The Palanthian Times

© 1999 by Eric Jwo. All material on this website may not be copied for any reason whatsoever without the expressed consent of its author.
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<bgsound src="/de/feril/images/wwtolive.mid" autostart="true" loop="1"> Dungeon of Death

The Dungeon of Death Adventure is designed for a small party (3-6 heroes) of Adventurer to Champion reputation. This adventure is designed to help first time players to the Dragonlance: Fifth Age Saga to learn the basics of play. That is why there is less role-playing required for this adventure than in other Dragonlance adventures. It is my belief that in order to play the Dragonlance game correctly, one must know how to role-play, and to learn how to role-play, one must have a lot of experiance with the game. The only way to have a lot of experiance with the game, is to play and learn the rules. Therefore, this game is intended for Narrators who want to initiate Novice role-players into the Dragonlance: Fifth Age game. This lets new players learn how the Saga game works, as well as have fun. Of course, this adventure could also be used to test more experienced role-players. There is more than enough excitement and intrigue to excite the most battle-wearied role-player. So hold onto your Fate Deck, and enjoy!


I have divided this adventure into three sections. The first is the Introduction, the second is the actual dungoen crawl, and the third is the history behind the game. Click on a link below to view each section. Be warned, the dungeon section uses frames, and the other two sections appear as pop-up sections for easier reference.

Enter the Dungeon of Death

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