Eidetic Memory
Natural Linguist
Iron Will
Prey Exclusion
Prestigious Sire
Natural Leader
Debt of Gratitude
Dark Secret
Animal Affinity
Fast Learner
Demon Plagues
Kindred Ties
Capable Assistant
Valuable Secret
Well Travelled
Special Gift
Special Rapport
Drune was created by my friend, Mel, because my character Shayne was in suicidal mode after the betrayal of her sire, Rubian. Kinda of a last ditch desperate attempt to save her. Which in the end, did not work, because unplanned on both Mel and my parts, he chose to go after first Lyca then fall in love with Sable. It was one of those things where you do plot something, but the char decides they don't want to. Much to Mel's dismay and delight, Drune has become the sneakiest, most possessive, and arrogant SOB in existance. He enjoys manipulating things until we see it his way. He has been the cause of numberous brainstorming sessions between me and Mel to try to circumvent his actions or behavior. None of which I might add ever work. He always gets his way. And we still adore him. Drune is a very complicated char. One that neither me or Mel seem to understand most of the time. But my own char Sable completely understands him. She has amazed me and Mel with her insight and ability in dealing with him. And he most of all has taken on a life of his own completely different from the original intention of his creation. He was suppose to have been a temporary char at best just to help Shayne. But rather quickly developed to the point that he became Mel's 2nd favorite char.
I personally alternate between Drune and Talon unable to decide which is my favorite. Odd how that works. Don't ask me to explain cuz I am clueless. Which is a state I have found myself in quite often while RPing. I will admit one of the most fun things to do it to egg Drune on when there something he really wants to do and Mel is on the other side...oh hell no you ain't. But then she gets me back by doing the same with my char Forest.