The Dragonlance 15th Anniversary Collection

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The Obsidian Order

Created By Eric Jwo

Deep within the lava-drenched bowels of the turbulent city of Sanction, a great power grows. Always in the shadows, this mysterious force is unknown to even the most knowledgable and powerful on Krynn. Palin Majere. the Master of Wayreth, the Dragon Overlords, even Hogan Bight does not know of the powerful forces stirring beneath his city. Even the Herald, the most renowned bard of all time, knows only fleeting glimpses of this powerful order. Yet, there is no denying that the force known as the Obsidian Order does exist. However, their motives, their powers, and their very existence is shrouded in shadows. For, in the Herald's own words:

The Obsidian Order is faceless, emotionless, and merciless. It is an enigma, shrouded in a mystery, and covered from tthe light of day. To know of its existence, is already know too much . . .

The Obsidian Order is a Narrator's tool. Players should immediantly exit this page and perhaps inform your Narrator of this organization. The Order can easily be used in a Campaign of Intrigue, or even in a standard Fifth Age game. They are, however, not to be used as glibly as other organizations, such as the Knights of Takhisis. Rather, they are elusive, yet always oppressively near. They are rather like the US Government in the X-Files. They are always lurking in the shadows, never allowing themselves to be drawn into the light of day.

Narrators are encouraged to use the Order any way they want to. The Order can be the heroes ally or enemy. In fact, the Order's designation may even change from adventure to adventure. But above all, the Order is supposed to be mysterious and dark. The Order is loyal to their Mission, and will accomplish their Mission at any cost. If the heroes happen to help them, then that's all the better. But if the heroes get in their way . . .

The Obsidian Order is a clandestine order of sorcerers. Created by a powerful shadow dragon named Shaydroverllyx, or Shade, who was originally from the demiplane of shadows, this order seeks to bring Krynn to its former level of magic. By opening a gate to the Realm of Shadows, the Order believes that they will be able to permeate Krynn with the flow of magic from the demiplane of shadows. The Order also seeks to enhance the power of sorcery in Krynn, by supporting and enhancing the magical art. While people don't realize it, shadowmages, as they are members of the Order are called, have been implanted in key positions around Ansalon. Many shadowmages are studying magic in the Academy of Sorcery or the Tower of Wayreth. MAny have infiltrated the Knight's of Takhisis and Legion of Steel. Some even work actively for Dragon overlord's in order to learn their magical secrets. However, the Order as a whole does not support the Dragon Overlords. While many members believe that the Dragon Overlords should be overthrown, the Order does not want to attract attention. Therefore, while many shadowmages may independantly fight the Dragon Overlords, the Order does not as a whole.

The Dwelling
The Mission
The Founding
The History
Current Relations
The Ranking System
The Important Members
Clandestine Circles
Magical Item Catalog
The Shadowmage
Adventure Ideas for the Obsidian Order
The Outer Rim

The Dwelling

The Headquarters of the Obsidian Order

The headquarters of the Obsidian Order is nestled beneath the violent Lords of Doom that surround the city of Sanction. Not far from the turbulent city, the Order's inner sanctum connects with the tunnels beneath the city itself. The Order has no official name for their headquarters, they simply call it "the Dwelling." Some also call it the "Lair of Shaydroverllyx" or "Shade's Lair" because Shade makes his lair within the Dwellings cavern walls. The underground compound of the Obsidian Order lies about two hundred feet below the surface.
The Shadowpeople that originally inhabited the tunnels beneath Sanction have been driven back by the Order. They inhabit only a few square miles of underground close to Sanction's fiery harbor. Using Shade's magic, the Order has carved huge caverns beneath and just to the north of the turbulent city. The entire Dwelling is nearly the size the the city itself.

