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If you're on this page, you're hot on the heels of the Delaware Shadowrun Group. Not that characters run in Delaware (not nearly enough story written yet to get a detailed story for that area), they run in Seattle circa 2060. At this page, you'll be able to get the dirt on Delaware Campaigns curremtly running and you can expect this page to change regularly. Please drop by to keep in the know about playing times, character advancement and other weird happeniongs that may occur. See ya in the shadows.

FYI For Delaware Shadowrunners
Updated Sept. 23rd, 1999

Here's the skinny on Eye Witness in the Delaware Group. I'd like to wrap up the campaign as soon as possible. This thing has been going on nine months uncomplete. Let me know about when the game can be handled ASAP as if anyone actually reads this damn thing.

Milk Run is underway. Depending upon the swiftness of next game, there may be a followup.

Left Behind?

So, you couldn't make a run for some reason or other. The times were incompatible. You were already too deeply involved with other groups. Maybe your grades weren't as great as you'd have liked. It's okay to miss out on sessions, just try not to make it habitual or your fellow teammates may declare your body as cover in the next run. For those not aware of what happens to runners not able to make sessions, we use a little trick called the "Sleeper Method". Absent player characters are dubbed "Sleepers". "Sleepers" are player characters that do nothing except for combat and that's all. "Sleeping" characters also recieve karma penalties because they were not there to complete the whole adventure therefore do not gain as much experience because the player did nothing but fight.

Character Class Notes

Just as a service to other folks in the campaigns, here's some stuff I think you should know about character classes and how I handle each of them.

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