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. Augusto's If History tells the truth ... then why ?... History never has to be made like movies.

Created: 1999 Mar 01

Last edited: 2001-09-12

When peoples believe mistakes as good shots, they can't rectify; if they can't rectify they can't progress.







French Revolution.

Prod 990112 Rev. 0
Author : Augusto Mendoza-Martinez

Questions and doubts.-

  1. Why death was given to thousands of innocent people, in a bloody orgy by the more ignorant of France ?

  2. Why only after Napoleon extirpated the revolutionary government, chaos and crime by the mob were not controlled ?.....

  3. Why France lost by migration to England, Holland and Germany, practically all scientists, industrials, qualified workers, and businessmen?

  4. Why all the greatest and interesting statements, said as been product of the French Revolution were really written ten to forty years before, and none during or by the people acting during the mob control of France?

  5. Was the French Revolution of benefit to France that become ruined ... or to England, Germany, Holland, etc. where the useful migration of scientists, technicians, physicians, qualified workers, industrials, went?

  6. Why such a revolution was so wonderful, France, that was in the first place of culture, science, industry, education, commerce, etc. lost markets, lost economics, lost population, lost know how, lost industries ?; England and Holland took the control of commerce, England become the center of the industry, etc.

  7. If England, Holland, Germany celebrate July 14 as a great date to remember, those countries have some cynical reason. But French people celebrating the day when their country started to pass the door of decline ! . If something has to be remembered in France it should be the birthday of the man who could control the chaos, but what a price to pay.

I do recommend.-

  1. Review , or make others do, the history about the French Rev..

  2. Don't tell young scholars so many lies about goodness of French Revolution. Tell them the truth: quantity of dead, millions of property lost, Population per profession or specialty gone to England, Germany, etc; New schools and universities founded during the revolution government

  3. If in one of those countries where the history teaching is a mean to preserve power and prestige, not an objective knowledge transmission, Teach your family by yourself using good international sources of history instead of official textbooks, usually full of lies.

  4. Use July 14 th to reflect about causes and practical effects of government decisions prior to French Rev , during the mob control of France, and consequences to France's people welfare during the next hundred years.

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Spanish American Colonies "Independence". .

Produced: 990112
Review: 0
Author : Augusto Mendoza-Martinez


Questions and doubts.-

  1. English colonies in America become independent. So born USA , soon USA become the first nation in many aspects of civilization, a rich country, increased territory ......, Why in this case Independence was a success.?..

  2. Spanish colonies in America become independent but after that: lost territory, lost economics; they were ten years back from Europe, in science, social behavior, and technology for not less than 30 percent of its population, by the time of getting the independence. Now the new countries are more than fifty years back in practically all aspects of civilization and culture. This is the truth at least for the 95 percent of its population. So ....... it is easy to conclude, what results show, the new rulers were all very bad from the beginning of the independence up today. Why they didn't succeed?

  3. By 1790 there were respectable Universities in Spanish American Colonies: Santo Tomas - Santo Domingo [Founded 1538]; Mexico [1551], Lima - Peru [funded 1553], Santa Fe - Nueva Granada [1572], Cordoba -Argentina [1613], Charcas - Bolivia [1624], Guatemala [1678], Cuzco -Peru [1696], Santiago de Leon de Caracas - Venezuela, Habana - Cuba [1728], Guanajuato -Mexico [1732], Panama- Panama [1749], Santiago - Chile [1756], etc. It is interesting to see the USA and Canada in 1810 - 1820. Why Spanish Colonies after independence stopped its development and now are well behind ?

I do recommend.-

  1. Don't tell young scholars so many lies about goodness of Spanish Colonies civil war. Tell them the truth: quantity of dead, millions of property lost, Population per profession or specialty gone to USA, British Caribbean Islands, Back to Spain, etc to save theirs lives; New schools and universities founded by revolution government in the following 50 years.

  2. Use History hours of teaching to reflect about causes and practical effects of government decisions prior to those secession wars, during the wars, after the independence, and analyze consequences to colonies people's welfare for the next hundred years.