The Dwelling itself is highly magical. If pressed, one could even say that the entire compound is a powerful artifact in its own right. For shadowmages, the entire Dwelling acts as a magical reservoir of unimaginable power. Obviously, it would be suicide for any to attempt an attack on the Dwelling.
The Dwelling also has many other magical features. The walls are made of a strange compound that Shade created. It resist the effects of sorcery, successfully dispelling all powerful spells cast upon it. Attempting to overcome or bypass this effect requires an impossible Reason (Perception) action against Shade. Shade will immediantly know when some one is attempting to bypass the dispelling effect of the Dwelling. Magic cast within the Dwelling and outside of the Dwelling is unaffected.
Every room has a small globe that emits a bright white light. This light can be turned on or off with a single word. Since Shade has made a habit of studying Krynn's famous sorcerers, the words are Shirak for light, and Dulak for darkness.
There are also any number of more obscure magical powers that the Dwelling possesses. Most are linked to Shade, and his magical experiments. Shade also does possess a small skull totem, which he uses to exert his control over the Dwelling. Currently, Shade can open any light or door in the Dwelling, as well as sense intruders. Soon, the shadow dragon will be able to control the very walls of the mighty structure.

The Compound
The Dwelling encompasses nearly a quarter of the underground tunnels beneath Sanction, and runs deep beneath the Lords of Doom. There are many different entrances in the mountainside around Sanction. Those hidden entrances reveal long, winding steps that lead hundreds of feet into the earth. Any who access the tunnels beneath Sanction can also find the Dewlling. All entrances to the Dwelling are usually heavily guarded and blocked by a massive steel door. Only high ranking members of the Order possess the key to open these doors. Although, shadowmages who dwell out of the dwelling are typically given he means to magically return to the Dwelling. Other attempts at entering the Dwelling through magic are blocked, as the very walls are coated in a magic resisting substance. Only through the wishes of the Order can those with magic enter.
Physically forcing one's way into the Dwelling is also impossible. The entrances are tight and narrow, forcing even an army to march in a line, thereby cutting effectiveness. Traps both mundane and magical line the pathways to the Dwelling, and powerful shadowmages keep constant watch over the entrances to the Dwelling.
The inside of the Dwelling consists of twisting hallways and large chambers. The Dwelling is made up of four "quadrants", the Shadow Zone, the Abyss, the Armory, and the Lair. Each has its own distinct purpose and design. The Shadow Zone consists of many private and public laboratories. Here, mentors and teachers instruct novices in the way of magic, high-ranking officers experiment with new forms of sorcery, and here is where all mages can mingle freely. In the center of the Shadow Zone, is large auditorium. This cavern can hold three times the number of members in the Order. Once every month, Shade calls a meeting, and every member who can must attend. Usually, though, the shadow dragon masks himslef in illusions. Members only get the impressionn of dark eyes in a the midst of shadows. Members on the surface on important missions need not attend these meetings, but usually they get word of what happened through courier or other magical means. Usually, the High Council (made up of the Grand Master and the Lords of Obsidian) holds weekly meetings to settle and discuss trivial matters.
The Abyss is the residential area of the Dwelling. Despite its cheery name, all members have a room here. Rooms for typical neophytes are spartan, 15' x 10' x 10' rooms. Higher members attain plush, luxury apartments. Cafeteria's and entertainment centers are also set up here. Shade realized the need for the Dwelling to remain a self-contained enviroment, so he orderd the setting up of game rooms and the like. Shadowmages usually spend their free time in these entertainment centers.
The Armory is where the Order keeps all of its weapons, tomes, components, magical creations, etc. The armory is the smallest area of the four. Most rooms link to each other. There's a room for swords (with the magical and non-magical seperated), a room for spell components, a large library, etc. Only a high ranking official can enter the Armory alone. Other members are accompanied by a superior. The Armory is heavily guarded at all times, and requires a magical key to enter.
The Lair is the home of Shadroverllyx, a shadow dragon of the venerable class. The Lair is composed of a maze of huge composed of a maze of huge caverns and large tunnels. Shade's primary lair is a large cavern more than a thousand feet wide, and more than four hundred feet all. The entrances to the Lair aren't barred or guarded. However, only high-ranking officails can enter alone. Other members are reprimanded and punished for disobediance (note: the Order is not evil. Therefore the punishment would probably be more like confinement for a period of time, or some temporary demotion. For traitors or severe crimes, they will use death). Shade stores his vast treasure hoard in several caches around the Lair, and has a large personal collection of tomes, scrolls, items, and weapons from before the Second Cataclysm.
Food is usually bought from outsdie and magically imported into the Dwelling. The Order sells its magical services in the form of wandering magicians, or dealers in the arcane. Several rare captive deepspawn have also been captured, and are set up in the Dwelling. They provide an ample supply of food for all of the members of the Order. Several hot, flowing springs run through the Dwelling, supplying the Order with fresh water. Some particularly innovative members created a waterway system that gave most rooms in the Abyss running water for baths and even showers. Many steam rooms, baths, ponds, and pools are scattered across the Abyss for all to enjoy. The flowing water has also been used to power some magically enchanted machines to help the Order become more efficient. The entire Dwelling has become a taut and fragile maze of life.

