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The Outcast Coterie

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Nicholas of Clan Tremere

The oldest Kindred of the group, Nicholas has watched the nights of America pass by since its founding days. He grew up in Salem where he was accused of witchcraft by the inhabitants of Massachusetts. When a true warlock appeared to him, he was taken away from the trials of Salem and brought into the ranks of clan Tremere. No stone or body remains unturned in his quest for knowledge.

Dr. Milton North of Clan Malkavian

A gifted scientist embraced at an old age, Milton North is one of the more set in his way kindred of Boston. He holds no official place on the staff at Boston College, but works there all the same, occasionally teaching, occasionally using the laboratories for his own ends. He has maintained this charade for years now, and sees no end to it in sight.

Daniel of Clan Nosferatu

The horror of the embrace is well known to Daniel as his flesh twisted even beyond the normal perversity of the Nosferatu clan. His jagged mouth and twisted form have driven him to an almost exclusive sewer life. He has been known to emerge from his place in the warrens to aide the other topside members of his coterie, but for the most part sticks to the warrens he knows so well.

Cailey Leary of Clan Toreador

An Irish Immigrant of note, Cailey is a performer of music and song, taking residence amongst the artistic elite of Cambridge University. A lover of all things beautiful, she spends much of her time at Elysium to se her clan’s newest works, and also it’s share of failures. Bearing a small degree of Status, she is the most socially accepted member of the Coterie

Shala of Clan Gangrel

Most of Shala’s past is unknown to others, and to herself. The embrace robbed her of something far more than her mortality. It severed a tie to the earth itself. Kinfolk blood ran through her veins before kindred blood did, and her Garou cousins still watch. She now has the instinctual fear of all things Garou, waiting for the unknown terrors of Gaia’s wrath to emerge from the shadows.

Ghost of Clan Gangrel

A wanderer and man of chance. Ghost has been swindling the white men who stole his homeland from him since his birth on a reservation in the 1800’s. He has traveled the continent from north to south and west to east, dodging Sabbat, escaping from Settites in New Orleans, and gambling with the pros as a professional pool shark and rocker.

Eddie of Clan Brujah

Vampiric blood and a huge body size makes a good bouncer. Or at least the Brujah thought so. Eddie works the floor of a night club in the fringe area around Downtown Boston. His size and a dash of the supernatural has tainted his aura, making him an object to be feared. Some things never change though, and Eddie is more than happy to act as a leg-breaker for his clan.

Erin of Clan Ventrue

A firewoman of note, Erin is one of the more relaxed members of Clan Ventrue. Ironically her knack for saving lives earned her the status of becoming undead after saving the life of an influential Kindred. Her crossing the line of death however did not put a fear of fire into her soul and she is more than adept at facing the flames and the possibility of final death.

Ligon Krieger of Clan Lasombra Antitribu

Krieger has always looked for a target to prey on. First it was the Jews for putting his German family out of business. When the Nazis rolled over Germany, he joined them if for nothing else than to exact revenge on those that he viewed as wronging him. The Lasombra appreciated that and embraced him. However, he did not appreciate them. He viewed the Sabbat as mindless killers and planned his escape from the Clan. With his Nazi days long behind him he joined the Camarilla as an informant and to exercise his right to commit his cruel acts in a well directed fashion.

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The stories of this page do not represent the opinions of the author. This page does not condone Nazi-ism or any other hate group. Ligon Krieger is a ficticious character and does not represent the beliefs of the author. None of the following characters are based on any person, living, dead or undead. Any similarities that occur are purely coincidental.