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>>>>>This guy is good. Faster than a weasel on speed. Saw him take down this poor fragger once on a run. Pumped about six slugs into the guy's chest before the poor slot could even raise his gun.<<<<<


>>>>>That just proves he's violent. It's honor that counts.<<<<<

Zen Master{4-25-57/03:54:17}

>>>>>He shot the man who otherwise would have killed me. That's honorable enough...<<<<<


>>>>>Wanna' hear the weirdest thing though? He's a human, but his brother's a troll! I know them 'cuz I used to run with 'em when they first got here. Brother goblinized outta' nowhere back in Japan and Andy had to fish him outta' Yomi. If that ain't tough chummer then nothing is.<<<<<


>>>>>Better than that, the guy is professional. Need the job done right, he's your man. along with his brother Amos they can't be stopped<<<<<


Street Name: Andy

Real Name: Jubei Tetsumo

Occupation: Street Samurai

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Race: Human

Player: Burt Hopkins

Description: Andy is diminutive compared to his ten-and-a-half foot tall, troll brother. His build is deceptively small, but it belies a strength that almost matches that of his brother. He is darked skinned and almost perfectly polite, taking after his mother, with thick long dredlocks and piercing grey eyes that can only be seen when he takes off his mirrorshades. His gaze is often enough to make even the most hardened runner think twice about doing him or his brother harm.

Story: Jubei Tetsumo, now known as Andy, was the first born twin of an odd marriage. His mother was an African Dignitary and his father was a renowned martial artist and swordsman. He and his brother, Akira, grew up in Kobe, Japan, and began to train in the studies of martial arts at age five. However, Andy was not as skilled as his brother.

Andy always had to struggle to get results in his training. He did not have the inate ability that his Physically Adept brother possessed. He was a horrible klutz with swords and his father looked upon him with disdain when placed next to his brother. This started a grudge, and soon Andy looked upon his brother with contempt. Andy grew up over the next few years in the shadow of his twin brother, never seemingly able to catch up with him.

Then when they both turned fifteen, Andy's brother goblinized. Amos was rushed out to a hospital outside of Kobe where he spent the next three days undergoing kawaru. It was that strange quality that siblings have; the instinct to protect each other no matter how much they hate each other, that lead Andy to stay by his brother's side throughout the whole ordeal. When Andy discovered what his father had planned for his brother, he was shocked. His brother was to be sent to Yomi the day after his release. Andy pleaded to have his father change his mind but nothing worked, and Amos was disowned and shipped off to Yomi the next day.

Over the next three months, Andy hired a group of shadowrunners who had agreed to help him rescue Amos for the sum of one million nuyen. For his brother, Andy said he would do anything. The shadowrunners took him onboard after three months of preparation, induction and a matrix run to shift the funds from Andy's rich father's bank account to a few certified credsticks. The run went better than expected, and after the successful rescue, Andy felt it best to go to Seattle with what was left of the money he had taken from his father and to make a living there. When they arrived, the Ork Underground took them in, looking upon Andy with disdain, and from there that Andy grew into the fast, cybernetic runner that he is.





Spells/Phys. Ad. Abilities:


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