The Mission
The Obsidian Order has two objectivs. The first is the continued study of sorcery. Shade is curious about sorcery, and believes that it might prove more powerful than High Sorcery. The Order is experimenting with creating magical items, and have had tremendous success. Shade believes that combining this new sorcery of Krynn's with the old and familiar High Sorcery might prove to be very powerful. Therefore, the Order strives to learn and study sorcery. Many agents have been placed in key areas of sorcerous study across Ansalon. Many shadowmages currently study sorcery at the Academy of Sorcery and at the Tower of Wayreth. Magical items protect such agents from divinations and the like.
The Order's secondary objective is it's primary one. The Order's primary objective is to create a gate from Krynn to Shade's home dimension. Shade came from another realm and was trapped on Krynn when the gods departed. Cut off from his source of magic, Shade is unable to open a gateway back to his home plane. He is now trying to learn enough about sorcery to re-enter his home plane. By opening a gate to the demiplane of shadows, Shade will be able to return home and replenish his powers. The gateway will also, so Shade believes, permeate Krynn with magic.This will bring High Sorcery back to Krynn. Shade plans to remain in Krynn even after such a portal is created, so that he may continue to oversee the Order. Shade has not planned past the opening of the gateway, so he would not know what to do next should he open a gateway.
The Obsidian Order doesn't do much to interfere or support the Dragon Overlords. All they really care about is accomplishing their objectives. Once the Order finds out how to open a gate through to Shade's plane, they will establish a gateway. This will permeate Krynn with magic, and raise the level of magic to that of High Sorcery, and beyond.
All shadowmages uphold their Mission. They are taught that they may pursue their own agendas, so long as they do not interfere with the Mission. To shadowmages, the Mission always comes first. The Mission is the most important thing to think about. The Mission is all.

The Founding
During the Summer of Chaos, Shadroverllyx found a portal from his plane to Krynn. Curious, the shadow dragon entered the portal and arrived on Ansalon near the end of the Chaos War. He arrived near Sanction and spent some time observing the inhabitants of the new world before him. Not wanting to be seen, he discovered an abandoned Kal-Thax near the Lords of Doom, and sought refuge. Content with his new life, Shade began to build a lair deep within the smoking Lords of Doom. When the gods departed, Shade was cut off from his home plane. His valuable source of magic cut off from him. While Shade still possessed much magical might, the shadow dragon wasn't nearly as powerful as he used to be. He was trapped on Krynn with no way to re-establish the magical connection with his home plane. He searched for a way to re-open a portal, when he discovered sorcery. Knowing that this magic would take a lot of effort to refine, he began gathering those with the potential to tap Krynn's innate magic.
Secretly, Shade contacted former sorcerers of High Sorcery. His powers intrigued many, and they flocked to his lair in Sanction. The fledgling Order began to experiment with sorcery, and they developed the Mission. Soon, the number of sorcerers in the order grew and swelled. As the Order began to grow and flourish, no one suspected a thing.

