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MP3, RA and MIDI gallery!!!

A secret weapon?

FFVIII MP3'z, RA's and MIDIS!!!:


MP3 1 (Battle music)
MP3 2 (Running through town)
MP3 3 (The tower transformation)
MP3 4 (Fanfare)
MP3 5 (Game over)

Real Audio files:

RA 1 (Battle music)

MIDI files:

MIDI 1 (Battle 1)
MIDI 2 (Battle 2)
MIDI 3 (Battle 3)
MIDI 4 (Nemesis)
MIDI 5 (Victory)
MIDI 6 (Rinoa's theme)
MIDI 7 (Squall's theme)
MIDI 8 (Dollet)
MIDI 9 (Emtower)
MIDI 10 (Eyes)

Welcome to the MP3, RA and MIDI gallery! I hope that you'll have fun!!! Listen and go crazy :)
Naamloos Normale pagina
Garden at night! =)

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