  3. Review objectively the myths around heroes. Mythology must be taught as it is. Believing some big mistakes of heroes as good shots, many countries's people have a heavy weight to wear in their progress path.

  4. If in one of those countries where the history teaching is a mean to preserve power and prestige, not an objective knowledge transmission, Teach your family by yourself using good international sources of history instead of official textbooks, usually full of lies.

  5. Use July 14 th to reflect about causes and practical effects of government decisions prior to French Rev, during the mob control of France, and consequences to France's people welfare during the next hundred years. Search and analyze differences between USA or Canada, or even Australia development, and what have been important differences in what was used from the French revolution concepts in countries formerly Spanish colonies.

  6. Instead of no school activities on National Holidays, spend time to review decisions taken in the past by heroes and common leaders, against results on economics, culture, security to people and theirs properties, any other progress aspect. Making idolatrous acts in front of sculptures or pictures, graves, or so on is not of any use, except to speech-makers, and flower sellers.

  7. Do not fear to become without "Heroes"; In every people's history if you base recognition on real positive and lasting achievements, you will find enough men and women to be proud of them as a nation, and use them as models to follow because of real virtues. False heroes or heroes that only made expensive mistakes to people, even if they were excellent speakers, only permit mistakes to last forever.

  8. To read some more about one of these "heroes" ...  Simon Bolivar can click this link.


 Simón Bolívar underdevelopment factor in Latin-America

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Venezuelan Democracy.

Produced: 99
Review: 0
Author :


Questions and doubts.-

¿Could exist democracy in a place where people must vote by a list of corrupts chosen by the boss of each political party or a lieder Fürer like?


¿Could exist democracy in a place where people have not all economical guaranties?

Could exist democracy in a place where government do not protect nor respect private property, and is working hard to change to a POPULAR SOCIALIST REPUBLIC the name in the new Constitution?

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Human Rights Violations - Different Approach.
Produced: 990131
Review: 1
Author : Augusto Mendoza-Martinez


Kidnapping, Torture, Killing - Doubts.-

  1. Why death of some is Human Right Violation instead other's isn't?

  2. Why kidnapping and torture is a Human Right Violation when they are done by police, or some government agency, but never it is, if applied to farmers, business men or other people by terrorists, bushwhackers, criminals ?


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Doctors Slavery - A Human Right violation?


Why most of Latin-American Countries governments still practice slavery?


When government oblige physicians to work for State, with a very low payment set by state, paid in great delay, some times not paid and ....... It is evident that this practice violates Articles of Universal Declaration of Human Rights [bold words] as follows:


Article 2

  • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

    Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

  • Article 4

  • No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
  • This governments do not allow new doctors to find work or practice profession if they have not served before a year or two to the STATE.


    The State makes believe country's people and other nations, that gives health services to poor, with this system, reality is that rulers of State, pay less to inexperienced doctors, take for themselves most of the money for "by State health services", and gives the worst health service to people. This is a violation of Human Right Art. 22 worded as follows


    Article 22

  • Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
  • So, Rulers of such countries, use slave, new and less experienced doctors to give health to the people more needs some State assistance. On the other hand, new doctors, instead of going to big and well organized health institutions private or ruled by STATE (normally in the worst state), in order to become experts with many cases of each speciality, lost one year or two in little towns or in very primary places of health service, ruled normally by corrupt people from parties that steal from cotton and gaze to equipment and money.


    All this in the name of Socialized Medicine.



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    Homes and apartments owners
    victims of by STATE Human Rights violations?


    Many country governments, like Venezuelan, use illegal discriminating laws against people who owns property. Listen to me, never rent an apartment or a house in such a country; the law gives all power and support to lessee. If you like as the owner to increase fees at the contract end or as the contract permits, lessee can go to an State office, named some like Lease Direction, and get you be out of law, then the lessee start to pay the previous fee at a law court; you do not receive more your money neither the lessee leaves your property. Lot of cases must be set paying the lessee to accept moving by his own will and when he likes. I know may cases of owners that after 10 to 15 years still wait to recuperate the use of his property.