The History
The original shadowmage, Jonas Whalis, experimented with magical items as soon as he mastered the school of Enchantment. Jonas believed that the key to success with the Mission was in magical weapons. Instead of trying to gather the magical powers of sorcery, one could store tthe energy for later use. However, the permanency of an Enchantment spell eluded him. In 9 SC, when the Order was just beginning to flourish, Jonas experimented on a dagger. The dagger had a large orb of obsidian embedded in the hilt. After numerous failures, Jonas attempted to enchant the obsidian orb of the dagger. To his amazement, the spell worked. However, the enchantment was still to weak to stay on forever. With Shade's magical aid, the dagger became permanently magical.
Amazed with Jonas' success, Shade immediantly ordered every shadowmage to research the miracle. After months of analysis, the Order determined that the obsidian orb held the enchantment, which affected the entire blade. Obsidian was much more receptive to Enchantment, which allowed sorcerers to enchant things. However, none were powerful enough to enchant a magical item by themsleves. With Shade's help however, magical items could be created.
Inspired, Shade named the Order the Obsidian Order.
Soon, the numbers of the Obsidian Order swelled. The Order began to search out and approach more and more people as sorcery bagan to flourish once again upon Krynn. The Armory began to grow with all of the new magical items the Order created.
In 17 SC, a group of shadowmages were caught in an ambush by bandits. The shadowmages were killed, and their magical items stolen. This breach in security opened Shade's eyes. He realized that a group of mages should not and could not be placed in the front lines in a battle. He realized that the Order needed to benefit from everyone. Inspired, Shade creatte the Outer Rim. These special agents served the Obsidian Order, without knowing enough to be a liability.
In 22 SC, the Order decided to expand the Dwelling. More room was needed. Shade gathered all of his magic, and completely re-shapd the entire structure. He created a rough sketch of the four areas, and geomancers and miners delved the details. Brief skirmishes with the shadowpeople that resided under Sanction alerted Shade to a possible security risk. Huge compliments of Kargayat shock troops slaughtered many of the bat-like creatures. However, the shadowpeople retreated, and Shade allowed the survivors to live.
In 24 SC, the Order sent highly trained sorcerers to the Tower of Wayreth to learn more about the elusive Tower. With magical pendants, the mages true natures were masked. The sorcerers were really there to learn magic, but their knowledge of the Obsidian Order was masked from probing.
In 29 SC, the Order sent several shadowmages out to help with the constuction of the Academy of Sorcery. Amazed with their powers, Palin immediantly enrolled them in the Academy. Now, many shadowmages are in powerful positions. Many shadowmages are also enrolled in the Academy just to learn.
In 31 SC, the Obsidian Order decided to implement its plans. Since its conception, the Order has been waiting and plotting on how to achieve their Mission. They never had the magic or the strength to make a move. Now, they do. Hundreds of members have been stationed in key positions. The amount of magical items at their disposal is staggering. Their forces are stong, as is their magic. Now is the time for action.

Current Relations
Few people know of the existance of the Obsidian Order. Malystryx, Khellondros, and Sable know of their existence, but not their goals. Only Khellondros payed special attention to them, because the might be a potential ally to open a gate to the Gray. Now that Skie has departed Krynn, Gale, his heir, does not seem particularly interested in the Order.
Palin Majere and the Academy have heard rumors of a secret society of powerful, black-robed sorcerers, but have no evidence. While Palin believes that their supposed ability to create permanent magical items bears investigation, he dismisses it as veritable gossip. Unknown to him, the Order has several of its members residing in the Academy. Their orders are to observe and learn from the Academy's techniques and discoveries, and to steadily help the grow of magic.
The Knights of Solamnia and the Legion of Steel know nothing of the Order. The Knights of Takhisis know only that there is a clandestine order of mages operating near Sanction. This is one of the reasons why the Dark Paladins want to capture Sanction. The Knights of the Thorn are watching the Order very carefully.
Fewer people know of the existence of Shade, the Order's leader. Few shadow dragons exist on Krynn. Even most members of the Order do not know that Shade is a shadow dragon. Shade's existence is a well kept secret.

