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Thank you for checking out my 2d/Hand Drawings section. The drawings on this page ,I feel, best represent my
2d/hand drawing ability. Click on the thumb nails for a larger image.

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Title: Female Alien.

A character design concept of a female alien.

Title: Evil Alien.

Another character design concept. A male alien, perhaps one of the bad guys.

Title: Hands.

A model's hands drawn in life drawing class.

Title: Bioman.

An early character sketch and sneek preview of 'Bioman'. He will be modeled in 3d and used in the genesis3d engine.

Title: Anime.

Description: A picture of a woman in the 'anime' style.

Title: Mech.

Japanese style mech.

Title: Faces.

Face from the game 'Gekido'. My version of another artists work.

Title: More faces.

The top head is Haggar from 'Final Fight'. The rest are more concept/doodles from me.

Copyright © 2000 Derek Halvorsen
[M A I N P A G E][B I O][3 D][L I N K S]