Baron Deiyas Sa-Baul
Description: Minotaur
Role: Warlord
Demeanor: Authoritative and Just (1 of crowns)
Nature: Optimistic (2 of shields)
Reputation: Champion
Social Status: Aristocracy
Agility: 5C
Dexterity: 5A
Endurance: 9A
Strength: 10A
Reason: 5C
Perception: 7X
Spirit: 4D
Presence: 7A
Melee Weapon: Great Axe +8
Missile Weapons: Heavy Crossbow +7
Armor: Custom fit Plate -5
Shield: None
Deiyas hails the island of Kothas as his homeland, though he has traveled
far from there during his adventures. Raised in the militant lifestyle common
to minotaurs, Deiyas was fortunate to have been born into a wealthy family,
his father a feared and respected commander. Deiyas was the middle born of 3
sons, and thusly was not to inherit his parents wealth. To prove himself,
Deiyas fought to raise himself through the ranks and become a strong leader.
Unfortunately, one does not rise above others without facing opposition, and
a jealous rival worked to shame Deiyas in the eyes of his superiors. In order
to overcome these accusations of cowardice, Deiyas agreed to a dangerous
mission to scout the edges of Malystryx's realm. His 2 brothers felt
obligated to join the expedition to protect the family's reputation. All went
well as the ship sailed its way along the coast of the Desolation, until one
day the expedition fell under attack by Malystryx. As she breathed her flames
down, Deiyas was fortunate enough to leap overboard as the flammable
beverages in the hold ignited and exploded. The sound of the explosion and
the Red's awful roar forever damaged Deiyas' hearing and he lives with a
constant ringing in his ears. Also, some of the flames did sear his skin, and
while these wounds did heal and leave no noticeable scarring, he now finds
that he doesn't experience much pain when getting wounded. Both his brothers
died in the attack and it was many months before Deiyas could find a way home
after washing up on shore. Upon returning to Kothas, he found his parents had
also died during his absence. His rival had also grown strong with support
and so rather than face overwhelming odds, Deiyas chose to leave his homeland
and set out with those who were still loyal to him.
Game Information
Deiyas suffers from two diminished senses, hearing and touch. As a minotaur,
he receives an automatic trump to any nautical actions. Presence actions with
others are never trump, unless they are to threaten or bully, in which case
they are auto trump. His role as a Warlord gives Deiyas an auto trump to
presence when giving commands/orders to others. He also receives as a benefit
of this role an automatic trump to combat actions when leading troops in
battle or when facing multiple opponents. As a disadvantage of the Warlord
role, if Deiyas leads a group into battle, they all suffer instant morale
failure if he is defeated (knocked unconcious, killed, or retreats). Another
aspect of the Warlord role is that there is always some kind of opposition
from an enemy force (such as another warring clan). Warlords also recieve no
trump bonuses when using mystic spheres.
Deiyas is an imposing figure, standing at almost 7 and a half feet tall, and
weighing over 400 pounds. His eyes are a deep shade of green and his fur/hair
is a reddish hue with scattered patches of black.
Player: Kevin