Clandestine Circles
There are many circles of the Obsidian Order working towards the Mission all across Ansalon. All of these circles are secret and protected. Every major open city on Krynn has a circle. The Obsidian Order has even infiltrated many governments, and is secretly manipulating the ruling parties of many areas. All this is done to service the Order and fulfill the Mission. Several important circles are listed below for the Narrator's reference.

Palanthas: One of the largest circles that the Obsidian Order has is located in Palanthas. Although the once-famous city of splendors now resides under the yoke of the Dark Knights, the Order has still managed to infiltrate the city. A large Order secretly works with the Knights of the Thorn, under false guises, and works to develop the finer points of magic. The Order also makes very good profit in Palanthas selling their magical items to the Dark Knights and other people of interest.
The Order also continually surveys and searches the sight where the Tower of High Sorcery once stood. Many in the Order believe that the spot could be a powerful source of magical energy usable by the Order. Currently, no plans of actions have been formulated, but the Order is just biding its time.

Solace: The Order has a very large interest in the Academy of Sorcery. Many members have been sent to the Academy to study and report the progress the Academy has made with the art of sorcery. Some novice shadowmages have even been sent to the Academy for serious study in unorthodox practices and applications of the Art. So far, Palin Majere and his fellow sorcerers do not suspect a thing. In fact, many shadowmages have befriended the Academy Students. However, as always, the Mission comes first.
The Order has made many contributions to the Academy. In return, the Order has also been introduced to many new ideas and concepts regarding sorcery. While there is no immediate plan to act, Shade believes that one day, the Academy may do better under the control of the Order. For now, the shadow dragon is content to allow Palin Majere to run the Academy.

Gunthar: Although the Knights of Solamnia abhor sorcery, the Order has managed to plant a foot in Gunthar. In many villages and strongholds, the Order has entered simply to observe and record occurances of interest to the Order. Many do not even suspect the magical powers at the disposal of such agents. Only a few agents have been sent to Gunthar, because too mnay would be a security risk. Here, the agents have little help, and no hope of immediate back up should they be caught. So far, no agent has been caught. No plans have been made to do anything but watch.

Ergoth: The Emperor of Ergoth has made every effort to introduce sorcery back to his nation. This allowed the Order easy access to the isalnd nation. A large circle of shadowmages works quietly, teaching many peasants and nobles alike to wield the powers of sorcery. A small council of high-ranking shadowmages also served the Emperor, and directs many of his moves. Shade believes that with Ergoth is an important asset, and needs to be controlled by the Order. So far, the circle has managed to gain partial control of the land. However, their grasp is subtle and completely unknown.

Neraka: Although the Dark Knights don't know it, the Order has indeed infiltrated their nation. Many shadowmages have even joined the Knighthood as Thorn Knights, although their allegiance is entirely fake. The Order believes that the Dark Knights may hold the best promise to new breakthroughs in sorcery. Although cruel and merciless, these traits are excellent when results are needed. therefore, a large circle oversees the Dark Knights every move. Mnay shadowmages have even attained high positions in the command. Although access is limited now, the Order has gained a foothold in Neraka. Their control over the Dark Knights is weak and extremely limited, but Shade believes that it will grow in time.

Wayreth Forest: Several shadowmages have come to study sorcery in the Tower of Wayreth. The Tower has many magical items as well as tomes and lore detailing High Sorcery. Many shadowmages have come to study at the Tower, although just as many have come to observe and report back to the Order. Magical pendants mask these shadowmages' true thoughts, and keeps the Master from discovering their secret.

The Ranking System
This is the ranking system of the Obsidian Order, and has the basic requirements to advance. Positions among the Lord Warlocks, and Lord of Obsidians are fleeting, and they usually last for a lifetime. When a postition is empty, Shade picks a candidate. He picks a Warlock to become a Lord Warlock, and a Lord Warlock to become a Lord of Obsidian. The only way for a person to lose is job is to die, to become a traitor, or to move up. Shade picks the Grand Master from the thirteen Lords of Obsidian.