    The STATE is represented by political people that get votes to the government party giving advantages to others with the money of the nation or the loses to owners. So you as owner, have little probability to receive impartial justice. Culture given by STATE CONTROLLED education system, TEACH explicitly that owners are exploiters capitalists that must be punished because of having something others need!


    It is usual in all communication means hear government, law and education people, say that justice has to balance differences between parts, differences in wealth, knowledge or of some other nature. So if you have a coin more than the other part, you has to be punished. This is the base of a very corrupt system, where the only mean of getting justice is that of giving illegal fees to government people. So owners become exploited by parasites [from political parties]. In other words if you are the owner you are the victim of violation of your following Human Rights.


    Article 2

  • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
  • Article 5

  • No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
  • Article 7

  • All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
  • Article 10

  • Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
  • Article 17

  • Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

    No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

  • So, in all such countries, own property and use it to get some benefit is punished, In such a social system the savings of workers cannot be applied to buy property to guarantee a non devaluating rent for the old and non productive age of such workers.

    Construction industry lost buyers. Economics is affected in many aspects. Young people cannot get homes to rent until have savings and credit to buy one. Price control, ruled normally by corrupt people from parties is one of the most evil to all.


    All this in the name of Socialized Property
    and poor protection!




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    Childs, young, parents
    victims of by STATE Human Rights violations?


    Many country governments, like Venezuelan, use illegal discriminating laws to domesticate people instead of educating. STATE has the duty of provide and guaranty education to the nation’s people, but not has the right to establishing a MONOPOLY to a certain union, political party, political system or religion to castrate the right of people and his parents to get the kind of education they freely choose.



    The STATE, represented by political people that get votes to the government party giving advantages to others with the money of the nation, is the only one that defines
    when, what, where, how, and by whom
    of all aspects of education and culture given by STATE education system and by any private education institution.
    Religious communities cannot give education without comply with the State regulations that impose the direction and teaching be held by teachers graduated in the State Institutions, using of books by State approval, methods and incentives established in By State procedures, etc.


    Law prohibits an engineer teach physics, or a doctor to teach biology. Even a mathematician is not allowed to teach. They have first to be accepted by the State that ask they assist 2 years to the State Institute of Teacher’s Training to get a certificate, they must also be member of the teacher union. All this to control people and protect work market of that union.


    Law prevents independent new medicine or odontology universities; teaching an investigation in private health institutions is not allowed; All must be under the government control.


    It is usual in all communication means hear government, law and education people, say that the state has to protect people from imperialism, discrimination, foreign cultures, etc. To support this monopoly of education.


    On the other hand, results show: State and private education of very low level, no education at all on civic behavior; no safety, health, neither alimentary habits in scholars. No interest in work, culture, music, etc. Lost of ethics, in practice the system teach to cheat, use bad and wrong words, be passive to injustice, believe without doubt or proof on what is said by authority, teacher’s infallibility, etc.


    Students are trained to answer predetermined questions not to use productively the knowledge. They can repeat as parrots a formula, they cannot answer the time you take to go some distance at some speed or know how much they save if they get a percent discount at a sale.


    On the other side the students receive an idea of history facts that make they believe: All rich people, as seen by everyone, is rich because they or his parents have exploited or stolen others. Buy a good at some price and sell it to another higher price is a crime. Save and plan with money is not civic. The use of money must not have a cost. Things must be to the one who needs them not their owner. Italians, Spanish, Portuguese ... people immigrants that have progressed have private nationals of their progress, etc.


    This is the base of a very corrupt and static social system, no progress is possible, no change is possible. People is educated by parasites [from political parties]. In other words if you are child, young or parent you are the victim of violation of your following Human Rights.


    Article 18

  • Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
  • Article 20

  • Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

    No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

  • Article 26

  • Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

    Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

    Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

  • Article 27

  • Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

    Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

  • Article 30

  • Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

    I do recommend.-


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    Last Rev. 1 - 2001,September,12