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Wow! I'm starting to feel pretty good about the way things are going. I actually had some nice days weather-wise, and was able to get some painting done. I have tons of pictures of the whole process, but a few will show you what I went through! First is the front wearing its primer.
Here's a picture showing the front half of the car "in process"...
And one of how it turned out. I'm happy with it, but it has many flaws that you wouldn't have with a real, professional paintjob. The hood, which I thought looked OK, actually looks pretty shabby when I installed it, and sometime I may end up painting it again.
Here's the car with all the masking over the previously-painted front and roof, ready to spray the back half gold.
I also took the opportunity to pull the gas tank, have it cleaned and sealed, and I then re-installed it. Here's how it looks under the car.
Just this morning (September 4th) I painted the rear half of the car, including all the door jambs and nooks and crannies. It will need some serious rubbing out, but I hope it will be decent. Now all I have yet to paint is the lower color sweep!
Thanks for looking at the pictures. I'll keep posting them as progress continues.
Go HERE for progress as of 10-23-2004.