InitiateUnknown-Rabble5A in Reason
ArchmageChampion6A in Reason
WarlockHero7A in Reason
Lord WarlockLegendonly 100
Lord of ObsidianLegend8A in Reason; only 12
Grand Master9A in Reason; only 1

Important Members
Jonas Whalis
Description: Human aged adult male
Demeanor: Enigmatic (5 of Moons)
Nature: Thoughtful (4 of Moons)
Reputation: Legend (Quests 26, Hand 8)
Social Status: Aristocracy (Wealth 7)

Agility: 4DReason: 9A (81)
Dexterity: 7BPerception: 7D
Endurance: 6CSpirit: 8B (64)
Strength: 7BPresence: 7A

Melee Weapon: Staff of Illusions +10
Thrown Weapon: Dagger of Divination +8
Armor: Magical Robes -5
Shield: Amulet of Protection -4

History: Jonas was once a powerful Red Robe. In his youth, just before the Second Cataclysm, Jonas was extremely powerful dedicated to the Art. Many whispered of his eventual succession to the Leader of the Red Robes. Almost ruthlessly, Jonas had climbed the magical ladder to success. On the way, Jonas made many enemies, but none dared to challenge his magic. Jonas knew that one day, he too might lead the Conclave of wizards. However, this was never to be. With the departure of the gods, Jonas' powers fled him. His countless enemies struck then, at his hour of weakness. However, Jonas was crafty, and managed to flee from his tormentors. He fled to Sanction, where he disappeared from the public eyes.
Jonas loathed his new existence, and longed for his precious magic. He spent his days wasting away his life in despair. Then, one day, a mysterious figure approached him. The enigmatic figure asked him if he was a wizard. Bitterly, Jonas replied that he wasn't. To his surprise, the figure asked if he wanted to be one again. Taking the stranger's hand, Jonas was led to the immature Dwelling. Shade revealed his true nature to Jonas, and taold Jonas of his plans. After overcoming dragonawe, Jonas readily accepted.
Jonas became the first shadowmage, and helped Shade recruit many more potential members to the fledgling Order. It was Jonas who discovered how to enchant magical items using obsidian. It was because of Jonas' experiment that the Order got where it is today, and how the Obsidian Order got its name.
Jonas now serves as the Grand Master. He oversees the everyday operations of the Order, and is the closest to the elusive Shade. Still vital even in his late sixties, Jonas never leaves the Dwelling, and can usually be found either in the Shadow Zone working on new magical formulae, or in the Lair, conversing and plotting with Shade about the future of the Order.

Appearance: Jonas is a man in the twilight of his life. He is in his late sixties, although he is still vital and strong. His hair has turned completely white, and he cuts it short around his ears. He has no beard or moustache, and few lines marr his hard face. Standing around 6 feet tall, with a grim determination set in both his face and his stance, Jonas is a commanding person.
Jonas always wears the customary black robes of his office. Many silver runes and obsidian flakes have been sewn into the robes, giving them a slight aura of protection. Jonas also always wears a pendant. The pendant is a spherical disk made of bright platinum, with gold and silver inlays. In the center, is a large orb of obsidian. The obsidian orb is the from the first item he ever enchanted, which led to the growth and naming of the Obsidian Order. The Amulet also exudes an aura of protection.
Jonas also always carries a wizened old staff carved of a mysterious wood as dark as the obsidian that the Order ttakes its name from. The curious staff gnarls upward into a functionally straight pole, but near the top, the wood becomes thin, and loops and spirals upward as if the wood were protecting something. The empty space at the top of the staff seems fit to hold some magnificant gem or orb, but the space is curiously empty.

Game Statistics: As a shadowmage, Jonas gets a Trump bonus to any spell cast from the school of Enchantment. Because he is getting old, Jonas' eyesight is not what it used to be. His eyesight is diminished. Jonas knows the schools of Enchantment, Spectramancy, and Divination. Jonas also knows the sphere of Mentalism. Because of his high stauts as Grand Master. Any Presence action with a member of the Obsidian Order is always considered Trump.

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