAY 65
JUN 65
JUL 65
AUG 65 and After