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WARNING! This page concerns a World of Darkness, and themes of personal horror. You have been warned.

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“Behold the crimson face of he who sleeps beneath the still earth, and beware the treachery of sleeping masters. His fires will walk the land. The music of doom will herald the coming of the darkness. Four shall rise, with each a host of damned children born of blood and misfortune, and with the blood of ancients, their will shall come to pass. And when their scourge runs the rivers deep with blood, the sleeper shall awaken. The sky will fall. The earth will be wiped clean and desecrated by his shadow.”
--The Prophecy of Bernard

Welcome to my setting for the World of Darkness. My campaign set in Boston in the Time of Thin Blood, covers the touchy scenario of upcoming Gehenna. As the campaign progresses, there will be updates to the story that unfolds. And to let the curious know, the plotlines followed by White Wolf may well be abandonned here. The Time of Thin Blood represented here, is MY Time of Thin Blood, following what I wish to follow. I have also taken liberties with the city of Boston as I have only been there twice myself. Please forgive this.

Coming Soon:

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Some images from this page have not been created by the web designer. They have been taken w/o permission. No wrongdoing is meant by this. This is a non-profit page. Images were taken From the following White Wolf products: Giovanni Clanbook, Time of Thin Blood, Vampire: The Masquerade 3rd Edition, Brujah Clan Book, Gangrel Clanbook and the Guide to the Camarilla. The Chill Factor and Nightshift Banners are copyright Burt Hopkins, 1999.